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Monitor Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server

Azure Monitor collects and aggregates metrics and logs from your system to monitor availability, performance, and resilience, and notify you of issues affecting your system. You can use the Azure portal, PowerShell, Azure CLI, REST API, or client libraries to set up and view monitoring data.

Different metrics and logs are available for different resource types. This article describes the types of monitoring data you can collect for this service and ways to analyze that data.

Collect data with Azure Monitor

This table describes how you can collect data to monitor your service, and what you can do with the data once collected:

Data to collect Description How to collect and route the data Where to view the data Supported data
Metric data Metrics are numerical values that describe an aspect of a system at a particular point in time. Metrics can be aggregated using algorithms, compared to other metrics, and analyzed for trends over time. - Collected automatically at regular intervals.
- You can route some platform metrics to a Log Analytics workspace to query with other data. Check the DS export setting for each metric to see if you can use a diagnostic setting to route the metric data.
Metrics explorer Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server metrics supported by Azure Monitor
Resource log data Logs are recorded system events with a timestamp. Logs can contain different types of data, and be structured or free-form text. You can route resource log data to Log Analytics workspaces for querying and analysis. Create a diagnostic setting to collect and route resource log data. Log Analytics Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server resource log data supported by Azure Monitor
Activity log data The Azure Monitor activity log provides insight into subscription-level events. The activity log includes information like when a resource is modified or a virtual machine is started. - Collected automatically.
- Create a diagnostic setting to a Log Analytics workspace at no charge.
Activity log

For the list of all of the data supported by Azure Monitor, see:

Built in monitoring for Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server

Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server offers built-in resources for monitoring.

Server logs

In Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server, users can configure and download server logs to assist with troubleshooting efforts. With this feature enabled, an Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server instance starts capturing events of the selected log type and writes them to a file. You can then use the Azure portal and Azure CLI to download the files to work with them.

The server logs feature is disabled by default. For information about how to enable server logs, see Enable and download server logs for Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server

Server logs support enabling and downloading slow query logs and error logs. To perform a historical analysis of your data, in the Azure portal, on the Diagnostics settings pane for your server, add a diagnostic setting to send the logs to the Log Analytics workspace, Azure Storage, or event hubs. For more information, see Set up diagnostics.

When logging is enabled for an Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server instance, logs are available up to seven days from their creation. If the total size of the available logs exceeds 7 GB, then the oldest files are deleted until space is available. The 7-GB storage limit for server logs is available free of cost and can't be extended. Logs are rotated every 24 hours or 500 MB, whichever comes first.

Slow query logs in Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server

In Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server, the slow query log is available to users to configure and access. Slow query logs are disabled by default and can be enabled to assist with identifying performance bottlenecks during troubleshooting.

For more information about the MySQL slow query log, see the slow query log section in the MySQL engine documentation.

Configure slow query logging

By default, the slow query log is disabled. To enable logs, set the slow_query_log server parameter to ON. This parameter can be configured using the Azure portal or Azure CLI.

Other parameters you can adjust to control slow query logging behavior include:

  • long_query_time: log a query if it takes longer than long_query_time (in seconds) to complete. The default is 10 seconds. Server parameter long_query_time applies globally to all newly established connections in MySQL. However, it doesn't affect threads that are already connected. We recommended that you reconnect to Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server from the application or restart the server to clear out threads with older values of long_query_time and apply the updated parameter value.
  • log_slow_admin_statements: determines if administrative statements (ex. ALTER_TABLE, ANALYZE_TABLE) are logged.
  • log_queries_not_using_indexes: determines if queries that don't use indexes are logged.
  • log_throttle_queries_not_using_indexes: limits the number of nonindexed queries that can be written to the slow query log. This parameter takes effect when log_queries_not_using_indexes is set to ON


If your tables aren't indexed, setting the log_queries_not_using_indexes and log_throttle_queries_not_using_indexes parameters to ON might affect MySQL performance. All queries that run against these nonindexed tables are written to the slow query log.

See the MySQL slow query log documentation for full descriptions of the slow query log parameters.

Access slow query logs

Slow query logs are integrated with Azure Monitor diagnostic settings. After you enable slow query logs on your Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server instance, you can emit them to Azure Monitor logs, Event Hubs, or Azure Storage. To learn more about diagnostic settings, see the diagnostic logs documentation. To learn more about how to enable diagnostic settings in the Azure portal, see the slow query log portal article.


Premium Storage accounts aren't supported if you're sending the logs to Azure storage via diagnostics and settings.

The following table describes the output of the slow query log. Depending on the output method, the fields included and the order in which they appear might vary.

Property Description
TenantId Your tenant ID
SourceSystem Azure
TimeGenerated [UTC] Time stamp when the log was recorded in UTC
Type Type of the log. Always AzureDiagnostics
SubscriptionId GUID for the subscription that the server belongs to
ResourceGroup Name of the resource group the server belongs to
ResourceProvider Name of the resource provider. Always MICROSOFT.DBFORMYSQL
ResourceType Servers
ResourceId Resource URI
Resource Name of the server
Category MySqlSlowLogs
OperationName LogEvent
Logical_server_name_s Name of the server
start_time_t [UTC] Time the query began
query_time_s Total time in seconds the query took to execute
lock_time_s Total time in seconds the query was locked
user_host_s Username
rows_sent_s Number of rows sent
rows_examined_s Number of rows examined
last_insert_id_s last_insert_id
insert_id_s Insert ID
sql_text_s Full query
server_id_s The server's ID
thread_id_s Thread ID
\_ResourceId Resource URI


For sql_text_s, log is truncated if it exceeds 2048 characters.

Track database activity with Audit Logs

Azure Database for MySQL flexible server provides users with the ability to configure audit logs. Audit logs can be used to track database-level activity including connection, admin, DDL, and DML events. These types of logs are commonly used for compliance purposes.

Configure audit logging


We recommend to only log the event types and users required for your auditing purposes. This approach helps to ensure your server's performance isn't heavily affected and a minimum amount of data is collected.

By default, audit logs are disabled. To enable them, set the audit_log_enabled server parameter to ON. Enable audit logs using the Azure portal or Azure CLI.

Other parameters you can adjust to control audit logging behavior include:

  • audit_log_events: controls the events to be logged. See the following table for specific audit events.
  • audit_log_include_users: MySQL users to be included for logging. The default value for this parameter is empty, which includes all the users for logging. This parameter has higher priority over audit_log_exclude_users. Max length of the parameter is 512 characters. For example, wildcard value of dev* includes all the users with entries starting with keyword dev like dev1,dev_user,dev_2. Another example for wildcard entry for including user is *dev in this example, all users ending with value "dev" like "stage_dev,prod_dev,user_dev" are included in the audit log entries. Additionally, the use of a question mark (?) as a wildcard character is permitted in patterns.
  • audit_log_exclude_users: MySQL users to be excluded from logging. The Max length of the parameter is 512 characters. Wildcard entries for user are also accepted to exclude users in audit logs. For example, wildcard value of stage* excludes all the users with entries starting with keyword stage like stage1,stage_user,stage_2. Another example for wildcard entry for excluding user is *com. In this example, all users ending with value com are excluded from the audit log entries. Additionally, the use of a question mark (?) as a wildcard character is permitted in patterns.


audit_log_include_users has higher priority over audit_log_exclude_users. For example, if audit_log_include_users = demouser and audit_log_exclude_users = demouser, the user is included in the audit logs because audit_log_include_users has higher priority.

Event Description
CONNECTION - Connection initiation
- Connection termination
CONNECTION_V2 - Connection initiation (successful or unsuccessful attempt error code)
- Connection termination
DDL Queries like "DROP DATABASE"
ADMIN Queries like "SHOW STATUS"
TABLE_ACCESS - Table read statements, such as SELECT or INSERT INTO ... SELECT
- Table delete statements, such as DELETE or TRUNCATE TABLE
- Table insert statements, such as INSERT or REPLACE
- Table update statements, such as UPDATE

Access audit logs

Audit logs are integrated with Azure Monitor diagnostic settings. After you enable audit logs on your flexible server, you can emit them to Azure Monitor logs, Azure Event Hubs, or Azure Storage. To learn more about diagnostic settings, see the diagnostic logs documentation. To learn more about how to enable diagnostic settings in the Azure portal, see the audit log portal article.


Premium Storage accounts aren't supported if you send the logs to Azure storage via diagnostics and settings.

Depending on the output method, the fields included and the order in which they appear might vary.


Property Description
TenantId Your tenant ID
SourceSystem Azure
TimeGenerated [UTC] Time stamp when the log was recorded in UTC
Type Type of the log. Always AzureDiagnostics
SubscriptionId GUID for the subscription that the server belongs to
ResourceGroup Name of the resource group the server belongs to
ResourceProvider Name of the resource provider. Always MICROSOFT.DBFORMYSQL
ResourceType Servers
ResourceId Resource URI
Resource Name of the server in upper case
Category MySqlAuditLogs
OperationName LogEvent
LogicalServerName_s Name of the server
event_class_s connection_log
connection_id_d Unique connection ID generated by MySQL
host_s Blank
ip_s IP address of client connecting to MySQL
user_s Name of user executing the query
db_s Name of database connected to
\_ResourceId Resource URI
status_d Connection Error code entry for CONNECTIONS_V2 event.


The following Schema applies to GENERAL, DML_SELECT, DML_NONSELECT, DML, DDL, DCL, and ADMIN event types.


For sql_text_s, log is truncated if it exceeds 2048 characters.

Property Description
TenantId Your tenant ID
SourceSystem Azure
TimeGenerated [UTC] Time stamp when the log was recorded in UTC
Type Type of the log. Always AzureDiagnostics
SubscriptionId GUID for the subscription that the server belongs to
ResourceGroup Name of the resource group the server belongs to
ResourceProvider Name of the resource provider. Always MICROSOFT.DBFORMYSQL
ResourceType Servers
ResourceId Resource URI
Resource Name of the server in upper case
Category MySqlAuditLogs
OperationName LogEvent
LogicalServerName_s Name of the server
event_class_s general_log
event_subclass_s LOG, ERROR, RESULT (only available for MySQL 5.6)
event_time Query start time in UTC timestamp
error_code_d Error code if query failed. 0 means no error
thread_id_d ID of thread that executed the query
host_s Blank
ip_s IP address of client connecting to MySQL
user_s Name of user executing the query
sql_text_s Full query text
\_ResourceId Resource URI

Table access:


For sql_text_s, log is truncated if it exceeds 2048 characters.

Property Description
TenantId Your tenant ID
SourceSystem Azure
TimeGenerated [UTC] Time stamp when the log was recorded in UTC
Type Type of the log. Always AzureDiagnostics
SubscriptionId GUID for the subscription that the server belongs to
ResourceGroup Name of the resource group the server belongs to
ResourceProvider Name of the resource provider. Always MICROSOFT.DBFORMYSQL
ResourceType Servers
ResourceId Resource URI
Resource Name of the server in upper case
Category MySqlAuditLogs
OperationName LogEvent
LogicalServerName_s Name of the server
event_class_s table_access_log
event_subclass_s READ, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE
connection_id_d Unique connection ID generated by MySQL
db_s Name of database accessed
table_s Name of table accessed
sql_text_s Full query text
\_ResourceId Resource URI

Use Azure Monitor workbooks

Azure Database for MySQL flexible server is now integrated with Azure Monitor workbooks. With workbooks, you get a flexible canvas for analyzing data and creating rich visual reports within the Azure portal. Workbooks allow you to tap into multiple data sources across Azure and combine them into unified interactive experiences. Workbook templates serve as curated reports that multiple users and teams design for flexible reuse.

When you open a template, you create a transient workbook that's populated with the contents of the template. With this integration, the server links to workbooks and a few sample templates, which can help you monitor the service at scale. You can edit these templates, customize them to your requirements, and pin them to the dashboard to create a focused and organized view of Azure resources.

Azure Database for MySQL flexible server has three available templates:

  • Overview: Displays an instance summary and top-level metrics to help you visualize and understand the resource utilization on your server. This template displays the following views:

    • Server Summary
    • Database Summary
    • Connection Metrics
    • Performance Metrics
    • Storage Metrics
  • Auditing: Displays a summary and details of the auditing events that are collected for the server. This template displays the following views:

    • Administrative Actions on the service
    • Audit Summary
    • Audit Connection Events Summary
    • Audit Connection Events
    • Table Access Summary
    • Errors Identified
  • Query Performance Insight: Displays a summary and details of query workload on the instance, long running query, slow query analysis, and connection metrics. This template displays the following views:

    • Query Load
    • Total Active Connections
    • Slow Query Trend (>10 seconds of query time)
    • Slow Query Details
    • List top five longest queries
    • Summarize slow queries by minimum, maximum, average, and standard deviation query time

You can also edit and customize these templates according to your requirements. For more information, see Azure Workbooks.

Access the workbook templates

To view the templates in the Azure portal, go to the Monitoring pane for Azure Database for MySQL flexible server, and then select Workbooks.

Screenshot showing the 'Overview', 'Auditing', and 'Query Performance Insight' templates on the Workbooks pane.

You can also display the list of templates by going to the Public Templates pane.

Diagram that shows the 'Overview', 'Auditing', and 'Query Performance Insight' templates on the 'Public Templates' pane.

Use Azure Monitor tools to analyze the data

These Azure Monitor tools are available in the Azure portal to help you analyze monitoring data:

  • Some Azure services have a built-in monitoring dashboard in the Azure portal. These dashboards are called insights, and you can find them in the Insights section of Azure Monitor in the Azure portal.

  • Metrics explorer allows you to view and analyze metrics for Azure resources. For more information, see Analyze metrics with Azure Monitor metrics explorer.

  • Log Analytics allows you to query and analyze log data using the Kusto query language (KQL). For more information, see Get started with log queries in Azure Monitor.

  • The Azure portal has a user interface for viewing and basic searches of the activity log. To do more in-depth analysis, route the data to Azure Monitor logs and run more complex queries in Log Analytics.

  • Application Insights monitors the availability, performance, and usage of your web applications, so you can identify and diagnose errors without waiting for a user to report them.
    Application Insights includes connection points to various development tools and integrates with Visual Studio to support your DevOps processes. For more information, see Application monitoring for App Service.

Tools that allow more complex visualization include:

  • Dashboards that let you combine different kinds of data into a single pane in the Azure portal.
  • Workbooks, customizable reports that you can create in the Azure portal. Workbooks can include text, metrics, and log queries.
  • Grafana, an open platform tool that excels in operational dashboards. You can use Grafana to create dashboards that include data from multiple sources other than Azure Monitor.
  • Power BI, a business analytics service that provides interactive visualizations across various data sources. You can configure Power BI to automatically import log data from Azure Monitor to take advantage of these visualizations.

Export Azure Monitor data

You can export data out of Azure Monitor into other tools using:

To get started with the Azure Monitor REST API, see Azure monitoring REST API walkthrough.

Use Kusto queries to analyze log data

You can analyze Azure Monitor Log data using the Kusto query language (KQL). For more information, see Log queries in Azure Monitor.

You can use slow query logs to find candidates for optimization. After your slow query logs are piped to Azure Monitor Logs through Diagnostic Logs, you can perform further analysis of your slow queries. These sample queries can get you started. Make sure to update them with your server name.

  • Queries longer than 10 seconds on a particular server

    | where Resource  == '<your server name>'
    | where Category == 'MySqlSlowLogs'
    | project TimeGenerated, Resource , event_class_s, start_time_t , query_time_d, sql_text_s
    | where query_time_d > 10
  • List top five longest queries on a particular server

    | where Resource  == '<your server name>'
    | where Category == 'MySqlSlowLogs'
    | project TimeGenerated, Resource , event_class_s, start_time_t , query_time_d, sql_text_s
    | order by query_time_d desc
    | take 5
  • Summarize slow queries by minimum, maximum, average, and standard deviation query time on a particular server

    | where Resource  == '<your server name>'
    | where Category == 'MySqlSlowLogs'
    | project TimeGenerated, Resource , event_class_s, start_time_t , query_time_d, sql_text_s
    | summarize count(), min(query_time_d), max(query_time_d), avg(query_time_d), stdev(query_time_d), percentile(query_time_d, 95) by Resource
  • Graph the slow query distribution on a particular server

    | where Resource  == '<your server name>'
    | where Category == 'MySqlSlowLogs'
    | project TimeGenerated, Resource , event_class_s, start_time_t , query_time_d, sql_text_s
    | summarize count() by Resource , bin(TimeGenerated, 5m)
    | render timechart
  • Display queries longer than 10 seconds across all Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server instances with Diagnostic Logs enabled

    | where Category == 'MySqlSlowLogs'
    | project TimeGenerated, Resource , event_class_s, start_time_t , query_time_d, sql_text_s
    | where query_time_d > 10

For audit logs, after your audit logs are piped to Azure Monitor Logs through Diagnostic Logs, you can perform further analysis of your audited events. These sample queries can get you started. Make sure to update them with your server name.

  • List GENERAL events on a particular server

    | where Resource  == '<your server name>' //Server name must be in Upper case
    | where Category == 'MySqlAuditLogs' and event_class_s == "general_log"
    | project TimeGenerated, Resource, event_class_s, event_subclass_s, event_time_t, user_s , ip_s , sql_text_s
    | order by TimeGenerated asc nulls last
  • List CONNECTION_V2 events on a particular server, status_d column denotes the client connection error code faced by the client application while connecting.

    | where Resource  == '<your server name>' //Server name must be in Upper case
    | where Category == 'MySqlAuditLogs' and event_subclass_s == "CONNECT"
    | project TimeGenerated, Resource, event_class_s, event_subclass_s, user_s, ip_s, status_d
    | order by TimeGenerated asc nulls last
  • List CONNECTION events on a particular server

    | where Resource  == '<your server name>' //Server name must be in Upper case
    | where Category == 'MySqlAuditLogs' and event_class_s == "connection_log"
    | project TimeGenerated, Resource, event_class_s, event_subclass_s, event_time_t, user_s , ip_s , sql_text_s
    | order by TimeGenerated asc nulls last
  • Summarize audited events on a particular server

    | where Resource  == '<your server name>' //Server name must be in Upper case
    | where Category == 'MySqlAuditLogs'
    | project TimeGenerated, Resource, event_class_s, event_subclass_s, event_time_t, user_s , ip_s , sql_text_s
    | summarize count() by event_class_s, event_subclass_s, user_s, ip_s
  • Graph the audit event type distribution on a particular server

    | where Resource  == '<your server name>' //Server name must be in Upper case
    | where Category == 'MySqlAuditLogs'
    | project TimeGenerated, Resource, event_class_s, event_subclass_s, event_time_t, user_s , ip_s , sql_text_s
    | summarize count() by Resource, bin(TimeGenerated, 5m)
    | render timechart
  • List audited events across all Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server instances with Diagnostic Logs enabled for audit logs

    | where Category == 'MySqlAuditLogs'
    | project TimeGenerated, Resource, event_class_s, event_subclass_s, event_time_t, user_s , ip_s , sql_text_s
    | order by TimeGenerated asc nulls last

Use Azure Monitor alerts to notify you of issues

Azure Monitor alerts allow you to identify and address issues in your system, and proactively notify you when specific conditions are found in your monitoring data before your customers notice them. You can alert on any metric or log data source in the Azure Monitor data platform. There are different types of Azure Monitor alerts depending on the services you're monitoring and the monitoring data you're collecting. See Choosing the right type of alert rule.

For examples of common alerts for Azure resources, see Sample log alert queries.

Implementing alerts at scale

For some services, you can monitor at scale by applying the same metric alert rule to multiple resources of the same type that exist in the same Azure region. Azure Monitor Baseline Alerts (AMBA) provides a semi-automated method of implementing important platform metric alerts, dashboards, and guidelines at scale.

Get personalized recommendations using Azure Advisor

For some services, if critical conditions or imminent changes occur during resource operations, an alert displays on the service Overview page in the portal. You can find more information and recommended fixes for the alert in Advisor recommendations under Monitoring in the left menu. During normal operations, no advisor recommendations display.

For more information on Azure Advisor, see Azure Advisor overview.