Bagikan melalui the cat out of the bag?

I got an email from my good friend Tim Wragg, he is a Principal Consultant at ComCity in Melbourne, and always has some awesome emails with juicy little tidbits from the web. Which reminds me, jeez Tim, where is your blog man!? Don’t make me go off on a tangent on how people send other people great emails with awesome info, then tell them to blog about it!! Sounds like the whole Vidotto thing all over again!

Anyways, he pointed me to the PDC Session abstracts:

I alluded to the fact that there was some awesome stuff coming up in the 3.0 release of C#, and the abstract kinda already says what they are. Now, in case the Microsoft Eye of Sauron 1.0 is watching, I did nothing, it’s already on the web…please don’t burn my eyebrows off!!

So, this is what the abstract says:

C#: Future Directions in Language Innovation from Anders Hejlsberg

Speaker(s): Anders Hejlsberg

Join Anders Hejlsberg, Distinguished Engineer and chief architect of the C# language, for an in-depth walkthrough of the new language features in C# 3.0. Understand how features like extension methods, lambda expressions, type inference, and anonymous types make it possible to create powerful APIs for expressing queries and interacting with objects, XML, and databases in a strongly typed, natural way. It is suggested that you attend "The .NET Language Integrated Query Framework: An Overview" before attending this session.

Session Type(s): Breakout

Session Level(s): 300

Track(s): Tools & Languages

Now, I’ve seen the demo by Anders, on the .NET Language Integrated Query Framework (it was codenamed something else), and it is unbelievament! So if not for any other reason, get along to PDC, or even better, if you’re attending, get along to the Anders sessions.

Also, if you look at the Office 12 sessions, this one is off interest:

"InfoPath 12": Creating Browser-Based Forms for Enabling Data and Application Integration

Speaker(s): Kamaljit Bath

This session dives deeply into the new server capability for forms, including server architecture, the security model, performance and authentication. Learn about Visual Studio development with InfoPath for .NET form rendering, business logic checks (through FxCop on the server), data connectivity on the server, and hosting the server form control in an interactive custom aspx page.

Session Type(s): Breakout

Session Level(s): 300

Track(s): Office & SharePoint


He he, now, I’m not sure what “Visual Studio development with InfoPath for .NET form rendering” means, but it sounds and smells like some kind of InfoPath web thingy…hmmm, or is it? (Jeez, I’m sure I have everyone in the grip of mystery and intrigue…yeah right!) So, what are you trying to tell me Timmah?