Bagikan melalui

Traveling Again

I'll be traveling to the Pacific Rim next week (8/19-8/25), visiting several of our partners Taiwan and Japan.  I'll also be presenting a paper on Windows Media Photo at the Society for Photographic Science and Technology of Japan at the Shonan Village Conference Center in Kanagawa on August 24th.  Note, the SPSTJ website linked here, and the conference are all in Japanese.

Ok, you probably don't really care that much about my travel plans, but would like to know if I'm ever going to post some more technical updates here on the blog.  Sorry I've been so long in providing more updates.  We've been in the midst of our final bug-bashing push for Vista RC1, as well as the RTM release of the Device Porting Kit.  While I will be traveling next week, those long international flights are usually excellet opportunies for me to write some extended blog posts.  I'll do my best to get some updated information online while I'm traveling.
