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Benjamin Guinebertière

This blog is about Microsoft Azure. Older stuff include architecture, SOA, BizTalk, ...

ISA Server 2004/2006 would prevent local Windows Update

From an ISA Server computer, when you try to check Microsoft or Windows Update from IE, you get the...

Author: Benjamin GUINEBERTIERE Date: 09/14/2007

Sample Behavior of BizTalk Server 2004 SP1 with .NET Framework 2.0 installed

On a test environment, we had this exception on one of the two BizTalk Server 2004 SP1 nodes: Ticks...

Author: Benjamin GUINEBERTIERE Date: 09/14/2007

How to HTTP POST a document to a BizTalk Receive Location

I've been looking for this sample code on my hard drive again today. It will be easier to find it on...

Author: Benjamin GUINEBERTIERE Date: 08/29/2007

BizTalk explained in 2 slides

Different services inside a company work with their own applications. They need to exchange...

Author: Benjamin GUINEBERTIERE Date: 07/01/2007

BizTalk Server 2006 Documenter URL

UK SDC BizTalk 2006 Documenter tool used to be on gotdotnet. It is now, as many gotdotnet projects...

Author: Benjamin GUINEBERTIERE Date: 06/25/2007

Don't remember connection strings syntax? Use a .UDL file.

Here is a tip I shared yesterday with a customer. If you need to create a connection string and...

Author: Benjamin GUINEBERTIERE Date: 04/19/2007

SAP .NET Connector must be installed for all users

BizTalk Server 2004 and BizTalk Server 2006 SAP Adapter requires and uses the SAP .NET Connector...

Author: Benjamin GUINEBERTIERE Date: 01/14/2007

Delete Old Files script

This sample script (WHICH IS PROVIDED AS IS) may help purging files older than n days in a folder...

Author: Benjamin GUINEBERTIERE Date: 12/01/2006

Application Pool with a domain user account identity

ContextWindows Server 2003 / IIS6- Virtual Directory running under an application pool with a domain...

Author: Benjamin GUINEBERTIERE Date: 09/21/2006

franglais (half French, half English) code might be OK under some circumstances

I usually work with French companies where development happens in English because the code might be...

Author: Benjamin GUINEBERTIERE Date: 09/17/2006

UpdateActivity check points are case sensitive

While using BAM API (with BizTalk Server 2006, but I think it would be the same with BizTalk Server...

Author: Benjamin GUINEBERTIERE Date: 09/07/2006

Could not reset IIS, IISAdmin wouldn't start

When trying to start IISAdmin, I get...

Author: Benjamin GUINEBERTIERE Date: 04/07/2006

debug .NET Assembly loading

Create a text file named fusionLog.regEdit it with notepad and add the following content: Windows...

Author: Benjamin GUINEBERTIERE Date: 04/07/2006

MQSeries Adapter (Client Based)

Need a BizTalk adapter for MQSeries that does not require a Windows MQSeries server (for instance,...

Author: Benjamin GUINEBERTIERE Date: 04/05/2006

Should I deploy my C# code to a SQL Server 2005 stored procedure?

I think one of the criteria is: Will this make SQL Server cluster consume less resources (CPU,...

Author: Benjamin GUINEBERTIERE Date: 04/04/2006

Session State was not kept in a web farm

One of the ways to replicate content from a Web Server in an IIS 6 Web Farm to other servers in the...

Author: Benjamin GUINEBERTIERE Date: 04/04/2006

BizTalk Server 2006 Lifecycle short video demos with description(no sound)

HTML Source EditorWord wrap BizTalk Server 2006 LifeCycleDemos description V1.0 Introduction Sample...

Author: Benjamin GUINEBERTIERE Date: 03/30/2006

BizTalk Server 2006 - Host instance wouldn't start because of bad configuration

I've searched some time before finding this one. So let's share the knowledge. You may have this...

Author: Benjamin GUINEBERTIERE Date: 03/22/2006

Binding an ASP.NET 2.0 GridView to a DataSet stored in session

I just want to share some experience about binding the ASP.NET 2.0 GridView (DataGrid successor) to...

Author: Benjamin GUINEBERTIERE Date: 07/30/2005

SQL Server 2005: Migrate cursor developed stored procedures

In a recent mission, customer had many stored procedures using cursors. Those stored procedures...

Author: Benjamin GUINEBERTIERE Date: 05/10/2005

Online BizTalk Server 2004 training

Here are some available online BizTalk Server 2004 training available Course 2158: Managing...

Author: Benjamin GUINEBERTIERE Date: 04/21/2005

Unifying XML namespaces and .NET namespaces

I just want to share how I usually create XML Namespaces. Let's say I work for a contoso company...

Author: Benjamin GUINEBERTIERE Date: 04/21/2005
