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So I'm here, now what?

I thought I had better write my first TechEd related post, now that I've joined, and especially since I've arrived in Dallas.

Nothing much to report except a minor complaint; the Hyatt Regency doesn't have high-speed Internet... and that is a bit of a disappointment. Yeah, yeah, I know... boo-hoo, no high-speed Internet, poor Microsoft guy.  But really... there are a ton of TechEd attendees here, it looks like we've filled up the place, so I think it would have been handy for a lot of people... although I'm mostly just concerned about me at the moment, it just sounds better if I say I'm worried about all the other attendees.

Other than the lack of an ethernet port in my hotel (or a Data Port for that matter, it is a one-line room, so don't try to call my room...), I did bump (literally... I ran into him in front of the news stand) into Don at the airport and then Yasser (I didn't physically bump into Yasser, that might have started to seem suspicious)... so dinner ended up being more Microsoft focused than it might have been if I was sitting in my room eating by myself...

Since many people think blogs are all about telling people what you had for lunch and dinner (at least that is always the first comment out of anyone who is explaining why they don't blog):
I've been in Texas for 3 hours and I've already had a steak with mashed potatoes. This does not bode well for "healthy eating" while I am here!

For those people who are attending TechEd: I'll be working the Ask The Experts booth on VS.NET on Wednesday from 10am to 1pm, and Thursday from 12:30 to 3:30... so if you want to chat feel free to swing by. If you want to get together with a bit more advance planning just email me at and we can figure out a good time/place!


  • Anonymous
    June 01, 2003
    The comment has been removed