
Megosztás a következőn keresztül:

IShellFolderSearchable interface

Exposes methods that allow a Shell extension to provide a searchable namespace.


The IShellFolderSearchable interface inherits from the IUnknown interface. IShellFolderSearchable also has these types of members:


The IShellFolderSearchable interface has these methods.

Method Description
CancelAsyncSearch Begins the process of canceling a pending asynchronous search.
FindString Begins a search for a specified search string.
InvalidateSearch Makes this PIDL an invalid portion of the Shell folder.



This interface is not defined in any public header files. Should you choose to implement this interface, you can use the following C/C++ code to declare its methods.

#define INTERFACE IShellFolderSearchable
DECLARE_INTERFACE_IID_(IShellFolderSearchable, IUnknown, "4E1AE66C-204B-11d2-8DB3-0000F87A556C")
    // *** IUnknown methods ***
    STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (THIS_ REFIID riid, __out void **ppv) PURE;

    // *** IShellFolderSearchable methods ***

    // FindString -
    //  The returned Shell folder's enumerator will have any
    //   search hits for the given search string.
    //  punkOnAsyncSearch will be QI'd for IShellFolderSearchableCallback
    STDMETHOD(FindString)(THIS_ LPCWSTR pwszTarget, __inout_opt DWORD *pdwFlags,
                          __in_opt IUnknown *punkOnAsyncSearch, __out LPITEMIDLIST *ppidlOut)   PURE;
    // CancelAsyncSearch -
    //   Begins the process of canceling any pending
    //    asynchronous search from this pidl.
    //    When the search is actually canceled, RunEnd will be called
    //   Returns: S_OK => cancelling, S_FALSE => not running
    STDMETHOD(CancelAsyncSearch) (THIS_ LPCITEMIDLIST pidlSearch, __inout_opt DWORD *pdwFlags) PURE;

    // InvalidateSearch -
    //   Makes this pidl no longer a valid portion of the Shell folder
    //    Also does some cleanup of any databases used in the search and
    //    will cause the eventual release of the callback
    //   May cause async search to be canceled
    STDMETHOD(InvalidateSearch)  (THIS_ LPCITEMIDLIST pidlSearch, __inout_opt DWORD *pdwFlags) PURE;


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client
Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server
Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]