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ID3DXPRTBuffer interface

The ID3DXPRTBuffer interface is used as a data buffer to store vertex and pixel data for use with precomputed radiance transfer (PRT) methods and functions.


The ID3DXPRTBuffer interface inherits from the IUnknown interface. ID3DXPRTBuffer also has these types of members:


The ID3DXPRTBuffer interface has these methods.

Method Description
AddBuffer Adds another buffer to the ID3DXPRTBuffer and stores the results in ID3DXPRTBuffer.
AttachGH Associates an ID3DXTextureGutterHelper object with the ID3DXPRTBuffer object.
EvalGH Applies stored texture gutter data to an ID3DXPRTBuffer texture buffer.
ExtractTexture Extracts coefficient data from a color channel of the buffer for a specified range of coefficients, and adds the data to an IDirect3DTexture9 object.
ExtractToMesh Extracts coefficient data from a single-channel buffer and adds the data to an ID3DXMesh object.
GetHeight Retrieves the height of the texture, in pixels.
GetNumChannels Retrieves the number of color channels used in memory to store samples.
GetNumCoeffs Retrieves the number of scalars per color channel used in memory to store samples.
GetNumSamples Retrieves the number of vertices (or texels) sampled.
GetWidth Retrieves the width of the texture, in pixels.
IsTexture Indicates whether the buffer contains a texture.
LockBuffer Locks a range of vertex or texel sample data and obtains a pointer to the location in buffer memory.
ReleaseGH Unassociates an attached ID3DXTextureGutterHelper object with the ID3DXPRTBuffer object.
Resize Changes the number of samples contained in the buffer.
ScaleBuffer Multiplies every value in the buffer by a constant value.
UnlockBuffer Ends the lifespan of the ppData pointer returned by ID3DXPRTBuffer::LockBuffer.



The ID3DXPRTBuffer interface is obtained by calling the D3DXCreatePRTBuffer or D3DXCreatePRTBufferTex functions.

The LPD3DXPRTBUFFER type is defined as a pointer to the ID3DXPRTBuffer interface.

typedef interface ID3DXPRTBuffer ID3DXPRTBuffer;
typedef interface ID3DXPRTBuffer *LPD3DXPRTBUFFER;


Requirement Value

See also

D3DX Interfaces


