Ez a példa egy összetett aszinkron függvény implementálását mutatja be WsAsyncExecutehasználatával.
A példa egy aszinkron "AddThree" függvényt implementál, amely három egész számot ad hozzá egy meglévő Add függvényre alapozva, amely két egész számot aszinkron módon adhat hozzá.
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
#ifndef UNICODE
#define UNICODE
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <WebServices.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "WebServices.lib")
// Worker function that adds two numbers
HRESULT DoAdd(int a, int b, int* result, WS_ERROR* error)
static const WS_STRING errorString = WS_STRING_VALUE(L"Negative numbers are not supported.");
// To illustrate error handling, we won't support negative numbers
if (a < 0 || b < 0)
// Add error information to error object
if (error != NULL)
WsAddErrorString(error, &errorString);
*result = a + b;
return hr;
// A struct to maintain the in/out parameters to the Add function
struct AddParameters
int a;
int b;
int* sumPointer;
WS_ERROR* error;
WS_ASYNC_CONTEXT asyncContext;
// A thread function that adds two numbers
DWORD WINAPI AdderThread(void* threadParameter)
// Get the parameters for Add which were passed in CreateThread
AddParameters* addParameters = (AddParameters*)threadParameter;
// Do the addition
HRESULT hr = DoAdd(
// Make a copy of the async context
WS_ASYNC_CONTEXT asyncContext = addParameters->asyncContext;
// Free the parameters
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, addParameters);
// Notify the caller that the async operation is complete
// Since we have a dedicated thread for the callback, we can invoke long
(asyncContext.callback)(hr, WS_LONG_CALLBACK, asyncContext.callbackState);
return 1;
// An example of a function that can be called asynchronously
HRESULT Add(int a, int b, int* sumPointer, const WS_ASYNC_CONTEXT* asyncContext, WS_ERROR* error)
if (asyncContext == NULL)
// Invoked synchronously, so do the addition on calling thread
return DoAdd(a, b, sumPointer, error);
// Invoked asynchronously
// Decide whether to complete synchronously or asynchronously
if (b == 0)
// Complete synchronously. We have this case just as an illustration
// that synchronous completion is possible when invoked asynchronously.
return DoAdd(a, b, sumPointer, error);
// Complete asynchronously
// Alloc space for in/out parameters
AddParameters* addParameters;
addParameters = (AddParameters*)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(AddParameters));
if (addParameters == NULL)
// Make a copy of in/out parameters
addParameters->a = a;
addParameters->b = b;
addParameters->sumPointer = sumPointer;
addParameters->error = error;
addParameters->asyncContext = *asyncContext;
// Create a thread which will do the work, passing parameters
HANDLE threadHandle = CreateThread(NULL, 0, AdderThread, addParameters, 0, NULL);
if (threadHandle == NULL)
// Free the parameters
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, addParameters);
return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
// Close returned thread handle
// Indicate asynchronous completion
return WS_S_ASYNC;
// Caller allocated state for use by AddThree. In c++, this might be a class and
// the caller would be unaware of the internal details.
struct ADD_STATE
WS_ASYNC_STATE asyncState;
int a;
int b;
int c;
int sum;
int* result;
HRESULT CALLBACK Add1(HRESULT hr, WS_CALLBACK_MODEL callbackModel, void* state, WS_ASYNC_OPERATION* next, const WS_ASYNC_CONTEXT* asyncContext, WS_ERROR* error);
HRESULT CALLBACK Add2(HRESULT hr, WS_CALLBACK_MODEL callbackModel, void* state, WS_ASYNC_OPERATION* next, const WS_ASYNC_CONTEXT* asyncContext, WS_ERROR* error);
HRESULT CALLBACK Add3(HRESULT hr, WS_CALLBACK_MODEL callbackModel, void* state, WS_ASYNC_OPERATION* next, const WS_ASYNC_CONTEXT* asyncContext, WS_ERROR* error);
HRESULT CALLBACK Add1(HRESULT hr, WS_CALLBACK_MODEL callbackModel, void* state, WS_ASYNC_OPERATION* next, const WS_ASYNC_CONTEXT* asyncContext, WS_ERROR* error)
ADD_STATE* addState = (ADD_STATE*)state;
if (FAILED(hr))
return hr;
// Set up the next function execute after Add completes
next->function = Add2;
return Add(addState->a, addState->b, &addState->sum, asyncContext, error);
HRESULT CALLBACK Add2(HRESULT hr, WS_CALLBACK_MODEL callbackModel, void* state, WS_ASYNC_OPERATION* next, const WS_ASYNC_CONTEXT* asyncContext, WS_ERROR* error)
ADD_STATE* addState = (ADD_STATE*)state;
if (FAILED(hr))
return hr;
// Set up the next function execute after Add completes
next->function = Add3;
return Add(addState->sum, addState->c, &addState->sum, asyncContext, error);
HRESULT CALLBACK Add3(HRESULT hr, WS_CALLBACK_MODEL callbackModel, void* state, WS_ASYNC_OPERATION* next, const WS_ASYNC_CONTEXT* asyncContext, WS_ERROR* error)
ADD_STATE* addState = (ADD_STATE*)state;
if (FAILED(hr))
return hr;
// The operation succeeded, set the out parameter
*addState->result = addState->sum;
// No more functions to execute, so don't set next->function, and WsAsyncExecute will terminate.
return NOERROR;
HRESULT CALLBACK AddThree(ADD_STATE* addState, int a, int b, int c, int* result, const WS_ASYNC_CONTEXT* asyncContext, WS_ERROR* error)
// Set up the state for the operation
addState->a = a;
addState->b = b;
addState->c = c;
addState->sum = 0;
addState->result = result;
// Start the operation at Add1
return WsAsyncExecute(&addState->asyncState, Add1, WS_SHORT_CALLBACK, addState, asyncContext, error);
void CALLBACK AddThreeComplete(HRESULT hr, WS_CALLBACK_MODEL callbackModel, void* state)
HANDLE handle = (HANDLE)state;
// Main entry point
int __cdecl wmain(int argc, __in_ecount(argc) wchar_t **argv)
// Some numbers to add asynchronously
// Add has the behavior that if the second parameter is 0, it will perform synchronously
int ints[] =
1, 0, 0, // First add sync, second add sync
2, 1, 0, // First add async, second add sync
3, 0, 2, // First add sync, second add async
4, 3, 2, // First add async, second add async
// Set up the event that will get signaled each time AddThree is complete
HANDLE handle = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
if (handle == NULL)
goto Exit;
// Set up the callback to use when performing the addition asynchronously
WS_ASYNC_CONTEXT addThreeComplete;
addThreeComplete.callback = AddThreeComplete;
addThreeComplete.callbackState = handle;
// Declare private data for AddThree
ADD_STATE addState;
// Perform the additions synchronously and asynchronously
for (ULONG loop = 0; loop < 2; loop++)
// Add sets of integers that will cause different execution behavior when added asynchronously
for (ULONG i = 0; i < sizeof(ints) / sizeof(int); i += 3)
wprintf(L"Adding %d,%d,%d %s...\n", ints[i], ints[i + 1], ints[i + 2], (loop == 0 ? L"synchronously" : L"asynchronously"));
// Set up how the function will be called
WS_ASYNC_CONTEXT* asyncContext;
if (loop == 0)
// Perform the addition synchronously
asyncContext = NULL;
// Perform the addition asynchronously
asyncContext = &addThreeComplete;
// Perform the addition
int sum;
hr = AddThree(&addState, ints[i], ints[i + 1], ints[i + 2], &sum, asyncContext, NULL);
if (hr == WS_S_ASYNC)
// If the operation is being performed asynchronously, then wait for it to complete
WaitForSingleObject(handle, INFINITE);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
wprintf(L"Result: %d\n", sum);
wprintf(L"AddThree failed.\n");
if (handle != NULL)
return SUCCEEDED(hr) ? 0 : -1;