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Kodu Cup 2011

Create a new game with Kodu and you could win $5,000
for yourself and your school and lots of great technology!

Welcome to the Microsoft Kodu Cup:
A game design competition for students 9 – 17 years old.

Time to step up your game! Kodu Cup is here!
It's the competition you've been waiting for. And it's your big chance to demonstrate your imagination, creativity and game design skills to win fabulous cash and prizes.

To enter: Download Kodu at no cost here. Create your new game and once it's ready, submit it in our contest for the chance to win awesome prizes. Check them all out!

To learn more: Just click the tabs below to get all you need to get started. You could even win a Microsoft Office Professional 2010 just for registering – even if you decide not to enter the contest!

For Parents: For information, resources, and expert tips to help you make educated decisions about your children's gaming and entertainment experiences, visit

Kodu Cup Competition Details

Here are some details about this year’s Kodu Cup competition:

  • Submissions will be accepted through May 10, with winners announced in late May.
  • The competition will be broken into two age groups — 9 to 12 years old and 13 to 17 years old — with a grand prize winner and first and second runners-up from each group.
  • The grand prize winners receive $5,000 for themselves and their respective schools, as well as a trip to the Imagine Cup 2011 Worldwide Finals in New York.
  • Kids are encouraged to participate, register and learn more about the competition at
  • All entrants under the age of 13 must have a parent or guardian’s consent to participate in the competition.
  • Quick tips on gaming are available at
