.NET MAUI Behaviors
.NET Multi-platform App UI (.NET MAUI) behaviors let you add functionality to user interface controls without having to subclass them. Instead, the functionality is implemented in a behavior class and attached to the control as if it was part of the control itself.
For further information on Behaviors please refer to the .NET MAUI documentation.
.NET MAUI Community Toolkit Behaviors
The .NET MAUI Community Toolkit provides a collection of pre-built, reusable behaviors to make developers lives easier. Here are the behaviors provided by the toolkit:
Behavior | Description |
AnimationBehavior |
The AnimationBehavior is a Behavior that provides the ability to animate any VisualElement it is attached to. |
CharactersValidationBehavior |
The CharactersValidationBehavior is a Behavior that allows the user to validate text input depending on specified parameters. |
EmailValidationBehavior |
The EmailValidationBehavior is a Behavior that allows users to determine whether or not text input is a valid e-mail address. |
EventToCommandBehavior |
The EventToCommandBehavior is a behavior that allows the user to invoke a Command through an Event . It is designed to associate Commands to events exposed by controls that were not designed to support Commands. It allows you to map any arbitrary event on a control to a Command. |
IconTintColorBehavior |
The IconTintColorBehavior is a behavior that allows you to tint an image. |
ImageTouchBehavior |
The ImageTouchBehavior extends the TouchBehavior by providing the ability to customize Image elements based on touch, mouse click and hover events. |
MaskedBehavior |
The MaskedBehavior is a Behavior that allows the user to define an input mask for data entry. |
MaxLengthReachedBehavior |
The MaxLengthReachedBehavior is a behavior that allows the user to trigger an action when a user has reached the maximum length allowed on an InputView . |
MultiValidationBehavior |
The MultiValidationBehavior is a Behavior that allows the user to combine multiple validators to validate text input depending on specified parameters. |
NumericValidationBehavior |
The NumericValidationBehavior is a Behavior that allows the user to determine if text input is a valid numeric value. |
ProgressBarAnimationBehavior |
The ProgressBarAnimationBehavior animates a ProgressBar from its current Progress value to a provided value over time. |
RequiredStringValidationBehavior |
The RequiredStringValidationBehavior is a Behavior that allows the user to determine if text input is equal to specific text. |
SelectAllTextBehavior |
The SelectAllTextBehavior is a Behavior that allows selecting all text in an InputView (e.g. an Entry or Editor ) when it becomes focused. |
SetFocusOnEntryCompletedBehavior |
The SetFocusOnEntryCompletedBehavior is a Behavior that gives focus to a specified VisualElement when an Entry is completed. |
StatusBarBehavior |
The StatusBarBehavior is a Behavior that allows you to customize the color and style of your device statusbar. |
TextValidationBehavior |
The TextValidationBehavior is a Behavior that allows the user to validate a given text depending on specified parameters. |
TouchBehavior |
The TouchBehavior is a Behavior that provides the ability to interact with any VisualElement based on touch, mouse click and hover events. |
UriValidationBehavior |
The UriValidationBehavior is a Behavior that allows users to determine whether or not text input is a valid URI. |
UserStoppedTypingBehavior |
The UserStoppedTypingBehavior is a behavior that allows the user to trigger an action when a user has stopped data input an Entry . |
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.NET MAUI Community Toolkit