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BPEL Import (BizTalk Server Sample)

The BPEL Import sample demonstrates how to create an orchestration from a Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) process description and its related artifacts.

What This Sample Does

Wide World Importers is a shipping company that provides automated shipping services to retailers. Specifically, Wide World Importers enables retailers to:

  • Request order shipments

  • Track shipments

  • Confirm shipments

  • Confirm invoicing and payment for shipments

    While the availability of these services can be represented by using a Web Services Description Language (WSDL) document, a BPEL document describes the typical way in which the product companies are expected to call the services and how to expect responses from Wide World Importers.

    When Northwind Traders hires Wide World Importers to handle their shipping, they are provided a BPEL file and some related artifacts that describe the entire interaction. Using the BPEL file, Northwind Traders creates a BizTalk Server application (BPELShipping) to automatically process orders through Wide World Importers.

    This sample walks you through this scenario in which the BPELShipping application:

  1. Receives an order from the Northwind Traders customer order system.

  2. Sends a shipping request to Wide World Importers and requests confirmation.

  3. Receives shipment request confirmation from Wide World Importers.

  4. Receives pickup notification from Wide World Importers.

  5. Receives shipment status messages up to and including when the shipment has been received by the customer.

  6. Receives an invoice from Wide World Importers.

  7. Responds to Wide World Importers with an invoice acknowledgment.

  8. Receives a payment confirmation from Wide World Importers.

  9. Sends a final shipping confirmation to the ordering system.

    A separate BizTalk application (ShipperProcess) is used to simulate Wide World Importers for this sample. The BPELShipping application communicates with ShipperProcess by using the FILE transport, which uses common file system locations for the communication.

How This Sample is Designed and Why

BPEL for Web services is an XML-based language to describe the business process so that it can be easily shared across different companies who want to do business with each other using Web services. BPEL describes how to handle the business process at the business protocol level, but it does not describe the internal process in a company, such as the steps a company would take to process a purchase order after receiving it from a partner. This sample is designed to show you how to import BPEL and corresponding WSDL files, convert them into an orchestration, and then start to run the business process with the partner.

The following is the step-by-step procedure showing how to import the BPEL and WSDL files and convert them into an orchestration to interact with a prebuilt BizTalk application (ShipperProcess). If you complete the following steps, you do not need to perform the steps described in "To build and initialize the BPELShipping application".

To import from BPEL and build a working solution

  1. In Microsoft Visual Studio, on the File menu, click New, and then click Project.


    Before completing this procedure, you must set up the ShipperProcess application to create the supporting processes and schema projects.

  2. In the New Project dialog box, in the Project Types pane, select BizTalk (Projects). In the Templates pane, select BizTalk (Server) BPEL Import Project.

  3. In the Name box, enter BPELShipping.


    If you use a different name, you may experience problems with the final binding step.

  4. Select a location for the project, and then click OK to start the BPEL Import Wizard.

  5. On the Welcome page, click Next.

  6. On the Select BPEL, WSDL, and XSD Files page, click Browse.

  7. Select all the files from the <Samples Path>\Orchestrations\BPELImport\BPELSource folder, click Open, and then click Next.


    In this step, you select the BPEL and WSDL files to describe the business process and the XSD files to represent the business document schemas.

  8. On the Select WSDL Files for Invoked WebServices page, click Finish.

  9. After the BPEL Import Wizard reports a successful import, close the wizard. The project is now created.

  10. At the Visual Studio command prompt, change directory (cd) to the project location.

  11. Run the following command:

    sn –k BPELShipping.snk

  12. In Solution Explorer, right-click the BPELShipping project, and then click Properties.

  13. Under Common Properties\Assembly, select the assembly key file BPELShipping.snk created in step 11, and then click OK.

  14. In Solution Explorer, select all the .xsd files and delete them.

  15. In Solution Explorer, select Add Reference, and on the Projects tab, click Browse.

  16. Select ShippingSchemas.dll from the location <Samples Path>\Orchestrations\BPELImport\Solution\ShipperProcess\ShippingSchemas\bin\Development, and then click OK.


    The section "To build and initialize the ShipperProcess application" has instructions on how to build this.

  17. In Solution Explorer, double-click OrderShippingProcess.bpel.odx.

  18. On the View menu, select Other Windows/Orchestration View.

  19. In the Orchestration View window, right-click Orchestration Properties and then click Properties Window.

  20. In the Properties window, set the Orchestration Exportable property to False.

  21. In Solution Explorer, double-click OrderShipping.wsdl.odx.

  22. In the Orchestration View window, expand Types/Multipart Message Types.

  23. Expand InvoiceAckMessageType and then click InvoiceAckMessagePart.

  24. In the Properties window, expand the Type field, and select Schemas/Select from referenced Assembly.

  25. In the Select Artifact Type dialog box, click ShippingSchemas, select the Imported_InvoiceAckMessage type, and then click OK.


    In steps 23 through 25, you replace the message type of the services that participate in the BPEL process to the corresponding message types described in the ShippingSchemas.

  26. Repeat steps 23 through 25 for each message type using the following values.

    Message part Message type
    InvoiceMessagePart ShippingSchemas.Imported_InvoiceMessage
    OrderAckMessagePart ShippingSchemas.Imported_OrderAckMessage
    OrderMessagePart ShippingSchemas.Imported_OrderMessage
    PaymentConfirmationMessagePart ShippingSchemas.Imported_PaymentConfirmationMessage
    PickupNotificationMessagePart ShippingSchemas.Imported_PickupNotificationMessage
    ShipConfirmationMessagePart ShippingSchemas.Imported_ShipConfirmationMessage
    ShippingHistoryPart ShippingSchemas.Imported_ShippingHistory
    ShipRequestAckMessagePart ShippingSchemas.Imported_ShipRequestAckMessage
    ShipRequestMessagePart ShippingSchemas.Imported_ShipRequestMessage
    ShipStatusMessagePart ShippingSchemas.Imported_ShipStatusMessage
  27. In Solution Explorer, right-click the BPELShipping project, point to Add, and then click Existing Item.

  28. Select all the .btm files from the location <Samples Path>\Orchestrations\BPELImport\Solution\BPELShipping\BPELShipping.

  29. In the Orchestration View window, locate the Message Assignment shape named MessageAssignment_1 in ConstructMessage1 and delete it.

  30. From the Toolbox, drag a Transform shape into the ConstructMessage1 shape.

  31. In the Properties window, click the ellipsis button () and open the Transform Configuration dialog box.

  32. Select Existing Map.

  33. Select the fully qualified map name as BPELShipping.Order2ShipRequest.

  34. Select the source as order.OrderMessagePart.

  35. Select the destination as ship_request.ShipRequestMessagePart and click OK.

  36. Repeat steps 29 through 35 for each of the Message Assignment shapes and replace them with Transform shapes according to the following table.

    Shape to replace Map to use Source document Destination document
    MessageAssignment_2 BPELShipping.Order2OrderAck order.OrderMessagePart order_ack.OrderAckMessagePart
    MessageAssignment_3 BPELShipping.Order2OrderNAck order.OrderMessagePart order_ack.OrderAckMessagePart
    MessageAssignment_4 BPELShipping.Order2ShipHistory order.OrderMessagePart ship_history.ShippingHistoryPart
    MessageAssignment_5 BPELShipping.ShipHistory2Completed order.OrderMessagePart ship_history.ShippingHistoryPart
    MessageAssignment_6 BPELShipping.Invoice2Ack invoice.InvoiceMessagePart invoice_ack.InvoiceAckMessagePart
    MessageAssignment_7 BPELShipping.Order2FinalConfirmation order.OrderMessagePart order_shipped.OrderAckMessagePart
  37. Save the orchestration.

  38. Double-click Rule_1 in the Decide shape Decision_1.

  39. In BizTalk Expression Editor, replace

    ship_request_ack(BPELShipping.Ship_Acknowledged) == true


    ship_request_ack(ShippingSchemas.Ship_Acknowledged) == true

  40. Double-click the Loop shape named Loop_1.

  41. In BizTalk Expression Editor, replace

    ship_history(BPELShipping.Ship_Completed) == true


    ship_history(ShippingSchemas.Ship_Completed) == true

  42. Double-click Rule_2 in the Decide shape Decision_2.

  43. In BizTalk Expression Editor, replace

    ship_status(BPELShipping.ShipStatus) == "DONE"


    ship_status(ShippingSchemas.ShipStatus) == "DONE"

  44. In the Orchestration View, expand Types/Correlation Types and click OrderCorrelationSet_Type\.

  45. In the Properties window, click the ellipsis button () on Correlation Properties.

  46. In the Properties to correlate on pane, click BPELShipping.OrderID, and then click Remove.

  47. In the Available Properties pane, expand Shipping Schemas, select Order ID, and then click Add.

  48. Click OK.

  49. Save all the files and build the solution.

  50. Deploy the solution.

  51. Browse to the location <Samples Path>\Orchestrations\BPELImport\Solution\BPELShipping and double-click BindAndStartOnly.bat to bind and start the orchestration.

Where to Find This Sample

<Samples Path>\Orchestrations\BPELImport

The following table shows the files in this sample and describes their purpose.

File(s) Description
BPELSource\InvoiceAckMessage.xsd Invoice acknowledgment schema.
BPELSource\InvoiceMessage.xsd Invoice schema.
BPELSource\OrderAckMessage.xsd Order acknowledgment schema.
BPELSource\OrderHeader.xsd Order header schema.
BPELSource\OrderMessage.xsd Order message schema.
BPELSource\OrderShipping.wsdl WSDL file referred to by BPEL.
BPELSource\OrderShippingProcess.bpel BPEL process flow.
BPELSource\PaymentConfirmationMessage.xsd Payment confirmation message.
BPELSource\PickupNotificationMessage.xsd Pickup notification message.
BPELSource\ShipConfirmationMessage.xsd Shipment confirmation message.
BPELSource\ShippingHistory.xsd Shipping history document.
BPELSource\ShipRequestAckMessage.xsd Ship request acknowledgment.
BPELSource\ShipRequestMessage.xsd Ship request message.
BPELSource\ShipStatusMessage.xsd Ship status message.
Solution\bindings\BPELBindings.xml Binding file specifying port bindings for the BPELShipping orchestration.
Solution\bindings\ShipperBindings.xml Binding file specifying port bindings for the ShipperProcess orchestration.
Solution\BPELShipping\BindAndStartOnly.bat Batch file to use for binding and starting the BPELImport orchestration after it has been built manually and deployed.
Solution\BPELShipping\cleanup.bat Batch file to use to remove the BPELShipping process.
Solution\BPELShipping\Setup.bat Batch file to use to install and start the provided BPELShipping sample.
Solution\BPELShipping\BPELShipping.sln The prebuilt BPELShipping sample.
olution\BPELShipping\BPELShipping\Invoice2Ack.btm Invoice to invoice acknowledgment map.
Solution\BPELShipping\BPELShipping\Order2FinalConfirmation.btm Map to convert from Order message to final shipment confirmation.
Solution\BPELShipping\BPELShipping\Order2OrderAck.btm Map to convert from Order message to order acknowledgment.
Solution\BPELShipping\BPELShipping\Order2OrderNack.btm Map to convert from Order message to order negative acknowledgment.
Solution\BPELShipping\BPELShipping\Order2ShipHistory.btm Map to convert from Order message to Shipping history document.
Solution\BPELShipping\BPELShipping\Order2ShipRequest.btm Map to convert from Order message to order Shipping request.
Solution\BPELShipping\BPELShipping\ShipRequest2Completed.btm Map to set the Shipping history to completed.
Solution\ShipperProcess\setup.bat Batch file to build, deploy, bind, and start the ShipperProcess helper orchestration and its ports.
Solution\ShipperProcess\cleanup.bat Batch file to stop, unenlist, and undeploy the ShipperProcess helper orchestration and its ports.

Building and Initializing This Sample

The first step is to build and initialize the ShipperProcess application used to simulate Wide World Importers.

To build and initialize the ShipperProcess application

  1. Start Visual Studio Command Prompt.

  2. From the Visual Studio command prompt, change directory (cd) to the following folder:

    <Samples Path>\Orchestrations\BPELImport\Solution\ShipperProcess

  3. Run the file Setup.bat, which performs the following actions:

    • Builds the ShippingSchemas project, which contains the schemas used in the ShipperProcess and the BPELShipping process

    • Builds the ShipperProcess

    • Deploys the ShippingSchemas and ShipperProcess projects

    • Creates and binds the send and receive ports used by ShipperProcess

    • Starts the ports used by ShipperProcess

    • Enlists and starts the ShipperProcess orchestration

    You should confirm that no errors were reported during the build and initialization process before attempting to run this sample. One or more of the following warnings may be displayed; you can ignore these.

The '' element is not declared. An error occurred at , (35, 16).  
<SAMPLE_LOCATION>\Orchestrations\BPELImport\Solution\ShipperProcess\ShipperProcess\ShipperProcess.odx(701,13): warning X4014: convoy processing will not occur -- check your protocol if you were expecting it  
<SAMPLE_LOCATION>\Samples\Orchestrations\BPELImport\Solution\ShipperProcess\ShipperProcess\ShipperProcess.odx(667,22): convoy found at 'activate receive(Receive_ShipOrder.Operation_1, Request, initialize Correl)'  
<SAMPLE_LOCATION>\Samples\Orchestrations\BPELImport\Solution\ShipperProcess\ShipperProcess\ShipperProcess.odx(701,13): and 'receive(ReceiveInvoiceAck.Operation_1, Invoice_Ack, Correl)'  


You do not need to perform the following steps if you completed the steps described in "To import from BPEL and build a working solution."

To build and initialize the BPELShipping application

  1. Warning

    Before executing these steps, you must complete the steps above entitled “To build and initialize the ShipperProcess application”.

    From the Visual Studio command prompt, change directory (cd) to the following folder:

    <Samples Path>\Orchestrations\BPELImport\Solution\BPELShipping

  2. Run the file Setup.bat, which performs the following actions:

    • Builds the BPELShipping project

    • Deploys the BPELShipping project

    • Creates and binds the send and receive ports used by the BPELShipping process

    • Starts the ports used by the BPELShipping process

    • Enlists and starts the BPELShipping orchestration

Running This Sample

To run the BPEL Import sample

  1. Copy the Order.xml file from the <Samples Path>\Orchestrations\BPELImport\Solution folder to the <Samples Path>\Orchestrations\BPELImport\Solution\Ports\ReceiveOrder folder.

  2. The BPELShipping orchestration picks up this file as an order from the customer order processing system, runs through the shipping process, and produces one file each in the <Samples Path>\Orchestrations\BPELImport\Solution\Ports\SendOrder folder and the <Samples Path>\Orchestrations\BPELImport\Solution\Ports\FinalConfirmation folder. The format of the name of these files is <MessageID>.xml, where <MessageID> is the GUID generated to uniquely identify the message.

Uninstalling This Sample

To uninstall the BPEL Import sample

  1. At a Visual Studio command prompt, change directory (cd) to <Samples Path>\Orchestrations\BPELImport\BPELShipping.

  2. Run Cleanup.bat.

  3. Browse to <Samples Path>\Orchestrations\BPELImport\ShipperProcess.

  4. Run Cleanup.bat.

See Also

Orchestrations (BizTalk Server Samples Folder)