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Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information from Alfred Thompson

Alfred Thompson's blog about teaching computer science at the K-12 level. Alfred was a high school computer science teacher for 8 years. He has also taught grades K-8 as a computer specialist.

Time To Mine the Data

Or is it “mind” the data? Last week I read a blog post by Stacey Armstrong (CS News...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 08/31/2010

Interesting Posts 30 August 2010

One of the things I tell people when they ask me about why I came to work for Microsoft is that the...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 08/30/2010

Error Messages and Providing Information

The most interesting error message I ever saw read something like “Unexpected error – installation...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 08/25/2010

Getting Started with Windows Phone 7 Game Development

Announcing the first part of a series of educational resources for learning to create games for...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 08/24/2010

Interesting Links Post 23 August 2010

Happy Monday! Are you back to school yet? A lot of teachers are. If you are back I hope it is going...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 08/23/2010

Shortening the Time To Fun

Recently my friend and co-worker Dan Waters was giving a presentation about XNA Game Studio as a...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 08/20/2010

Girls, Games and Software Development

Girls play games – computer games, video games, console games, online games – all kinds...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 08/19/2010

Free Microsoft Office Add-ins for Educators

Just in time to start off the new school year, several new supporting tools are now updated for...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 08/17/2010

I was on vacation last week. I could not seem to stay away from the Internet and from blogging...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 08/16/2010

Non-Myths About Programming

Mark Guzdial attended the first day of the ICER 2010 conference in Denmark this week. He blogged...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 08/13/2010

Windows Phone 7 Sample applications

Windows Phone 7 Program Manager, Sean Mckenna, visited the Channel 9 studio to demo of some Windows...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 08/11/2010

Bytes by MSDN and TechNet

Microsoft has just started a new series of blogs that will highlight various developers and IT...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 08/11/2010

Silverlight 4 XNA Platformer Level Editor for Windows Phone 7

Interesting in developing games for the Windows Phone 7? David Rousset has just finished a complete...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 08/06/2010

It’s early August and while many teachers will not be returning to their classrooms for a couple of...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 08/05/2010

What do you want in a Textbook

I’ve been thinking a lot about textbooks lately. Do students really read/use them? What is the...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 08/04/2010

You may have noticed that I wasn’t blogging much last week. Or maybe you didn’t notice but allow me...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 08/03/2010

Fixing the Computer Science Problem with an Act of Congress

Bills get written and submitted to Congress without getting passed all the time but if nothing else...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 08/02/2010

EdChat Education Discussions on Twitter

Have you ever wondered what good Twitter was for educators? Well #EdChat is one thing that is very...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 07/27/2010

I sure have been traveling a lot lately. I spent the early part of last week at Stevens Institute of...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 07/26/2010

Teaching to the Test

OK let me be clear upfront that I am not a big fan of the current Advanced Placement Computer...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 07/23/2010

Over-Educated, Yet Under-Qualified?

You’ve heard it said many time that “No one who takes a high school programming course...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 07/22/2010

I spent some time in California at the CSTA CS & IT Symposium last week. Great stuff to learn...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 07/19/2010

Little Orphan Computer Science

The never ending debate over where Computer Science fits in the curriculum continues. Mark Guzdial...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 07/16/2010

Advice For An Imagine Cup Team

The following is a guest post by Pat Yongpradit. Pat is the computer science teacher at Springbrook...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 07/14/2010

Microsoft Research Illuminates Mars in 3-D With WorldWide Telescope

Cool stuff for us space nuts. It’s a database project with a difference. Microsoft Research has...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 07/13/2010

I’m up early this morning to take a flight out to California. I’ll be presenting at the annual CSTA...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 07/12/2010

Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) Certifications

This week Microsoft announced a new set of entry level certifications that may be of interest to...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 07/09/2010

Visual Programming Languages

There seem to be a growing number of visual programming languages available these days. Kodu (below)...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 07/07/2010

Did you have a good Fourth of July weekend? Technically a holiday for me today as the real day come...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 07/05/2010

Career Outlook for CS Students

The CACM web site has an interesting interview with Joel Adams (Joel Adams Discusses the Career...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 07/01/2010

Conversations at ISTE

Yesterday was more or less the opening of ISTE. These conference are sort of interesting in that...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 06/28/2010

Posting early this week as I hope to have more timely stuff to write about as the week goes on. I’m...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 06/27/2010

Kodu Game Lab - Classroom Kit

The Kodu team has just released a classroom kit of Kodu resources. If you are thinking about using...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 06/25/2010

Getting Close to ISTE Time

I am starting to put stuff together to take with me to ISTE this weekend. I get in Sunday sometime...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 06/24/2010

How Many Types of Programmers are there?

Paul Vick wrote a post called “There are only three types of programmers in the...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 06/22/2010

Multiple Paths into Computer Science

This started out as a comment on Mark Guzdial’s blog post titled “Skip college to study computing?”...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 06/22/2010

By rough count I went through 160 Tweets to cull out the interesting links for today’s post....

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 06/21/2010

Critical Thinking

Friday is not the day to talk about thinking. I think a lot of people in general and students in...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 06/18/2010

A Show About Computer Programming

One of the things that comes up in conversation when ever getting more students, especially women,...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 06/16/2010

Teaching Real Projects Workshop

I’ll be helping out with some of this workshop at Stevens Institute of Technology in July. Free...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 06/15/2010

Is school done for the year where you are? Here in the northeast of the US there is another week or...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 06/14/2010

Projects That Mean Something

Very often is seems as though teacher tend to assign projects that mean little if anything to any...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 06/09/2010

Inspiration – It’s what teachers do

Earlier this week Microsoft announced the winners of the 2010 Windows Phone 7 "Rockstar"...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 06/08/2010

I tried to take most of last week off. Well I guess I actually did officially take most of the week...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 06/07/2010

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