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BDC Error Messages

· BDC Tool Design Surface Error Message : “Could not process Table ‘xyz’. Make sure you have SELECT rights on the Table/VIEW.”

Possible Cause : The schema of the database table is Not dbo

Resolution : Change the schema of the table to dbo

· SSP File Import  : “Could not create profile page for Entity ‘abc’. The error is: Cannot create a new connection to closed Web Part ‘xyz’”

Possible Cause : Closed web part is not configured properly with BDC instance.

Resolution : Go to the page where the closed web part exists. To get the exact page, go to SQL server. In the “WebPartLists” table, using the web part id find the value in PageURLId column. Using the PageURLId, in “AllDocs” table get the exact URL of the page. Once you find the closed web part that is causing the problem, delete it.

· BDC List Web Part :  “An error occurred while retrieving data from <InstanceName>. Administrators, see the server log for more information”.  (Very much generic error). Also if you note, you will be able to see column headers but not the data in it.

Possible Cause : Issue with ODP and Oracle Client Tools.

Resolution : When Oracle and MOSS 2007 are on a separate server we must install the Oracle Client Tools, and Oracle Data Provider .NET support on all SharePoint Servers. You can download ODAC from

· BDC Definition Editor tool : “Cannot connect to LOB system”

Possible Cause : Very common error message. Possibly Authentication failure.

Resolution : 1. Check Database connectivity credentials. 2. Check authentication mode and its credentials for SharePoint.

· BDC Definition Editor tool: “The LobSystemInstance Property 'AuthenticationMode' has a value that requires 'Trusted_Connection' in the connection string”

Possible Cause : When ODBC / OLEDB connection mode is used.

Resolution : 1.Try adding Trusted_Connection parameter in the connection string. 2. If ODBC is used, these changes need to be done,

1. Do not put quotation marks on the SQL query. The quotation marks are generated by BDC Editor and we need to remove them.

     For eg: Instead of Select "ProductId", "ProductName" from Products - use Select ProductId, ProductName from Products.

2. Do not put parameters like @pk. This is not accepted by ODBC Driver. It only accepts parameter using ?

    For eg: Instead of Select "ProductName" from Products where ProductId=@pk use Select ProductName from Products where ProductId=?

3. Trusted connection should be in title case. It should be Trusted_Connection and not trusted_connection.

     For eg : Instead of <Property Name="rdbconnection trusted_connection" Type="System.String">yes</Property> use

                                   <Property Name="rdbconnection Trusted_Connection" Type="System.String">yes</Property>


4. If the Application definition file is to be used in BDC Data List web part then make sure that there is at least one method instance of type "Finder". By default, BDC editor tool doesn't generate method instance of finder. It generates method instance of type "IdEnumerator". So, change "IdEnumerator" to "Finder".

5. Possibilities are there when we map the Application definition file with BDC web part, it might throw an error saying "unable to connect to abc_instance". In this case change User DSN to System DSN as System DSN is globally available to all users.


· Event Log : “Could not find exactly one Property with Name ‘Rows’, referred to by child TypeDescriptor with Name 'Rows' . There may be no such Property, or more than one such Property”
Possible Cause : Serialization / De-Serialization problem in data objects.

Resolution : Install latest service pack for the .Net framework used.

· Event Log : “The FilterDescriptor with Name 'ID' and Id '' has a value in Field 'TypeDescriptors' that is invalid”
Possible Cause : Filters for the methods is configured incorrectly.

Resolution : In BDC Application Definition File, check for the filter configuration. To configure it manually check
