Android, iOS, MacCatalyst, Windows, and Tizen offer unique operating system and platform APIs that developers have access to all in C# leveraging .NET. Essentials provides a single cross-platform API that works with any .NET MAUI application that can be accessed from shared code no matter how the user interface is created.
.NET MAUI Community Toolkit Essentials
The .NET MAUI Community Toolkit provides a collection of cross-platform APIs for their applications. Here are the APIs provided by the toolkit:
Essential | Description |
AppTheme Resources |
With AppThemeObject and AppThemeColor you can create theme aware resources for your application that automatically update when the device theme updates. |
Badge |
The Badge allows developers to set the app icon badge number on the homescreen. |
FolderPicker |
The FolderPicker allows picking a folder from the file system. |
FileSaver |
The FileSaver provides the ability to select target folder and save files to the file system. |
SpeechToText |
The SpeechToText provides the ability to convert speech to text. |
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.NET MAUI Community Toolkit