Handle the visual search response
If Bing found insights about an image that you sent Visual Search API, the response contains the following structure.
"_type" : "ImageKnowledge",
"tags" : [
"image" : {
"imageInsightsToken" : "bcid_AF8C9CA409421B..."
The image
field is an Image object that includes only the insights token of the image used in the request.
The tags
field contains an array of ImageTag objects. Each tag contains a list of actions, display name, an optional bounding box.
The tag you're probably most interested in is the one where the display name is an empty string. This tag contains insights about the image used in the request, such as webpages that include the image, visually similar images, shopping sources and more. Because the entire image is of interest, the default insights tag doesn't include bounding boxes for the regions of interest. Read more.
"_type" : "ImageKnowledge",
"tags" : [
"displayName" : "",
"actions" : [
"image" : {
"imageInsightsToken" : "bcid_AF8C9CA409421B..."
The other tags contain a diverse set of terms derived from the input image. These terms enable users to explore concepts found in the image. For example, if the image used in the request shows a black, long sleeve t-shirt, the other tags may contain URLs that you can use to find images of related clothing, such as jackets or sweatshirts. Read more.
Because URL formats and parameters are subject to change without notice, use all URLs in Bing search results as-is. You should not take dependencies on the URL format or parameters except where noted.
The default tag is the one where the displayName
field is set to an empty string. This tag provides insights about the image that you sent in the request. The actionType
field identifies the insight. The list of actions the response includes depends on the image. And for each action, the list of properties may vary by image, so check if the property exists before trying to use it.
The following example shows the possible list of insights.
"_type" : "ImageKnowledge",
"tags" : [
"displayName" : "",
"actions" : [
"_type" : "ImageModuleAction",
"actionType" : "PagesIncluding",
"data" : {
"value" : [...]
"_type" : "ImageShoppingSourcesAction",
"actionType" : "ShoppingSources",
"data" : {
"offers" : [...]
"_type" : "ImageModuleAction",
"actionType" : "VisualSearch",
"data" : {
"value" : [...]
"image" : {...},
"actionType" : "ImageById"
"_type" : "ImageModuleAction",
"actionType" : "ProductVisualSearch",
"data" : {
"value" : [...]
"_type" : "ImageRelatedSearchesAction",
"actionType" : "RelatedSearches",
"data" : {
"value" : [...]
"_type" : "ImageRelatedSearchesAction",
"actionType" : "DocumentLevelSuggestions",
"data" : {
"value" : [...]
"actionType" : "BestRepresentativeQuery",
"webSearchUrl" : "",
"displayName" : "",
"serviceUrl" : ""
"image" : {
"imageInsightsToken" : "bcid_AF8C9CA409421B..."
The PagesIncluding insight provides a list of webpages that include this image. It's actually a list of Image objects and the hostPageUrl
field contains the URL to the webpage that includes the image.
"_type" : "ImageModuleAction",
"actionType" : "PagesIncluding",
"data" : {
"value" : [
"webSearchUrl" : "https://www.bing.com/images/search?",
"name" : "Today's smoking hot country",
"thumbnailUrl" : "https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP...",
"datePublished" : "2017-09-20T12:00:00.0000000Z",
"isFamilyFriendly": true,
"contentUrl" : "http://contoso.com/wordstuff",
"hostPageUrl" : "http://contoso.com/2017/09/20/car",
"contentSize" : "122540 B",
"encodingFormat" : "jpeg",
"hostPageDisplayUrl" : "contoso.com/2017/09/20/car",
"width" : 894,
"height" : 1200,
"thumbnail" : {
"width" : 474,
"height" : 636
"imageInsightsToken" : "ccid_CO5GEthj*mid_5323B1",
"insightsMetadata" : {
"pagesIncludingCount" : 12,
"availableSizesCount" : 7
"imageId" : "5323B1900FB9087B6B45D176D234E1F2F23CD3A5",
"accentColor" : "55585B"
If Bing didn’t find any webpages that include the image, the value field contains an empty array.
"actions": [
"_type": "ImageModuleAction",
"actionType": "PagesIncluding",
"data": {
"value": []
The ShoppingSources insight provides a list of websites where the user can buy the item seen in the image. Each offer provides the item’s pricing, rating, and the URL of the webpage where the user can buy the item.
"_type" : "ImageShoppingSourcesAction",
"actionType" : "ShoppingSources",
"data" : {
"offers" : [
"name" : "Apple Pie",
"url" : "https://contoso.com/product_p/l10.htm",
"description" : "A taste of the crust, apple, and pie filling...",
"seller" : {
"name" : "Contoso",
"image": {
"url": "https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=A309ad75c6afafc7dd..."
"price" : 3.99,
"priceCurrency" : "USD",
"availability": "InStock",
"aggregateRating" : {
"ratingValue" : 5
"lastUpdated" : "2018-04-16T00:00:00.0000000"
The default tag doesn’t include this insight if Bing didn’t find any shopping sources. If you passed an image insights token, Bing only includes the shopping insight if the image's shoppingSourcesCount
field is greater than zero.
"imageInsightsToken": "ccid_7qgerj5g*cp_96BBF7CD1AD0AE8E77A92...",
"insightsMetadata": {
"shoppingSourcesCount": 1,
"recipeSourcesCount": 0,
"aggregateOffer": {
"name": "Little Black Party Dress...",
"priceCurrency": "USD",
"lowPrice": 20.99,
"offerCount": 1
"pagesIncludingCount": 11,
"availableSizesCount": 4
The VisualSearch insight provides a list of images that are visually similar to the original image (contains content that's similar to the content seen in the original image). For information about paging through similar images, see Paging VisualSearch and ProductVisualSearch action types.
"_type" : "ImageModuleAction",
"actionType" : "VisualSearch",
"data" : {
"value" : [
"webSearchUrl" : "https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=...",
"name" : "An apple pie...",
"thumbnailUrl" : "https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.z...",
"datePublished" : "2017-03-18T00:17:00.0000000Z",
"contentUrl" : "http://contoso.net/images/8/8a/an_apple_pie.png",
"hostPageUrl" : "http://contoso.com/wiki/an_apple_pie.png",
"contentSize" : "87930 B",
"encodingFormat" : "png",
"hostPageDisplayUrl" : "contoso.com/wiki/an_apple_pie.png",
"width" : 263,
"height" : 192,
"thumbnail" : {
"width" : 474,
"height" : 346
"imageInsightsToken" : "ccid_zhRxfGkI*mid_1DCBA7AA6D231...",
"insightsMetadata" : {
"recipeSourcesCount" : 6,
"pagesIncludingCount" : 103,
"availableSizesCount" : 28
"imageId" : "1DCBA7AA6D23147F9DD06D47DB3A38EB25389",
"accentColor" : "3E0D01"
"currentOffset": 0,
"nextOffset": 237,
"totalEstimatedMatches": 896
The ImageById insight provides an Image object of the source image.
"image" : {
"webSearchUrl" : "https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=deta...",
"name" : "Making Apple Pie",
"thumbnailUrl" : "https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP...",
"datePublished" : "2013-06-21T12:00:00.0000000Z",
"contentUrl" : "http://contoso.com/content/uploads/2013/06/apple-pie.jpg",
"hostPageUrl" : "http://contoso.com/2013/06/21/making-apple-pie/",
"contentSize" : "134847 B",
"encodingFormat" : "jpeg",
"hostPageDisplayUrl" : "contoso.com/2013/06/21/making-apple-pie",
"width" : 1050,
"height" : 765,
"thumbnail" : {
"width" : 474,
"height" : 345
"imageInsightsToken" : "ccid_tmaGQ2eU*mid_D12339146CFE...",
"insightsMetadata" : {
"recipeSourcesCount" : 6,
"pagesIncludingCount" : 103,
"availableSizesCount" : 28
"imageId" : "D12339146CFEDF3D409A66D2C98D0D71904D4",
"accentColor" : "3A0B01"
"actionType" : "ImageById"
The RelatedSearches insight provides a list of related searches made by others (based on other users' search terms). Use the displayText
and webSearchUrl
fields to create a link that takes the user to Bing’s image search results page for the query string. If you want to provide your own experience, use the URL in searchLink
to get and display the images yourself.
"_type" : "ImageRelatedSearchesAction",
"actionType" : "RelatedSearches",
"data" : {
"value" : [
"text" : "Homemade Apple Pies Recipes",
"displayText" : "Homemade Apple Pies Recipes",
"webSearchUrl" : "https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=Homemade...",
"searchLink": "https://api.bing.microsoft.com/api/v7/images/search?q=Homemade...",
"thumbnail" : {
"url" : "https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?q=Homemade+Apple+Pies"
The DocumentLevelSuggestions insight provides a list of suggested search terms based on the contents of the image. Use the displayText
and webSearchUrl
fields to create a link that takes the user to Bing’s image search results page for the query string.
"_type" : "ImageRelatedSearchesAction",
"actionType" : "DocumentLevelSuggestions",
"data" : {
"value" : [
"text" : "American Apple Pie",
"displayText" : "American Apple Pie",
"webSearchUrl" : "https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=American",
"thumbnail" : {
"url" : "https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?q=American+Apple+Pie..."
The BestRepresentativeQuery insight provides the query string that Bing thinks best represents the image’s subject (see the displayName
field). You can use the webSearchUrl
URL to send the user to Bing’s image search results page or you can use the serviceUrl
URL to get the images yourself and display them. If you use the serviceUrl
URL, remember to append query parameters as appropriate.
"webSearchUrl": "https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=Black+Tea+Length+...",
"webSearchUrlPingSuffix": "DevEx,5850.1",
"displayName": "Black Tea Length Cocktail Dresses",
"serviceUrl": "https://api.bing.microsoft.com/v7.0/images/search?q=Black+Te...",
"actionType": "BestRepresentativeQuery"
The ProductVisualSearch insight provides a list of images that contain products that are visually similar to products seen in the original image. The aggregateOffer
field in the InsightsMetadata object contains offers where you can buy the product and the price of the product. Not all images in the list include offers. For information about paging through similar products, see Paging VisualSearch and ProductVisualSearch action types.
"_type" : "ImageModuleAction",
"actionType" : "ProductVisualSearch",
"data" : {
"value" : [
"webSearchUrl" : "https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detail...",
"name" : "Contoso 4-Piece Kitchen Package...",
"thumbnailUrl" : "https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.l9hza...",
"datePublished" : "2017-07-16T04:28:00.0000000Z",
"contentUrl" : "https://www.contoso.com/assets/media/images/prod...",
"hostPageUrl" : "https://www.contoso.com/4-piece-kitchen-package...",
"contentSize" : "13594 B",
"encodingFormat" : "jpeg",
"hostPageDisplayUrl" : "https://www.contoso.com/4-piece-kitchen...",
"width" : 450,
"height" : 332,
"thumbnail" : {
"width" : 474,
"height" : 349
"imageInsightsToken" : "ccid_l9hzaabu*mid_70A8B616355D681DB9A5A...",
"insightsMetadata" : {
"shoppingSourcesCount" : 1,
"recipeSourcesCount" : 0,
"aggregateOffer" : {
"name":"4-Piece Kitchen Package with...",
"offers" : [
"name" : "4-Piece Kitchen Package with...",
"url" : "https://www.fabrikam.com/1234.html?ref=bing",
"description" : "This 36 Frenchdoor refrigerator by...",
"seller" : {
"name" : "Fabrikam",
"image" : {
"url" : "https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=A818f811..."
"price" : 2756,
"priceCurrency" : "USD",
"availability" : "InStock",
"lastUpdated" : "2018-02-20T00:00:00.0000000"
"pagesIncludingCount" : 4,
"availableSizesCount" : 2
"imageId" : "70A8B616355D681DA5980A8D0514BCC995A3",
"accentColor" : "60646B"
"currentOffset": 0,
"nextOffset": 237,
"totalEstimatedMatches": 896
If Bing recognizes an entity that is a culturally well-known person, place, or thing, one or more of the tags might include an Entity action. Use the displayName
and webSearchUrl
fields to create a hyperlink that takes the user to Bing’s search results where they can learn more about the entity.
"image": {
"thumbnailUrl": "https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?q=Statue+of+Liberty&pid=Api..."
"displayName": "Statue of Liberty",
"boundingBox": { . . . },
"actions": [
"_type": "ImageEntityAction",
"webSearchUrl": "https://www.bing.com/search?q=Statue+of+Liberty",
"displayName": "Statue of Liberty",
"actionType": "Entity"
"webSearchUrl": "https://www.bing.com/search?q=Statue+of+Liberty",
"displayName": "Statue of Liberty",
"serviceUrl": "https://api.bing.microsoft.com/v7.0/search?q=Statue+of+Liberty",
"actionType": "TextResults"
"webSearchUrl": "https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=Statue+of+Liberty",
"displayName": "Statue of Liberty",
"serviceUrl": "https://api.bing.microsoft.com/v7.0/images/search?q=Statue+of+Liberty",
"actionType": "ImageResults"
But if you set the enableEntityData
field to true in your request, the Entity action includes a data
that contains the entity data that you can display yourself. For information about setting enableEntityData
, see Including entity data.
"image": {
"thumbnailUrl": "https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?q=Bill+Gates&pid=Api&mkt=en-US&adlt=moderate"
"displayName": "Bill Gates",
"boundingBox": { ... },
"actions": [
"_type": "ImageEntityAction",
"webSearchUrl": "https://www.bing.com/search?q=Bill+Gates",
"mainEntity": {
"bingId": "0d47c987-0042-5576-15e8-97af601614fa"
"displayName": "Bill Gates",
"actionType": "Entity",
"data": {
"id": "https://api.bing.microsoft.com/v7.0/entities/0d47c987-0042-5576-15e8-97af601614fa",
"readLink": "https://api.bing.microsoft.com/v7.0/search?q=Bill+Gates&filters=sid:%220d47c987-0042-5576-15e8-97af601614fa%22&responsefilter=entities,places",
"contractualRules": [
"_type": "ContractualRules/LicenseAttribution",
"targetPropertyName": "description",
"mustBeCloseToContent": true,
"license": {
"name": "CC-BY-SA",
"url": "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/"
"licenseNotice": "Text under CC-BY-SA license"
"_type": "ContractualRules/LinkAttribution",
"targetPropertyName": "description",
"mustBeCloseToContent": true,
"text": "Wikipedia",
"url": "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Gates"
"webSearchUrl": "https://www.bing.com/entityexplore?q=Bill+Gates&filters=sid:...",
"name": "Bill Gates",
"image": {
"thumbnailUrl": "https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=AMMS_be3b66a21b09224ad5e8...",
"hostPageUrl": "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/19/Bill_Gates_June_2015.jpg",
"width": 50,
"height": 50,
"sourceWidth": 474,
"sourceHeight": 670
"description": "William Henry Gates III is an American business magnate, software developer...",
"bingId": "0d47c987-0042-5576-15e8-97af601614fa"
"webSearchUrl": "https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=Bill+Gates",
"webSearchUrlPingSuffix": "DevEx,6215.1",
"displayName": "Bill Gates",
"serviceUrl": "https://api.bing.microsoft.com/v7.0/images/search?q=Bill+Gates",
"actionType": "ImageResults"
The other tags contain a diverse set of terms derived from the image sent in the request. These terms enable users to explore concepts found in the image. For example, if the image used in the request shows a black, long sleeve T-shirt, the other tags may contain URLs that you can use to find images of related clothing, such as jackets or sweatshirts.
Each tag includes a display name that you can use to categorize the related images, a bounding box that identifies the region of interest in the image, a thumbnail of the image that represents the related images, and URLs that you can use to explore the derived term.
For information about the bounding boxes, see Using bounding boxes.
In this example, the list of actions includes the TextResults action type and the ImageResults action type. The TextResults action contains the URLs used to get web search results and the ImageResults action contains the URLs used to get image search results. Use the serviceUrl
URL to call the Image Search API or Web Search API and display the search results yourself. Otherwise, you can use the webSearchUrl
URL to send the user to Bing's search results page.
"image": {
"thumbnailUrl": "https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?q=sweatshirt&pid=..."
"displayName": "sweatshirt",
"boundingBox": {...},
"actions": [
"webSearchUrl": "https://www.bing.com/search?q=sweatshirt+sweater",
"displayName": "sweatshirt sweater",
"serviceUrl": "https://api.bing.microsoft.com/v7.0/search?q=sweatshirt+sweater",
"actionType": "TextResults"
"webSearchUrl": "https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=sweatshirt",
"displayName": "sweatshirt",
"serviceUrl": "https://api.bing.microsoft.com/v7.0/images/search?q=sweatshirt",
"actionType": "ImageResults"
All tags other than the default insights tag include bounding boxes that identify regions of interest in the image. For example, if the image includes several celebrities, the tags could include bounding boxes for each recognized celebrity, or if the image contains recognized articles of clothing, the tags could include bounding boxes for each recognized article of clothing.
You can use the bounding boxes to create hot spots over the image. When the user hovers over the hotspot, you could display details about the contents in that region of the image. You should not include hot spots in an image for bounding boxes that identify the entire image.
"image": {
"thumbnailUrl": "https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?q=prom+dress..."
"displayName": "prom dress",
"boundingBox": {
"queryRectangle": {
"topLeft": { "x": 0.83698124, "y": 0.13108893 },
"topRight": { "x": 0.94547665, "y": 0.13108893 },
"bottomRight": { "x": 0.94547665, "y": 0.24928382 },
"bottomLeft": { "x": 0.83698124, "y": 0.24928382 }
"displayRectangle": {
"topLeft": { "x": 0.8912289, "y": 0.19018638 },
"topRight": { "x": 0.8912289, "y": 0.19018638 },
"bottomRight": { "x": 0.8912289, "y": 0.19018638 },
"bottomLeft": { "x": 0.8912289, "y": 0.19018638 }
"actions": [
"webSearchUrl": "https://www.bing.com/search?q=dress+for+prom",
"displayName": "dress for prom",
"serviceUrl": "https://api.bing.microsoft.com/v7.0/search?q=dress+for+prom",
"actionType": "TextResults"
"webSearchUrl": "https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=prom+dress",
"displayName": "prom dress",
"serviceUrl": "https://api.bing.microsoft.com/v7.0/images/search?q=prom+dress",
"actionType": "ImageResults"
Typically, you use the queryRectangle
coordinates to outline the area of interest or the displayRectangle
coordinates to create a hotspot over the middle of the area of interest.
Use the webSearchUrl
URL to send the user to Bing’s image search results page where they can see more images like the one seen in the query rectangle. Or, if you want to display the images in your UX, use the serviceUrl
URL to get the images. If you use the serviceUrl
URL, remember to add query parameters as appropriate.
The following example shows what the bounding rectangles look like if the area of interest is the entire image.
"boundingBox": {
"queryRectangle": {
"topLeft": { "x": 0, "y": 0 },
"topRight": { "x": 1, "y": 0 },
"bottomRight": { "x": 1, "y": 1 },
"bottomLeft": { "x": 0, "y": 1 }
"displayRectangle": {
"topLeft": { "x": 0, "y": 0 },
"topRight": { "x": 1, "y": 0 },
"bottomRight": { "x": 1, "y": 1 },
"bottomLeft": { "x": 0, "y": 1 }
If the image contains text that the service recognizes, the displayName
field of one or more of the tags is set to ##TextRecognition. The text recognition tag that has the actionType
field set to TextRecognition contains all the lines of text found in the image.
The TextRecognitionAction object includes the data
field, which is a TextRegionsModule object. The regions
field lists the areas of the image where text was found.
"displayName": "##TextRecognition",
"boundingBox": {
"queryRectangle": { ... },
"displayRectangle": { ... }
"actions": [
"_type": "ImageKnowledge/TextRecognitionAction",
"actionType": "TextRecognition",
"data": {
"regions": [
"boundingBox": { ... },
"lines": [ { ... } ]
. . .
"boundingBox": {
"topLeft": { ... },
"topRight": { ... },
"bottomRight": { ... },
"bottomLeft": { ... }
"sources": ["OCR"]
Because the tag's displayName
field contains ##TextRecognition, do not use it as a category title in the UX. That goes for any display name that starts with ##.
Each TextRegion object specifies its bounding box and the lines of text found within the bounding box. The TextLine object contains a line of text from the image, the line's bounding box, each word in the line, and each words bounding box.
"lines": [
"text": "New York 48874",
"boundingBox": {
"topLeft": { "x": 0.32931036, "y": 0.8316062 },
"topRight": { "x": 0.43793103, "y": 0.7435233 },
"bottomRight": { "x": 0.44568965, "y": 0.76554406 },
"bottomLeft": { "x": 0.33620688, "y": 0.85362697 }
"words": [
"text": "New",
"boundingBox": { ... }
"text": "York",
"boundingBox": { ... }
"text": "48874",
"boundingBox": { ... }
If the list of tags includes other text recognition tags, they're likely URI action types. The response includes URI action types if the service recognized URIs such as a website URL, telephone number, or email address. Here are examples of what the tag looks like if the service recognized URIs.
"displayName": "##TextRecognition",
"boundingBox": { ... },
"actions": [
"url": "tel:+1%20888%20555%201212",
"actionType": "Uri"
"sources": ["OCR"]
"displayName": "##TextRecognition",
"boundingBox": { ... },
"actions": [
"url": "mailto:someone@outlook.com",
"actionType": "Uri"
"sources": ["OCR"]
"displayName": "##TextRecognition",
"boundingBox": { ... },
"actions": [
"url": "http://www.contoso.com/",
"actionType": "Uri"
"sources": ["OCR"]
- Learn about Terms of Use and Use and Display Requirements for Bing Visual Search.
- Learn about how to get image insights.
- Learn about the quickstarts and samples that are available to help you get up and running fast.
- Review Visual Search API v7 reference documentation.