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More Office Grooviness

Whilst mucking about with Word the other day with my buddy Steve, he was talking about the improvements that Word has introduced (common with the other Office 2007 apps) in the way it handles pictures. Let's take a standard looking Word doc...


and drag & drop a picture right into the middle of it, where it normally fills the entire width of the document. There are some simple resize handles on the picture which will allow you to change it to a suitable size, there's even a crop tool right in Word (as you'll see on the Ribbon, which has now changed its focus to be formatting the picture), and in this example I've also set the position using the live preview "Position" button or by setting the Text Wrapping option...

Steve was gushing over how useful all this was (he's a keen photographer so has probably spent many an hour noodling with pictures), when I wondered what would happen if you rotate the picture using the standard rotation handle in the middle at the top of it...

Now the text just flows round the shape of the picture... even if it's an irregular shape (such as this example where I've taken the same picture and added an elliptical border around it...

How cool is that?


PS - I'm probably going to be offline for a little while ... I'll be back later in the month!