Ez a 2025-ös hivatkozás a System Center 2025 Data Protection Manager (DPM) parancsmagok leírását és szintaxisát tartalmazza.
Add-DPMBackupNetworkAddress |
Specifies a backup network for a DPM server. |
Add-DPMChildDatasource |
Adds a data source or a child data source to a protection group. |
Add-DPMDiskStorage |
Adds a specified disk to the storage pool on a DPM server. |
Add-DPMRecoveryItem |
Adds a DPM recovery item. |
Add-DPMRecoveryTarget |
Grants the DPM role permission to recover to a location. |
Add-DPMSecurityGroup |
Adds security groups to a DPM role. |
Add-DPMTape |
Adds a tape to a DPM library. |
Connect-DPMServer |
Opens a connection to a DPM server. |
Copy-DPMDatasourceReplica |
Creates a new copy of the replica of the data source. |
Copy-DPMTapeData |
Copies the recovery point data from a tape. |
Disable-DPMLibrary |
Disables DPM libraries. |
Disable-DPMProductionServer |
Disables a DPM protection agent. |
Disable-DPMTapeDrive |
Disables a tape drive in the DPM library. |
Disconnect-DPMServer |
Closes a DPM connection session. |
Dismount-DPMRecoveryPoint |
Dismounts the replica or recovery point VHD of a data source. |
Edit-DPMDiskAllocation |
Modifies disk allocation for a protected data source on a DPM server. |
Enable-DPMLibrary |
Enables DPM libraries. |
Enable-DPMProductionServer |
Enables a DPM protection agent. |
Enable-DPMTapeDrive |
Enables the tape drives in the DPM library. |
Get-DPMAccessLicense |
Gets licensing information for a DPM server and protected computers. |
Get-DPMAlert |
Gets alerts for a DPM server. |
Get-DPMAutoProtectIntent |
Gets the auto-protection setting for a SQL Server instance. |
Get-DPMBackupNetworkAddress |
Gets addresses of backup networks for a DPM server. |
Get-DPMBackupWindow |
Gets the backup window settings for a protection group. |
Get-DPMChildDatasource |
Returns the protectable file system objects in a data source. |
Get-DPMCloudCertificateListFromLocalStore |
Gets the DPM cloud certificate list from the local store. |
Get-DPMCloudDatasource |
Gets a list of cloud-protected data sources, protected by a DPM Server registered to the same vault as the local DPM Server. |
Get-DPMCloudRecoveryService |
Gets a backup Cloud Service resource. |
Get-DPMCloudRegisteredServers |
Gets a list of servers registered to the specified vault. |
Get-DPMCloudSubscription |
Gets an Azure Online Backup subscription object. |
Get-DPMCloudSubscriptionSetting |
Gets configuration settings for an Azure Online Backup subscription. |
Get-DPMConsistencyCheckWindow |
Gets the consistency check window settings for a protection group. |
Get-DPMDatasetStatus |
Gets the status of datasets on an archive tape. |
Get-DPMDatasource |
Gets protected and unprotected data in a computer or protection group. |
Get-DPMDatasourceProtectionOption |
Returns protection options in a protection group. |
Get-DPMDiskStorage |
Retrieves list of disks and volumes on a DPM server. |
Get-DPMGlobalProperty |
Gets the global properties for a DPM server. |
Get-DPMHeadlessDataset |
Returns incomplete datasets on the archive tape. |
Get-DPMInitialOnlineBackupCreationMethod |
Gets the method of initial online backup for a protection group. |
Get-DPMJob |
Gets current and previous jobs on a DPM server. |
Get-DPMLibrary |
Gets libraries associated with a DPM server. |
Get-DPMMaintenanceJobStartTime |
Gets the start times of DPM maintenance jobs. |
Get-DPMModifiableProtectionGroup |
Gets a DPM protection group in an editable mode. |
Get-DPMPGSet |
Gets protection group sets on a DPM server. |
Get-DPMPolicyObjective |
Gets the protection policy for a protection group. |
Get-DPMPolicySchedule |
Returns the schedule for protection jobs. |
Get-DPMProductionCluster |
Gets clusters on which the DPM agent is installed. |
Get-DPMProductionServer |
Gets computers on which the DPM protection agent is installed. |
Get-DPMProductionVirtualName |
Gets the virtual names for a cluster. |
Get-DPMProtectionGroup |
Gets the protection groups on a DPM server. |
Get-DPMProtectionGroupSla |
Gets the SLA for a protection group. |
Get-DPMProtectionJobStartTime |
Gets the start time of a protection job. |
Get-DPMRecoverableItem |
Gets a list of recoverable items in a recovery point. |
Get-DPMRecoveryItem |
Gets a DPM Recovery item. |
Get-DPMRecoveryPoint |
Gets recovery points for a data source. |
Get-DPMRecoveryPointLocation |
Gets the location of a recovery point. |
Get-DPMRecoveryTarget | |
Get-DPMReplicaCreationMethod |
Gets the replica creation method for a protection group. |
Get-DPMRole |
Gets a DPM role to view or edit. |
Get-DPMSecurityGroup |
Gets the security groups for a DPM role. |
Get-DPMTape |
Returns tapes in the library. |
Get-DPMTapeBackupOption |
Retrieves library, drive, and other backup or archive options for a protection group. |
Get-DPMTapeDrive |
Retrieves the tape drives in a library. |
Get-DPMTapeSlot |
Gets tape slots in the DPM library. |
Get-DPMVolume |
Gets the volumes on the DPM server. |
Lock-DPMLibraryDoor |
Locks the door of a DPM library. |
Lock-DPMLibraryIEPort |
Locks the I/E port for a DPM library and loads the media present in the I/E port. |
Mount-DPMRecoveryPoint |
Mounts the replica or recovery point VHD of a data source. |
New-DPMPGSet |
Creates a DPM protection group set. |
New-DPMProtectionGroup |
Creates a protection group on the DPM server. |
New-DPMRecoveryNotification |
Creates a notification object. |
New-DPMRecoveryOption |
Creates recovery options. |
New-DPMRecoveryPoint |
Creates a recovery point. |
New-DPMRecoveryTarget | |
New-DPMRole |
Creates a DPM role. |
New-DPMSearchOption |
Creates an object that specifies search options for recoverable objects. |
New-DPMServerScope |
Creates a DPM server scope object. |
Remove-DPMBackupNetworkAddress |
Removes a backup network from a DPM server. |
Remove-DPMChildDatasource |
Removes a data source or child data source from a protection group. |
Remove-DPMDatasourceReplica |
Removes an inactive replica. |
Remove-DPMDiskStorage |
Removes disk-based storage from the storage pool on a DPM server. Please note that the commandlet will also remove the volumes that may have datasources being backed up to it. Please ensure that you are not actively backing up data before removing the volumes. |
Remove-DPMPGSet |
Deletes a protection group set. |
Remove-DPMRecoveryItem | |
Remove-DPMRecoveryPoint |
Removes a recovery point from tape or disk. |
Remove-DPMRecoveryTarget | |
Remove-DPMRole |
Deletes a DPM role. |
Remove-DPMSecurityGroup |
Removes security groups from a DPM role. |
Remove-DPMTape |
Removes a tape from a DPM library. |
Rename-DPMLibrary |
Renames a DPM library. |
Rename-DPMProtectionGroup |
Renames a protection group. |
Rename-DPMRole |
Changes the name or description of a DPM role. |
Restart-DPMJob |
Restarts failed DPM jobs. |
Restore-DPMRecoverableItem |
Restores a version of the data source to a target location. |
Resume-DPMBackup |
Attempts to resume stalled DPM backup jobs. |
Set-DPMAutoProtectIntent |
Turns DPM auto-protection on or off for a SQL Server instance. |
Set-DPMBackupWindow |
Sets the backup window settings for a protection group. |
Set-DPMCloudSubscriptionSetting |
Updates subscription settings in Azure Online Backup for a DPM server. |
Set-DPMConsistencyCheckWindow |
Sets the consistency check window for a protection group. |
Set-DPMCredentials |
Configures authentication for computers in untrusted domains. |
Set-DPMDatasourceDefaultDiskAllocation |
Retrieves the amount of disk space that is allocated to protected data. |
Set-DPMDatasourceDiskAllocation |
Changes disk allocation for protected data. |
Set-DPMDatasourceProtectionOption |
Sets protection options for a DPM data source. |
Set-DPMGlobalProperty |
Sets the global properties for a DPM installation. |
Set-DPMInitialOnlineBackupCreationMethod |
Modifies the method of initial online backup for a protection group. |
Set-DPMMaintenanceJobStartTime |
Sets the start time of a maintenance job or stops such a job from running. |
Set-DPMPerformanceOptimization |
Enables or disables on-the-wire compression for a DPM protection group. |
Set-DPMPolicyObjective |
Sets the policy objective for a protection group. |
Set-DPMPolicySchedule |
Sets the schedule for protection jobs. |
Set-DPMProtectionGroup |
Saves all the actions performed on the protection group on the DPM server. |
Set-DPMProtectionGroupSla |
Sets an SLA for a protection group. |
Set-DPMProtectionJobStartTime |
Sets the start time of a protection job. |
Set-DPMProtectionType |
Sets the protection type for a protection group. |
Set-DPMReplicaCreationMethod |
Sets the replica creation method for disk-based protection. |
Set-DPMRole |
Saves changes to a DPM role. |
Set-DPMTape |
Marks a tape as Archive, Cleaner, Free or Not Free. |
Set-DPMTapeBackupOption |
Modifies the tape backup and library options for a DPM protection group. |
Start-DPMAutoProtection |
Adds SQL Server databases to a DPM protection group. |
Start-DPMCloudRecatalog |
Recatalogs a cloud recovery point. |
Start-DPMCloudRegistration |
Registers a DPM server with Azure Online Backup service to enable online protection. |
Start-DPMCreateCatalog |
Creates a catalog for a data source. |
Start-DPMDatasourceConsistencyCheck |
Performs a consistency check on a DPM data source. |
Start-DPMDiskRescan |
Scans for disks and disk configuration changes. |
Start-DPMLibraryInventory |
Starts an inventory of tapes in a DPM library. |
Start-DPMLibraryRescan |
Starts a scan to identify new libraries and update existing libraries. |
Start-DPMManualReplicaCreation |
Prepares a replica VHD for manual data copy. |
Start-DPMOnlineRecatalog |
Returns a detailed list of data for a DPM recovery point. |
Start-DPMProductionServerSwitchProtection | |
Start-DPMSwitchProtection |
Switches protection of data sources to a secondary DPM server. |
Start-DPMTapeDriveCleaning |
Starts a job to clean a tape drive. |
Start-DPMTapeErase |
Deletes the contents of a tape. |
Start-DPMTapeRecatalog |
Recatalogs the data on a tape. |
Stop-DPMJob |
Stops DPM jobs. |
Stop-DPMManualReplicaCreation |
Unmounts a replica VHD after manual data copy. |
Test-DPMTapeData |
Verifies a data set for a recovery point. |
Unlock-DPMLibraryDoor |
Unlocks the door of a DPM library. |
Unlock-DPMLibraryIEPort |
Unlocks the I/E port for a DPM library. |
Update-DPMDiskStorage |
Updates properties of a volume in the storage pool on a DPM server. |
Update-DPMPGSet |
Updates and saves changes to a protection group set. |
Update-DPMProductionServer |
Gets updated information about a protected computer. |
Update-DPMProtectionGroup |
Updates a protection group configuration. |