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This is my old blog

It's all about causality

Borlands new profiler for .net is coded in java

while installing the new profiler I did and ALT+TAB and noticed I have a java task on my machine (oh...

Author: yosit Date: 07/24/2003

feedback from my session on .net advanced debugging + TIP of the day on sos.dll

just got an IM from a person who attended my session on teched. on the session I showed how to use...

Author: yosit Date: 07/24/2003

Registry Entries and Files That Are Created When You Install the .NET Framework 1.1

Q820892 INFO: Registry Entries and Files That Are Created When You Install the .NET Framework 1.1

Author: yosit Date: 07/21/2003

blue bricks has moved

from micheal stuart: All three of my bricks have moved to their own dedicated workspaces: uip:...

Author: yosit Date: 07/20/2003

new version for the reflector addin

Jamie just sent me the links to the latest version of the reflector addin: [1] Managed Add-Ins /...

Author: yosit Date: 07/14/2003

The best addin

a contest on code project you can vote here:...

Author: yosit Date: 07/10/2003

Serializing DataTable and About our session "Insights on Enterprise Services"

every time I meet roy and I want to blog about what happened I w8 a bit for Roy to blog about it. I...

Author: yosit Date: 07/10/2003

just got the evals from TechEd on my presentation

I got 8.08 out of 9 ... phew ;) I enjoyed it there were around 260 people, 50% of them filled the...

Author: yosit Date: 07/08/2003

a session on Enterprise Services

you are welcome to attend the next israeli user group meeting in israel me and Lior are...

Author: yosit Date: 07/06/2003



Author: yosit Date: 07/06/2003

A tip on copying a message box text with 2 key strokes

when you get a message box with lots of text (mainly on error messages) and you need to copy the...

Author: yosit Date: 07/03/2003

biztalk 2004

just watch the msdntv on bizatalk 2004, it looks amazing

Author: yosit Date: 07/02/2003

Pictures from the .net deep dive in israel

here I am at the "ask the experts session": you can see more pictures here

Author: yosit Date: 07/01/2003

impressions on .net deep dive - my session on advanced debugging

just got out of a test on unix in the university, instead of learning for it I spent yesturday at...

Author: yosit Date: 07/01/2003

my presentation tommorow

it doesn't matter how many times I speak in front of people I'm always excited as if it was the...

Author: yosit Date: 06/29/2003

Using Calculated DataColumns in ADO.NET

a great reference for Calculated fields inside a dataset. If you have a background in database work,...

Author: yosit Date: 06/26/2003

AOP and c#

it's great to see a dissertation that includes .net technlogy. you can read a fine...

Author: yosit Date: 06/26/2003

a bug in rotor and .net 1.0 , 1.1

in our project we manage our constants as an xml file and then generate a valid c# file at the same...

Author: yosit Date: 06/25/2003

Generics in the clr

I'm currently reading the Generics document from MS Research and I came across: 1.3 Summary of the...

Author: yosit Date: 06/23/2003

Eric Gunnerson - Program Manager: Microsoft Visual C# .NET Interview

Eric was in iterviewd at activewin I liked:    "programmers don't like languages that make them feel...

Author: yosit Date: 06/23/2003

How to debug script in Visual Studio .NET

check out: How to debug script in Visual Studio .NET

Author: yosit Date: 06/23/2003

A glorious hack :how to make a proxy for ServiceComponent

Andy Hopper posted a great sample on hacking ServiceComponent Proxy, people who are hardcore on...

Author: yosit Date: 06/23/2003

About petshop v3.0 MS could have done a better job

I took a look at the Petshop v3.0 all I can say is , it's not something I would have recomended for...

Author: yosit Date: 06/21/2003

how to: remote debugging

wondering the MS newsgroups I found this: (a) DbgProxy & Msvcmon are meant only for native...

Author: yosit Date: 06/20/2003

how about Serverity?

what you see at the subject is not a mistake a new word to the "-ity" words, it means how much your...

Author: yosit Date: 06/19/2003

ordered the new harry potter

just ordered it. based on the last 4 books this should be good too.

Author: yosit Date: 06/19/2003

thnx to donXml

I got an email from don saying it's ok to use his css file. he did great job on the printing css,...

Author: yosit Date: 06/18/2003

A "Breaking" change with remoting when moving to 1.1

it's not really breaking , it more like changed without notice, it's like change and not document it...

Author: yosit Date: 06/17/2003

My presentation in the next .net Dive day at Israel

if you happen to live in israel you're invited to hear me talk about Advanced Debugging Techniques...

Author: yosit Date: 06/12/2003

Production and Develop Time logging. EIF vs log4net and more....

I'm not a big fan of printf debugging no matter what platform your working on, I'm currently working...

Author: yosit Date: 06/11/2003

What should developers do today to prepare for....

Brad Adams speaks here about what should you focus on when writing .net code. I agree absolutly...

Author: yosit Date: 06/01/2003

Reflector was updated

Lutz updated the Reflector, I'd really like to see it with the Anakrino tree view so we won't have...

Author: yosit Date: 05/29/2003

It's all about Causality

Still under the "matrix Reloaded" influence me and Lior talked about "Causality" after seeing the...

Author: yosit Date: 05/29/2003

MS moved the new Blue Bricks(Application blocks)

User Interface Process: File: Updater: File:...

Author: yosit Date: 05/28/2003

Another great hardcore debugging article from the bugslayer

Author: yosit Date: 05/25/2003

Moving into NewsGator 1.2

I'm moving to Version 1.2 from SharpReader. The post feature is main reason, I can use outlook as my...

Author: yosit Date: 05/20/2003

Remoting with Com+

from An inner mail from my team: Remote Components The class ServicedComponent contains...

Author: yosit Date: 05/19/2003

Some more on Productivity and Curiousity

after reading About Productivity from Roy I couldn't agree more. I always love to learn from people...

Author: yosit Date: 05/19/2003

The Matrix Reloaded - Tickets from MS

after reading .Net for mankind I got a little jealous (I wanted tickets too). I made some probing...

Author: yosit Date: 05/18/2003

surfing the main feed at dotnetweblogs I came a cross a link in Jezze Ezell's "Who Reads Me" which...

Author: yosit Date: 05/16/2003

Feature Request - OPML upload/download

I'de like to update "Blogs I read" category with an opml file...

Author: yosit Date: 05/15/2003

UIP and .... from Design And Practices

just got my hands on those bits......

Author: yosit Date: 05/15/2003

Matrix - Reloaded

Just bought 7 tickets over the net. can't w8 to c it. take a look...

Author: yosit Date: 05/15/2003

what's next from MS design and Practices

take a look at: to know whats coming next...

Author: yosit Date: 05/10/2003


chris brumme is the man... it's hard to keep up with his posts,...

Author: yosit Date: 05/08/2003

Day 3 on Teched 2003 - Israel

u can read all about the last day of teched israel 2003...

Author: yosit Date: 05/08/2003

Day 3 on Teched 2003 - Israel

Teched has ended. After all the booze and the party we had some problem with waking up early. Alik...

Author: yosit Date: 05/08/2003

Com+ services WO ServicedComponent

it's just amazing to see everytime how this weblogging scene is so important for knowledge to...

Author: yosit Date: 05/06/2003

Day 2 on Teched 2003 - Israel . booze and stuff

Just posted : about my presentation on teched and the...

Author: yosit Date: 05/06/2003

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