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Spatial Data in the SQLite EF Core Provider

This page includes additional information about using spatial data with the SQLite database provider. For general information about using spatial data in EF Core, see the main Spatial Data documentation.

Installing SpatiaLite

On Windows, the native mod_spatialite library is distributed as a NuGet package dependency. Other platforms need to install it separately. This is typically done using a software package manager. For example, you can use APT on Debian and Ubuntu; and Homebrew on MacOS.

# Debian/Ubuntu
apt-get install libsqlite3-mod-spatialite

# macOS
brew install libspatialite

Unfortunately, newer versions of PROJ (a dependency of SpatiaLite) are incompatible with EF's default SQLitePCLRaw bundle. You can work around this by using the system SQLite library instead.

  <!-- Use bundle_sqlite3 instead with SpatiaLite on macOS and Linux -->
  <!--<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Sqlite" Version="3.1.0" />-->
  <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Sqlite.Core" Version="3.1.0" />
  <PackageReference Include="SQLitePCLRaw.bundle_sqlite3" Version="2.0.4" />

  <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Sqlite.NetTopologySuite" Version="3.1.0" />

On macOS, you'll also need set an environment variable before running your app so it uses Homebrew's version of SQLite. In Visual Studio for Mac, you can set this under Project > Project Options > Run > Configurations > Default


Configuring SRID

In SpatiaLite, columns need to specify an SRID per column. The default SRID is 0. Specify a different SRID using the HasSrid method.

modelBuilder.Entity<City>().Property(c => c.Location)


4326 refers to WGS 84, a standard used in GPS and other geographic systems.


The default dimension (or ordinates) of a column is X and Y. To enable additional ordinates like Z or M, configure the column type.

modelBuilder.Entity<City>().Property(c => c.Location)

Spatial function mappings

This table shows which NetTopologySuite (NTS) members are translated into which SQL functions.

geometry.Area Area(@geometry)
geometry.AsBinary() AsBinary(@geometry)
geometry.AsText() AsText(@geometry)
geometry.Boundary Boundary(@geometry)
geometry.Buffer(distance) Buffer(@geometry, @distance)
geometry.Buffer(distance, quadrantSegments) Buffer(@geometry, @distance, @quadrantSegments)
geometry.Centroid Centroid(@geometry)
geometry.Contains(g) Contains(@geometry, @g)
geometry.ConvexHull() ConvexHull(@geometry)
geometry.CoveredBy(g) CoveredBy(@geometry, @g)
geometry.Covers(g) Covers(@geometry, @g)
geometry.Crosses(g) Crosses(@geometry, @g)
geometry.Difference(other) Difference(@geometry, @other)
geometry.Dimension Dimension(@geometry)
geometry.Disjoint(g) Disjoint(@geometry, @g)
geometry.Distance(g) Distance(@geometry, @g)
geometry.Envelope Envelope(@geometry)
geometry.EqualsTopologically(g) Equals(@geometry, @g)
geometry.GeometryType GeometryType(@geometry)
geometry.GetGeometryN(n) GeometryN(@geometry, @n + 1)
geometry.InteriorPoint PointOnSurface(@geometry)
geometry.Intersection(other) Intersection(@geometry, @other)
geometry.Intersects(g) Intersects(@geometry, @g)
geometry.IsEmpty IsEmpty(@geometry)
geometry.IsSimple IsSimple(@geometry)
geometry.IsValid IsValid(@geometry)
geometry.IsWithinDistance(geom, distance) Distance(@geometry, @geom) <= @distance
geometry.Length GLength(@geometry)
geometry.NumGeometries NumGeometries(@geometry)
geometry.NumPoints NumPoints(@geometry)
geometry.OgcGeometryType CASE GeometryType(@geometry) WHEN 'POINT' THEN 1 ... END
geometry.Overlaps(g) Overlaps(@geometry, @g)
geometry.PointOnSurface PointOnSurface(@geometry)
geometry.Relate(g, intersectionPattern) Relate(@geometry, @g, @intersectionPattern)
geometry.Reverse() ST_Reverse(@geometry)
geometry.SRID SRID(@geometry)
geometry.SymmetricDifference(other) SymDifference(@geometry, @other)
geometry.ToBinary() AsBinary(@geometry)
geometry.ToText() AsText(@geometry)
geometry.Touches(g) Touches(@geometry, @g)
geometry.Union() UnaryUnion(@geometry)
geometry.Union(other) GUnion(@geometry, @other)
geometry.Within(g) Within(@geometry, @g)
geometryCollection[i] GeometryN(@geometryCollection, @i + 1)
geometryCollection.Count NumGeometries(@geometryCollection)
lineString.Count NumPoints(@lineString)
lineString.EndPoint EndPoint(@lineString)
lineString.GetPointN(n) PointN(@lineString, @n + 1)
lineString.IsClosed IsClosed(@lineString)
lineString.IsRing IsRing(@lineString)
lineString.StartPoint StartPoint(@lineString)
multiLineString.IsClosed IsClosed(@multiLineString)
point.M M(@point)
point.X X(@point)
point.Y Y(@point)
point.Z Z(@point)
polygon.ExteriorRing ExteriorRing(@polygon)
polygon.GetInteriorRingN(n) InteriorRingN(@polygon, @n + 1)
polygon.NumInteriorRings NumInteriorRing(@polygon)

Aggregate functions

.NET SQL Added in
GeometryCombiner.Combine(group.Select(x => x.Property)) Collect(Property) EF Core 7.0
ConvexHull.Create(group.Select(x => x.Property)) ConvexHull(Collect(Property)) EF Core 7.0
UnaryUnionOp.Union(group.Select(x => x.Property)) GUnion(Property) EF Core 7.0
EnvelopeCombiner.CombineAsGeometry(group.Select(x => x.Property)) Extent(Property) EF Core 7.0

Additional resources