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Inventory resource


The Inventory API is available to closed pilot participants only. The API and documentation are subject to change.

The Inventory resource lets you update pricing and availability of products in your Microsoft Merchant Center (MMC) store. For information about using the Inventory resources, see Updating product pricing. For examples that show how to update pricing and availability, see Code Examples.

Base URI

The following is the base URI that you append the templates to.



To create the endpoints used to update your product offerings, append the appropriate template to the base URI.

Template HTTP Verb Description
/bmc/{mmcMerchantId}/inventory/batch POST Use to perform multiple product pricing updates in a single request.

Set {mmcMerchantId} to the MMC store ID.

Request object: Batch
Response object: Batch
/bmc/{mmcMerchantId}/inventory/{storeCode}/products/{productUniqueId} POST Use to update pricing and availability of a single product.

Set {mmcMerchantId} to the MMC store ID.

Set {storeCode} to online.

Set {productUniqueId} to the fully qualified product ID (for example, Online:en:US:Sku123).

Request object: Product
Response object: Product

Query parameters

The endpoints may include the following query parameters.

Parameter Description
dry-run Optional. Use when debugging your application to test calls. Calls that include this parameter won't affect production data. If an error occurs, the response contains any errors that the call normally generates except secondary error messages such as data quality, editorial issues, and database-related validations. For more information about testing your application, see Sandbox.


The following are the request and response headers.

Header Description
AuthenticationToken Request header.

Set this header to an OAuth access token. For information about getting an access token, see Authenticating your credentials.
Content-Type Request and response header.

The type of content in the body of the request or response. Set to application/json.
CustomerAccountId Request header.

The account ID of any account that you manage on behalf of the customer specified in the CustomerId header. It doesn't matter which account you specify. Specify this header only if you manage an account on behalf of the customer.
CustomerId Request header.

The customer ID of the customer whose store you manage. Specify this header only if you manage the store on behalf of the customer. If you set this header, you must also set the CustomerAccountId header.
DeveloperToken Request header.

The client application's developer token. Each request must include this header. For information about getting a token, see Do you have your Microsoft Advertising credentials and developer token?
Location Response header.

The URL of the product that was updated.
WebRequestActivityId Response header.

The ID of the log entry that contains details of the request. You should always capture this ID if an error occurs. If you are not able to determine and resolve the issue, include this ID along with the other information that you provide the Support team.

Request and response objects

The following are the request and response objects used by the API.

Object Description
Batch Defines the list of products to update in a batch request.
Error Defines an error.
ErrorResponse Defines the top-level error object for a non-batch update.
BatchEntryError Defines errors that occurred for an item during batch processing.
Entry Defines an entry in a batch request or response.
Product Defines a product.
ProductPrice Defines a product's price.


Defines the list of products to update in a batch.

Name Value Type
entries A list of products to update in a batch. The maximum number of products that you can specify is 400. Entry[]


Defines errors that occurred for an entry during batch processing.

Name Value Type
errors A list of errors that occurred while processing the entry. Error[]
code The HTTP status code of the error. String
message The message associated with the error. String


Defines an error.

Name Value Type
domain For internal use only. String
message A description of the error. String
reason The reason why the request failed. For example, the product failed validation. String


Defines the top-level error object for a single product update.

Name Value Type
error A list of errors that occurred while processing the item. Errors[]


Defines the list of errors for a product.

Name Value Type
errors A list of errors that occurred while processing the entry. Error[]
code The HTTP status code of the error. String
message A message associated with the error. String


Defines an entry in a batch request.

Name Value Type
batchId A user-defined ID that uniquely identifies this entry in the batch request. For example, if the batch contains 10 entries, you can assign them IDs 1 through 10. Unsigned Integer
errors An error object that contains a list of validation errors that occurred. The response includes this field only when an error occurs. BatchEntryError
inventory The updated price and availability. Product
merchantId The Merchant Center store ID. Because the URL includes the store ID, this field is ignored. Unsigned Long
productId The fully qualified product ID (for example, Online:en:US:Sku123) of the product to update. Do not include multiple entries with the same product ID. String
storeCode The code that identifies the store to update. Set to online to update price and availability of products in the online store. String


Defines a product.

Property Description Type Required
availability The product's availability. Possible values:
  • in stock
  • out of stock
  • preorder
String Yes
kind The object's type. Set to content#inventory. String No
price The product's new price. Specify the price in the currency of the target country or region. For information about whether to include tax in the price, see Microsoft Merchant Center catalog tax policy.

The price must match the price shown on the product's webpage, and must be in the range 0.01 (1 cent) through 10000000.00 (10 million). However, if the following conditions are met, you may set the price to 0.0 (zero).
  1. The product's googleProductCategory field is set to one of the following categories:
    • Electronics > Communications > Telephony > Mobile Phones
    • Electronics > Computers > Tablet Computers
  2. The product's title field contains one of the following keywords:
    • contract
    • installment
    • lease
    • payment
    The above keywords are shown in English; however, the title and keyword must be in the language of the specified market.

    Typically, the title will contain phrasing such as "... with installment plan" or "... with contract only". The contract keyword may be used in all markets; however, installment, payment, and lease may be used only in the US market.
ProductPrice Yes
salePrice The product's sale price. For sale items, set both the sale price and sale effective date (see salePriceEffectiveDate). If you set the sale price but not the sale price effective date, the sale price will continue to be used until the product expires or you set an effective date.

The sale price must be in the range 0.01 (1 cent) through 10000000.00 (10 million). However, if the following conditions are met, you may set the sale price to 0.0 (zero).
  1. The googleProductCategory field is set to one of the following categories:
    • Electronics > Communications > Telephony > Mobile Phones
    • Electronics > Computers > Tablet Computers
  2. The title field contains one of the following keywords:
    • contract
    • installment
    • lease
    • payment
    The above keywords are shown in English; however, the title and keyword must be in the language of the specified market.

    Typically, the title will contain phrasing such as "... with installment plan" or "... with contract only". The contract keyword may be used in all markets; however, installment, payment, and lease may be used only in the US market.
If not specified, the current sale's price is removed from the offer. Do not pass null.
ProductPrice No
salePriceEffectiveDate The sale's UTC start and end date. Specify a date only if you set salePrice.

Specify the begin and end dates in ISO 8601 format. For example, 2016-04-05T08:00-08:00/2016-04-10T19:30-08:00 (use a slash ('/') to separate the start and end dates). For more information, see salePrice.

If not specified, the current sale's date is removed from the offer. Do not pass null.
String No


Defines a product's price or sale price.

Name Value Type
currency The currency that the price is stated in. Possible values:
  • AUD (Australian dollar)
  • CAD (Canadian dollar)
  • CHF (Swiss franc)
  • EUR (Euro)
  • GBP (Great Britain pound)
  • INR (Indian rupee)
  • SEK (Swedish krona)
  • USD (United States dollar)
value The product's price. Double

HTTP status codes

The requests may return the following HTTP status codes.

Status code Description
200 Success.
400 Bad request. Either a query parameter value is not valid or something in the request body is not valid.

If an error occurs, the batch entry that failed will include the errors.
401 Unauthorized. The user's credentials are not valid.
403 Forbidden. The user does not have permissions to use the resource.
404 Not found.
409 Conflict. The operation could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource.
413 Request entity too large. The size of the request exceeds the maximum allowed.
500 Server error.