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ProductStatuses Resource


The Store resource is available to closed-beta participants only. For information about participating in the closed-beta or open-beta program, please contact your account manager.

All Store programming elements and documentation are subject to change during the beta.

Use the ProductStatuses resource to get the status of product offers in a store.

Base URI

The following is the base URI that you append the templates to.


For example, to get a summary view of the status of product offers in a store, use the following endpoint:



These are the templates that you append to the base URI to create an HTTP endpoint.


HTTP Verb Description Resource
Get Gets a summary view of the status of product offers in a store. The service returns the number of offers that are approved, disapproved, and expiring in the store. Set {merchantId} to the ID of the store to get the statuses from.

It may take up to two hours from the time an offer's status changes to the time it's reflected in the summary view.
Request: N/A
Response: ProductStatusesSummary


HTTP Verb Description Resource
Get Gets a detail view of the status of product offers in a store. Details are returned only for products with a status of Disapproved or Warning. Set {merchantId} to the ID of the store that you want to get the statuses from.

The max-results query parameter determines the number of offers that the service returns. To page through all offers, use the continuation-token query parameter.
Request: N/A
Response: ProductStatuses

Query parameters

The request may include the following query parameters:

Parameter Description
max-results Optional. Use to specify the maximum number of items to return in a List request such as /stores/{merchantId}/productstatuses. The maximum value that you may specify is 250. The default is 25.
continuation-token Optional. Use to page through a store's list of product statuses. The token identifies the next page of product statuses to return. Do not specify this parameter in the first List request. If the store contains more than the requested number of products (see the max-results query parameter), the response includes the nextPageToken field. In the next request, set continuation-token to the token value in nextPageToken.


The following are the request and response headers.

Header Description
AuthenticationToken Request header.

Set this header to an OAuth access token. For information about getting an access token, see Authenticating your credentials.
Content-Type Request header.

All POST requests must specify this header and it must be set to application/json.
CustomerAccountId Request header.

The account ID of any account that you manage on behalf of the customer specified in the CustomerId header. It doesn't matter which account you specify. Specify this header only if you manage an account on behalf of the customer.
CustomerId Request header.

The customer ID of the customer whose store you manage. Specify this header only if you manage the store on behalf of the customer. If you set this header, you must also set the CustomerAccountId header.
DeveloperToken Request header.

The client application's developer token. Each request must include this header. For information about getting a token, see Do you have your Microsoft Advertising credentials and developer token?
WebRequestActivityId Response header.

The ID of the log entry that contains details of the request. You should always capture this ID if an error occurs. If you are not able to determine and resolve the issue, include this ID along with the other information that you provide the Support team.

Request and response objects

The following are the request and response objects used by the API.

Object Description
Error Defines an error.
ErrorResponse Defines the top-level error object.
ProductStatus Defines a product offer's status.
ProductStatuses Defines a list of the product offers that have issues.
ProductStatusesSummary Defines a summary view of the status of product offers in a store.
ProductStatusItemLevelIssue Defines an issue with the product offer.


Defines an error.

Name Value Type
code The reason why the request failed. String
message A description of the error. String


Defines the top-level error object.

Name Value Type
errors A list of errors that occurred while processing the request. Error[]


Defines a product offer's status.

Name Value Type
creationDate The date and time when the product offer was created. DateTime
expirationDate The date and time when the product offer is set to expire. DateTime
itemLevelIssues The list of issues with the product offer. ProductStatusItemLevelIssue[]
lastUpdateDate The date and time when the product offer was last updated. DateTime
productId The product's ID. String
status The product's approval status. Possible values are:
  • Disapproved
  • Warning
Disapproved products are not served. Warnings indicate that the product has issues that you should address but they don't prevent the product offer from serving. You should fix the issues and resubmit the product offer.
title The product's title String


Defines a list of the product offers that have issues.

Name Value Type
nextPageToken The token to set the continuation-token query parameter to if there are more product offers available to get. String
resources The list of product offers that have issues. The max-results query parameter determines the maximum number of offers in the list; the actual number returned may be less. ProductStatus[]


Defines a summary view of the status of product offers in a store. If the store was just created, all values will be zero.

Name Value Type
approved The total number of products in the store that are approved. Integer
disapproved The total number of products in the store that are disapproved due to errors. Integer
expiring The total number of products in the store that will expire within the next 72 hours. Integer
merchantId The ID of the store the products are in. Unsigned long
pending The total number of products pending review. Integer


Defines an issue with the product offer.

Name Value Type
attributeName The name of the product offer's property that is causing the issue. Not all issues identify a property. For example, the object does not include this field if the issue is caused by more than one property. String
code The error code that identifies the issue. For example, TitleTooLongErr. String
description A description that explains the issue with the property. String
servability A value that indicates whether the issue prevents the offer from serving. Possible values are:
  • Disapproved
  • Unaffected
If Disapproved, the offer will not serve.

HTTP status codes

The requests may return the following HTTP status codes.

Status code Description
200 Success.
400 Bad request. Most likely the request specifies an invalid query parameter or parameter value.
401 Unauthorized. The user's credentials are not valid.
404 Not found. The requested store was not found.
500 Server error.

Error codes

The requests may return the following error codes.

Error code Description
ContinuationTokenInvalidErr The continuation-token query parameter value is not valid. Make sure you set the parameter using the value in the ProductStatuses object's nextPageToken field.