Select the Current Word
Keyboard: CTRL + W
Command: Edit.SelectCurrentWord
Versions: 2008,2010
Published: 4/5/2010
Code: vstipEdit0039
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You can easily select the current word in Visual Studio by simply putting your cursor in the word to select:
Then press CTRL + W and it will automatically select the current word:
April 04, 2010
Hi, it's much better to simply click CTRL+LMB (left mouse button). Also, don't forget that you can use ALT+LMB (drag while holding left mouse button) to select an arbitrary region within your code. Looking forward to VS 2010 launch. I'm preparing a major re-install; it's time to clean up after numerous VS/TFS beta installs.Anonymous
April 04, 2010
Anders, Good call on the mouse info! ZAnonymous
April 06, 2010
Anders, CTRL+LMB requires leaving the keyboard, which is much less efficient.Anonymous
April 07, 2010
This does not work for me. Ctrl+W prompts for a second key to be pressed as if Ctrl+W is only reserved for combination commands. Am I missing something?Anonymous
April 08, 2010
This is a VS2010 ONLY feature!Anonymous
April 09, 2010
But I am using VS2010 and it's still not working.Anonymous
April 09, 2010
mrjimmy and lewis, This works in both VS2008 and VS2010. It is most likely your keyboard mapping scheme. I use the default mapping scheme for these posts. Look for a post soon on how to check you have the correct mapping scheme. ZAnonymous
April 12, 2010
Thanks for posting this - it will be handy for the upcoming VS2010 release :)Anonymous
April 16, 2010
That explains it. I was on the Visual C# 2005 mapping for some reason. I don't remember ever switching it though. I moved it back to default and it's working fine. Thanks for the heads up!Anonymous
October 18, 2011
Ctrl + w is nice, great post. The ctrl + LMB is a little unnecessary imho. Why hold ctrl when you can just double click for the same result?Anonymous
October 19, 2011
Greg, Good point! :) ZAnonymous
July 11, 2013
Heh, not necessarily a good point. I use ctrl+LMB all the time to copy/paste multiple items. And VS2012 changed this to "folow a hyperlink". Does anybody know how to change that? Thank you!Anonymous
July 11, 2013
Hey RH As far as I know you can't bind commands to mouse activity in the editor so you may be stuck with the change. Z