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GDIINFO structure (winddi.h)

The GDIINFO structure describes the graphics capabilities of a given device.


typedef struct _GDIINFO {
  ULONG     ulVersion;
  ULONG     ulTechnology;
  ULONG     ulHorzSize;
  ULONG     ulVertSize;
  ULONG     ulHorzRes;
  ULONG     ulVertRes;
  ULONG     cBitsPixel;
  ULONG     cPlanes;
  ULONG     ulNumColors;
  ULONG     flRaster;
  ULONG     ulLogPixelsX;
  ULONG     ulLogPixelsY;
  ULONG     flTextCaps;
  ULONG     ulDACRed;
  ULONG     ulDACGreen;
  ULONG     ulDACBlue;
  ULONG     ulAspectX;
  ULONG     ulAspectY;
  ULONG     ulAspectXY;
  LONG      xStyleStep;
  LONG      yStyleStep;
  LONG      denStyleStep;
  POINTL    ptlPhysOffset;
  SIZEL     szlPhysSize;
  ULONG     ulNumPalReg;
  COLORINFO ciDevice;
  ULONG     ulDevicePelsDPI;
  ULONG     ulPrimaryOrder;
  ULONG     ulHTPatternSize;
  ULONG     ulHTOutputFormat;
  ULONG     flHTFlags;
  ULONG     ulVRefresh;
  ULONG     ulBltAlignment;
  ULONG     ulPanningHorzRes;
  ULONG     ulPanningVertRes;
  ULONG     xPanningAlignment;
  ULONG     yPanningAlignment;
  ULONG     cxHTPat;
  ULONG     cyHTPat;
  LPBYTE    pHTPatA;
  LPBYTE    pHTPatB;
  LPBYTE    pHTPatC;
  ULONG     flShadeBlend;
  ULONG     ulPhysicalPixelCharacteristics;
  ULONG     ulPhysicalPixelGamma;



Specifies the driver version number. The byte ordering of ulVersion has the following form.

Figure showing the ulVersion member specifying the driver version number

The high-order 16 bits must be set to zero. Bits 8 through 15 specify the version number of the Microsoft operating system for which the driver is designed. The high-order 4 bits of this range specify the major number of the version, the low-order 4 bits contain the minor number of the version. The low-order 8 bits of ulVersion specify the version number of the display driver; this value should be incremented for each release of the display driver binary file.

The Display program in Control Panel indicates the version number contained in ulVersion, along with other driver-specific information.


Specifies the device technology. This member can be one of the values listed in the following table.

Value Meaning
DT_CHARSTREAM Device fonts only
DT_PLOTTER Vector plotter
DT_RASCAMERA Raster camera
DT_RASDISPLAY Raster display
DT_RASPRINTER Raster printer


Specifies the width of the physical surface. A positive value indicates that the width is in units of millimeters, while a negative value denotes that the width is in units of micrometers.


Specifies the height of the physical surface. A positive value indicates that the height is in units of millimeters, while a negative value denotes that the height is in units of micrometers.


Specifies the width in pixels of the physical surface (display devices), or of the printable surface (printers).

See also ulDesktopHorzRes.


Specifies the height in pixels of the physical surface (display devices), or of the printable surface (printers).


Specifies the number of adjacent bits in each color plane. The total number of bits per pixel is the product of cBitsPixel and cPlanes.


Specifies the number of color planes.


For palettized devices, ulNumColors specifies the number of entries in the default color palette. For nonpalettized devices (which do not include printers), ulNumColors is set to -1.


Is reserved and must be left set to zero.


Specifies the width resolution of the device in logical pixels per inch.

For printers, this member should be set to the printer's resolution in dpi.

For displays, this member must be set to 96.


Specifies the height resolution of the device in logical pixels per inch.

For printers, this member should be set to the printer's resolution in dpi.

For displays, this member must be set to 96.


Specifies a flag describing Windows 3.1 text capabilities. If the driver TC_SCROLLBLT flag is in this member, it indicates that the console should perform text scrolling by redrawing the entire screen, using the driver-supplied DrvTextOut function rather than the DrvBitBlt or DrvCopyBits functions. The driver should set this flag if screen-to-screen bit-block transfers are slow. If this flag is not set, the driver is implicitly requesting that the console perform text scrolls through DrvBitBlt/DrvCopyBits.




Specifies the display number of DAC bits for the specified color.


Specifies the relative width of a device pixel, in the range of one to 1000.


Specifies the relative height of a device pixel, in the range of one to 1000.


Specifies the square root of the sum of the squares of ulAspectX and ulAspectY.


Specifies the numerator of style advance for x-major lines, dx. For additional information, refer to the following Remarks section and Styled Cosmetic Lines.


Specifies the numerator of style advance for y-major lines, dy. For additional information, refer to the following Remarks section and Styled Cosmetic Lines.


Specifies the denominator of style advance, D. For additional information, refer to the following Remarks section and Styled Cosmetic Lines.


Specifies a POINTL structure that contains the size, in pixels, of the unwritable margin of a surface.


Specifies a SIZEL structure that contains the size, in pixels, of the entire surface, including unwritable margins. A SIZEL structure is identical to a SIZE structure.


Specifies the number of palette registers for an indexed device.


Is a COLORINFO structure that defines the device's colors in CIE coordinate space.


For printers, specifies the number of pixels (or dots, or nozzles) per inch if the pixels are laid out side by side without overlapping or space between. For example, if the size of a pixel is 0.001 inch, this value is equal to one-divided-by 0.001. If the member is zero, GDI halftoning calculates this number based on the assumption that all pixels are connected with no overlapping.

Because the physical dot size for most printers is larger than the measured dot size, GDI uses this value to approximate how many physical dots can be placed, based on the cell size (pattern size). A log regression is then performed to determine what is most linear; that is, where the dots should be placed for the best coverage to optimize the overlapped device pixels coverage (dot gain).

For displays, this member should be set to zero.


Specifies the bit order of the device's primary colors or plane numbers for the halftone output. This member can be one of the values listed in the following table.

Flag Meaning
PRIMARY_ORDER_ABC Device output order is RGB or CMY. Red or cyan is in the least significant bits; blue or yellow is in the most significant bits.
PRIMARY_ORDER_ACB Device output order is RBG or CYM. Red or cyan is in the least significant bits; green or magenta is in the most significant bits.
PRIMARY_ORDER_BAC Device output order is GRB or MCY. Green or magenta is in the least significant bits; blue or yellow is in the most significant bits.
PRIMARY_ORDER_BCA Device output order is GBR or MYC. Green or magenta is in the least significant bits; red or cyan is in the most significant bits.
PRIMARY_ORDER_CBA Device output order is BGR or YMC. Blue or yellow is in the least significant bits; red or cyan is in the most significant bits.
PRIMARY_ORDER_CAB Device output order is BRG or YCM. Blue or yellow is in the least significant bits; green or magenta is in the most significant bits.


Specifies the size of the halftone pattern. The values ending with AxBM are variations of the AxB patterns. In other words, SIZEAxB and SIZE_AxB_M differ by which pixels are lit in an A x B pattern. This member can be one of the following values:



Specifies the preferred output format for halftone. HT_FORMAT_4BPP uses only 8 full intensity colors while HT_FORMATP_IRGB uses all the 16 colors including the half-intensity colors. It is assumed that a 5 x 5 x 5 format (5 bits per color) is used for HT_FORMAT_16BPP. This member can be one of the following values:



Specifies a combination of flags describing the device. These flags are needed for halftoning. This member can be a combination of the following values:

Flag Meaning
HT_FLAG_8BPP_CMY332_MASK Flag used to clear the upper eight bits of flHTFlags (bits 24 to 31). The MAKE_CMY332_MASK macro can then be used to set these bits with 8-bit-per-pixel CMY mode ink level information. See Using GDI 8-Bit-Per-Pixel CMY Mask Modes for more information.
HT_FLAG_ADDITIVE_PRIMS Device primaries are additive.
HT_FLAG_DO_DEVCLR_XFORM Requests GDI to perform generic color correction.
HT_FLAG_HAS_BLACK_DYE Device has separate black dye.
Paper in device absorbs more than normal amount of ink, so GDI should render less ink to paper. These flags indicate the relative amount of ink absorption, with HT_FLAG_HIGHER_INK_ABSORPTION denoting more absorption than HT_FLAG_HIGH_INK_ABSORPTION, but less than HT_FLAG_HIGHEST_INK_ABSORPTION.
HT_FLAG_INVERT_8BPP_BITMASK_IDX GDI halftone should render 8-bit-per-pixel ask mode surface bitmap using a CMY_INVERTED mode palette. See Using GDI 8-Bit-Per-Pixel CMY Mask Modes for CMY_INVERTED mode palette description and requirements.
Paper in device absorbs less than normal amount of ink, so GDI should render more ink to paper. These flags indicate the relative amount of ink absorption, with HT_FLAG_LOWER_INK_ABSORPTION denoting less absorption than HT_FLAG_LOW_INK_ABSORPTION, but more than HT_FLAG_LOWEST_INK_ABSORPTION.
HT_FLAG_NORMAL_INK_ABSORPTION Paper in device absorbs normal amount of ink.
HT_FLAG_OUTPUT_CMY Device uses CMY primaries rather than RGB primaries. This flag value applies only to 1 bpp and 4 bpp destination surfaces.
HT_FLAG_PRINT_DRAFT_MODE Disables GDI's antialiasing code.
HT_FLAG_SQUARE_DEVICE_PEL Device pixel is square rather than round (displays only -- printers require rounded pixels).
HT_FLAG_USE_8BPP_BITMASK Device uses monochrome printing.


The video refresh rate for the current display mode. This is the value returned by the miniport driver for the refresh rate for the current mode.

The Display program in Control Panel displays the refresh rate contained in the ulVRefresh member.


This member indicates the preferred x-alignment for bit block transfers to the device. A value of zero indicates that bit block transfers are accelerated; any other nonnegative number indicates that bit block transfers are not accelerated, and gives the preferred horizontal alignment as a pixel multiple.

This value is used by the system to determine the default alignment for window positions and is also used to set the initial full-drag default during setup. A value of zero indicates that full-drag should be on by default; any value other than zero indicates that full-drag should be off by default.



Should be ignored by the driver and remain zero-initialized.



Should be ignored by the driver and remain zero-initialized.



Specify the width and height, respectively, in pixels, of the user-supplied halftone dither pattern. The value of cxHTPat must be in the range HT_USERPAT_CX_MIN to HT_USERPAT_CX_MAX, inclusive. The value of cyHTPat must be in the range HT_USERPAT_CY_MIN to HT_USERPAT_CY_MAX, inclusive. These constants are defined in winddi.h. See the following Remarks section for more information.




Point to the user-defined halftone dither patterns for primary colors A, B, and C, respectively, as defined by the PRIMARY_ORDER_XXX value in the ulPrimaryOrder member. Each dither pattern must be a valid two-dimensional byte array of size cxHTPat by cyHTPat. See the following Remarks section for more information.


Specifies a set of flags that indicate the shading and blending capabilities of the device. Display drivers should ignore this member and should leave it set to zero. For printer drivers, the value that the driver places in this member is the value that GDI reports when an application calls GetDeviceCaps(hdc, SHADEBLENDCAPS). The GetDeviceCaps function is described in the Microsoft Window SDK documentation.


Specifies the way that color fragments are configured to form pixels on the display device. The color fragments on the display device can be arranged in RGB order, or in BGR order, completely independent of the RGB ordering in the frame buffer. The color fragments can be configured in horizontal stripes in which all of the fragments in one row are the same color. Alternatively, the color fragments can be configured in vertical stripes, in which all fragments in one column are the same color. Vertical striping is preferred, since it effectively provides three separate fragments in a row for each pixel, thereby giving greater horizontal subpixel resolution.

The ulPhysicalPixelCharacteristics member must be set to one of the values shown in the following table:

Value Meaning
PPC_DEFAULT Display device physical pixel information is unknown.
PPC_BGR_ORDER_HORIZONTAL_STRIPES Physical color fragments on the display device are arranged, from top to bottom, in rows of blue, green, and red color fragments.
PPC_BGR_ORDER_VERTICAL_STRIPES Physical color fragments on the display device are arranged, from left to right, in columns of blue, green, and red color fragments.
PPC_RGB_ORDER_HORIZONTAL_STRIPES Physical color fragments on the display device are arranged, from top to bottom, in rows of red, green, and blue color fragments.
PPC_RGB_ORDER_VERTICAL_STRIPES Physical color fragments on the display device are arranged, from left to right, in columns of red, green, and blue color fragments.
PPC_UNDEFINED Display device physical pixel information is known but cannot be expressed as one of the given enumerations. The enumerations are currently applicable to an LCD-based monitor. The driver should set ulPhysicalPixelCharacteristics to PPC_UNDEFINED when either of the following conditions is met. (This list is not comprehensive, but covers the most common conditions.)
  • The driver has knowledge that the monitor is not an LCD device.
  • The device is an LCD device but the resolution of the frame buffer is different from the native resolution of the physical display requiring scaling. That is, scaling is required because there is no longer a one-to-one correspondence between frame buffer pixels and device pixels.


Specifies the gamma of the display device. This member should be set to either the gamma of the physical pixel, scaled by a factor of 1000, or to one of the following values. For example, a gamma value of 2.2 would be represented as 2200.

Value Meaning
PPG_DEFAULT The driver has no knowledge of the gamma for the device.
PPG_SRGB The device uses an sRGB gamma.


GDI zero-initializes this structure before calling the driver-supplied DrvEnablePDEV function.

The xStyleStep, yStyleStep, and denStyleStep members define how a cosmetic line style should advance as it draws each pixel of a cosmetic line. The amount advanced along the style for each pixel is defined as a fraction that depends on whether the line is x-styled or y-styled. If the line is x-styled, the style advances by the fractional amount dx/D for each pixel moved in the x direction. Otherwise the style advances by dy/D for each pixel moved in the y direction.

The dots in the predefined line style PS_DOT are each one unit long. If the driver defines xStyleStep as one and denStyleStep as 5, then a dotted horizontal line consists of 5-pixels-on followed by 5-pixels-off, repeated.

Each of these three numbers must be less than 65536, even though the caps members are LONG values. These style steps are defined by the driver to ensure that the dots and dashes in a line are a pleasing size on the output device. The horizontal and vertical steps can be different to correct for nontrivial aspect ratios. For example, on an EGA display, whose pixels are 33 percent higher than they are wide, you can set:

pdevcaps->xStyleStep   =  3;    // For an EGA
pdevcaps->yStyleStep   =  4;
pdevcaps->denStyleStep = 12;

In this case, horizontal dotted lines are 4-pixels-on, 4-pixels-off, because the style advances by 3/12 or 1/4 for each pixel. Vertical dotted lines are 3-pixels-on/3-pixels-off.

Styled lines look better if both the x and y style steps divide evenly into the style denominator, as they do in the preceding example. This gives dashes and dots that are always the same length.

GDI needs this information so that its bitmap functions can emulate exactly what the device does on its own surface. Applications can access this information to determine exactly which pixels will be turned on for styled lines. Refer also to Styled Cosmetic Lines.

The halftone-related members, cxHTPat, cyHTPat, pHTPatA, pHTPatB, and pHTPatC, can be used in an OEM Unidrv rendering plug-in to define a custom halftone pattern consisting of either one or three colors. These members are checked only if the ulHTPatternSize member is set to HT_PATSIZE_USER. In this case an OEM can use these members to define a custom halftone pattern, based on data stored in a resource file or generated by an OEM customization module. The cxHTPat and cyHTPat members define the size of each of the three two-dimensional halftone pattern arrays. The pHTPatA, pHTPatB, and pHTPatC members point to the respective pattern arrays for each color. If only one pattern array is used, pHTPatA, pHTPatB, and pHTPatC point to it.

Each byte threshold at a particular location in a halftone dither pattern determines whether the pixel at the corresponding output plane location will be on or off. A zero threshold value at a particular location in the pattern array indicates that the corresponding pixel location is ignored (is black). Threshold values from 1 to 255 provide the dither pattern with 255 levels of gray; if the pixel value in the output plane is greater than or equal to the threshold value for that location, the pixel is turned on. A pixel value less than its corresponding threshold value causes its pixel to be turned off in the output plane. See Customized Halftoning in Customizing Microsoft's Printer Drivers for more information.


Requirement Value
Header winddi.h (include Winddi.h)

See also





