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Info from Santa Clara Launch

QYou did a demo recovering from the Blue Screen of Death.  What is that feature called and how does it work?

AThe Feature is called Startup repair.  You can read more about it here.

Q Where can I find more information about image based backup and restore in Windows Vista?

A The image based backup solution is called Complete PC Backup and Complete PC Restore. You can read more about them here

Q What is the upgrade path from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2007?

A There really isnt an "Upgrade" from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2007.  There is a migration of sorts that is discussed on the Exchang eDeployment page.  I would reccomend this as great reading for anyone thinking of moving to Exchagne 2007.  In this case the section on coexisting with other versions of Exchange is excellent.

Q How do I make an image of an existing XP machine to deploy in BDD 2007?

AA discussion of Imaging techniques and technologies is discussed in this free webcast.

Q  If I install Office 2007 can I still run Office 2003 on the same computer?

ASorry unless you are running Office 2003 as part of a Virtual machine on the same physical machine the 2 versions of Office do not run on the same box.

QCan you upgrade from Windows Vista Business to Windows Vista Ultimate? 

AThe answer is yes you can upgrade from Windows Vista Business to WIndows Vista Ultimate.  See the link to the Anytime upgrade page for details.

QYou mentioned that Windows Vista can "Virtualize" the registry.  How exactly does that work?