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Serviceability - Human Factor

There is a lot of buzz around overloaded "service" word - SOA, SaaS, Web Services, and more. There are well known and established MS names behind these too.  I ran this search to see if Serviceability (ability to provide service, I guess) is discussed. Seems like it is...

My post is about my own serviceability - I am consultant, a service provider.

I am trying to keep my blog strictly technical, but today I felt super strong desire to express my deepest appreciation for services that are less visible outside MS - our own Microsoft IT, the guys who help me (and all the rest MS employees) be serviceable, help me be able to provide service to MS customers == earn my pay check.

Ran, Gili, Shachar - a HUGE thank  YOU, and Dinor - your are true rock star!!

You guys are...    People-Ready

I wish you all had such a great technical support team, and most important - great people.
