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Dynamics 365 Sales table/entity reference

Dataverse tables provide the common set of tables all environment databases have.

Dynamics 365 Enabled apps table/entity reference contains the additional tables that are required before you can install Dynamics 365 apps like Sales.

The tables listed here are added or modified when you select to install Dynamics 365 Sales while you add Dataverse to an environment you create.

This reference includes only those tables where:

  • IsPrivate equals false

  • IsIntersect equals false or IsIntersect equals true and the table contains more than 4 columns.

    • Most intersect tables contain just the 4 columns necessary to support the Many-to-Many relationship. They are not useful. Intersect tables with more than four columns are more interesting.


The messages in this list are applicable for the entity. For example, user-owned tables support the Assign, GrantAccess, ModifyAccess, and RevokeAccess messages while organization-owned tables do not.

SDK for .NET

When using the SDK for .NET, you can usually invoke the corresponding request class which will belong to either the Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages or Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Messages namespaces. These classes have names that include the Request prefix added to the message name.

Some messages are added as custom actions for the solutions they support. These messages are not defined within the SDK assemblies but there are several ways you can use them.


When using the Web API, you can find the common Dataverse OData functions and actions defined in these reference:

For these functions and actions, and any additional one added, you can discover how to use these by:

  1. Examine the $metadata service document for details on the parameters and return values. See Action definitions and Function definitions for details.
  2. Invoke actions and functions. See Use Web API actions and Use Web API functions for details.


Events are messages that exist so that you can subscribe to them. Unless you added the event, you shouldn't invoke the message, only subscribe to it. You can subscribe to events in several different ways, for example:


This section includes selected entity properties rather than all of them. Only those properties expected to be most useful for developers are included. Some entity property values can be changed.


Columns are listed in two separate sections: Writable columns/attributes and Read-only columns/attributes. The purpose of this separation is to focus on the columns a developer can set when creating or updating rows in a table. Understanding these columns helps a developer understand what they can do with the table beyond just retrieving the values.

The columns in the Writable columns/attributes section return true for either the IsValidForCreate or IsValidForUpdate properties, (usually both). If either of these properties return false, this is indicated.

Read-only columns/attributes always return false for the IsValidForCreate and IsValidForUpdate properties.

Choice column options in this reference documentation come from a deployment where English is the base language. Some choice options can vary depending on the base language selected when the environment is created. These differences more closely align to options that best suite the language or culture. You are free to customize these options by changing the labels or adding and removing options as needed.


The EntityMetadata class includes three properties to represent relationships:

Property Type Description
OneToManyRelationships OneToManyRelationshipMetadata[] Gets the array of one-to-many relationships for the entity.
ManyToOneRelationships OneToManyRelationshipMetadata[] Gets the array of many-to-one relationships for the entity.
ManyToManyRelationships ManyToManyRelationshipMetadata[] Gets the array of many-to-many relationships for the entity.


It is important to keep in mind that while each table lists those relationships that apply to it, each relationship is shared by both tables. The relationships exist between the tables. While One-To-Many relationships exist, Many-to-One relationships are simply a view of a One-To-Many relationship from the referencing table.

Many-to-One relationships

Includes these OneToManyRelationship properties:

Property Description
ReferencedEntity The logical name of the related table.
ReferencedAttribute The logical name of primary key of the related table.
ReferencingEntity The logical name of the related table that has the lookup column.
ReferencingAttribute The logical name of the lookup column in the related table that contains a reference to primary key of the primary table.
IsHierarchical Whether the relationship represents a self-referential hierarchical relationship
CascadeConfiguration Data that describes which operations performed on the parent entity will cascade down to related entities.
More information: Cascade configuration

One-to-many relationships

Includes these OneToManyRelationship properties:

Property Description
ReferencingEntity The logical name of the related table.
ReferencingAttribute The logical name of the column in the related table that contains a reference to primary key of the primary table.
IsCustomizable Whether the properties of the relationship can be changed.
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName The name of the Web API collection-valued navigation property for this relationship.
More information: Web API Navigation Properties
AssociatedMenuConfiguration Data used by model-driven apps to control whether and how the related entity data can be accessed in the UI from the primary entity.

Many-to-many relationships

Each many-to-many relationship includes Entity1LogicalName and Entity2LogicalName. For this documentation, relationship details are provided in the context of the current table. Whether it is Entity1 or Entity2 isn't really important.

For each many-to-many relationship the following properties are included:

Property Description
IntersectEntityName The logical name of the intersect table that supports this many-to-many relationship.
You can use this value when joining table columns using FetchXml
IsCustomizable Whether the properties of the relationship can be changed.
SchemaName The schema name of the relationship.
IntersectAttribute The name of the column in the intersect table that is the primary key for records of this type.
NavigationPropertyName The name of the Web API collection-valued navigation property for this relationship.
More information: Web API Navigation Properties
AssociatedMenuConfiguration Data used by model-driven apps to control whether and how the second table data can be accessed in the UI from this table.

In the rare case where a many-to-many relationship is self-referencing, such as for Connection Role (ConnectionRole) connectionroleassociation_association, Entity1 or Entity2 is prepended to the property.

Property Value
Entity1IntersectAttribute The name of the column in the intersect table that is the primary key for records of this type as the first table.
Entity2IntersectAttribute The name of the column in the intersect table that is the primary key for records of this type as the second table.
Entity1NavigationPropertyName The name of the Web API collection-valued navigation property for this relationship as the first table.
Entity2NavigationPropertyName The name of the Web API collection-valued navigation property for this relationship as the second table.
Entity1AssociatedMenuConfiguration Data used by model-driven apps to control whether and how the second table data can be accessed in the UI from this table as the first table.
Entity2AssociatedMenuConfiguration Data used by model-driven apps to control whether and how the second table data can be accessed in the UI from this table as the second table