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AP Java Workshop

So I have this soft spot in my heart for Carnegie Mellon University. I have been fortunate enough to  take workshops there several times during my teaching career. They’ve been outstanding and incredibly valuable both for the in-class learning and for the wonderful people (attendees as well as faculty trainers) I have met there. So since I know a lot of people out there are looking for Java workshops because they are teaching Advanced Placement Computer Science I wanted to post this announcement for those of you not on the APCS mailing list.

Carnegie Mellon will host a summer workshop for AP Computer Science high school teachers July 27 - August 2 (plan on arriving on Monday, July 27). The workshop is intended for all teachers who who may be teaching the Advanced Placement Computer Science course. This week is appropriate for teachers of all experience levels. Through lecture, demonstrations, and lab assignments, participants will work with experienced Computer Science instructors developing an understanding of these topics, and teaching methods for presentation in their own classroom setting.

There will also be an extensive exploration of the Advanced Placement Computer Science Case Study, "GridWorld", as well as interesting computer science excursions in topics appropriate for both pre-AP and post-AP Computer Science courses.

For more details including costs and housing information, visit the following web site, starting February 23, 2009.