Parancsok az Azure IotHubs kezeléséhez
Add-AzIotHubCertificate |
Create/update an Azure IoT Hub certificate. |
Add-AzIotHubConfiguration |
Add an IoT automatic device management configuration in a target IoT Hub. |
Add-AzIotHubDeployment |
Add an IoT Edge deployment in a target IoT Hub. |
Add-AzIotHubDevice |
Create a device in an IoT Hub. |
Add-AzIotHubDeviceChildren |
Add non-edge devices as a children to the edge device. |
Add-AzIotHubEventHubConsumerGroup |
Creates an eventhub consumer group. |
Add-AzIotHubKey |
Creates an IotHub Key. |
Add-AzIotHubMessageEnrichment |
Creates a message enrichment for chosen endpoints in your IoT Hub. |
Add-AzIotHubModule |
Create a module on a target IoT device in an IoT Hub. |
Add-AzIotHubRoute |
Create a route in IoT Hub |
Add-AzIotHubRoutingEndpoint |
Add an endpoint to your IoT Hub |
Get-AzIotHub |
Gets information about the IotHubs in a subscription. |
Get-AzIotHubCertificate |
Lists all certificates or a particular certificate contained within an Azure IoT Hub. |
Get-AzIotHubCertificateVerificationCode |
Generates a verification code for an Azure IoT Hub certificate. |
Get-AzIotHubConfiguration |
Lists all or a particular IoT automatic device management configuration. |
Get-AzIotHubConnectionString |
Gets the IotHub connectionstrings. |
Get-AzIotHubDeployment |
Lists all or a particular IoT Edge deployment. |
Get-AzIotHubDevice |
Lists all devices or a particular device contained within an Azure IoT Hub. |
Get-AzIotHubDeviceChildren |
Print comma-separated list of assigned child devices. |
Get-AzIotHubDeviceConnectionString |
Get the connection string of a target IoT device in an Iot Hub. |
Get-AzIotHubDeviceParent |
Get the parent device of the specified device. |
Get-AzIotHubDeviceTwin |
Gets a device twin. |
Get-AzIotHubDistributedTracing |
Get the distributed tracing settings for a device. |
Get-AzIotHubEventHubConsumerGroup |
Gets all the eventhub consumergroups. |
Get-AzIotHubJob |
Gets the information about an IotHub job. |
Get-AzIotHubKey |
Gets an IotHub Key. |
Get-AzIotHubMessageEnrichment |
Lists all message enrichments or a particular message enrichment for your IoT Hub. |
Get-AzIotHubModule |
Get the details of an IoT device module or list modules located on an IoT device in an IoT Hub. |
Get-AzIotHubModuleConnectionString |
Get the connection string of a target IoT device module in an Iot Hub. |
Get-AzIotHubModuleTwin |
Gets an IoT device module twin. |
Get-AzIotHubQuotaMetric |
Gets the Quota Metrics for an IotHub. |
Get-AzIotHubRegistryStatistic |
Gets the RegistryStatistics for an IotHub. |
Get-AzIotHubRoute |
Get information about the route in IoT Hub |
Get-AzIotHubRoutingEndpoint |
Get information on all the endpoints for your IoT Hub |
Get-AzIotHubValidSku |
Gets all valid skus that this IotHub can transition to. |
Invoke-AzIotHubConfigurationMetricsQuery |
Invoke an IoT device configuration metric query. |
Invoke-AzIotHubDeploymentMetricsQuery |
Invoke an IoT Edge deployment metric query. |
Invoke-AzIotHubDeviceMethod |
Invoke a direct method on a device. |
Invoke-AzIotHubManualFailover |
Invoke failover process for the IoT Hub to the geo-paired disaster recovery region. |
Invoke-AzIotHubModuleMethod |
Invoke an Edge module method. |
Invoke-AzIotHubQuery |
Query an IoT Hub using a powerful SQL-like language. |
New-AzIotHub |
Creates a new IotHub. |
New-AzIotHubExportDevice |
Creates a new export devices job. |
New-AzIotHubImportDevice |
Creates a new import devices job. |
New-AzIotHubKey |
Generate an Azure IoT Hub key. |
New-AzIotHubSasToken |
Generate a SAS token for a target IoT Hub, device or module. |
Remove-AzIotHub |
Deletes an IotHub. |
Remove-AzIotHubCertificate |
Deletes an Azure IoT Hub certificate. |
Remove-AzIotHubConfiguration |
Delete an IoT device configuration. |
Remove-AzIotHubDeployment |
Delete an IoT Edge deployment. |
Remove-AzIotHubDevice |
Delete an IoT Hub device. |
Remove-AzIotHubDeviceChildren |
Remove non edge devices as children from specified edge device. |
Remove-AzIotHubEventHubConsumerGroup |
Deletes an eventhub consumergroup. |
Remove-AzIotHubKey |
Removes an IotHub Key. |
Remove-AzIotHubMessageEnrichment |
Delete a message enrichment in your IoT hub. |
Remove-AzIotHubModule |
Delete module(s) on a target IoT device in an IoT Hub. |
Remove-AzIotHubRoute |
Delete a route in IoT Hub |
Remove-AzIotHubRoutingEndpoint |
Delete an endpoint for your IoT Hub |
Send-AzIotHubDevice2CloudMessage |
Send device-to-cloud message. |
Set-AzIotHub |
Updates the properties of an IotHub. |
Set-AzIotHubConfiguration |
Update the mutable fields of the configuration registration. |
Set-AzIotHubDeployment |
Update the mutable fields of IoT Edge deployment. |
Set-AzIotHubDevice |
Update an IoT Hub device. |
Set-AzIotHubDeviceParent |
Set the parent device of the specified device. |
Set-AzIotHubDistributedTracing |
Update the distributed tracing options for a device. |
Set-AzIotHubEdgeModule |
Set edge modules on a single edge device. |
Set-AzIotHubMessageEnrichment |
Update a message enrichment in your IoT hub. |
Set-AzIotHubModule |
Update a module on a target IoT device in an IoT Hub. |
Set-AzIotHubRoute |
Update a route in IoT Hub |
Set-AzIotHubVerifiedCertificate |
Verifies an Azure IoT Hub certificate. |
Test-AzIotHubRoute |
Test routes in IoT Hub |
Update-AzIotHub |
Update an Azure IoT Hub. |
Update-AzIotHubDeviceTwin |
Updates tags and desired properties of a device twin. |
Update-AzIotHubModuleTwin |
Updates tags and desired properties of an IoT device module twin. |