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C# Soup To Nuts Webcast Links

And here is all the C# Soup To Nuts webcasts so far. (Note, the last 5 haven't occured yet, but you can register for them.)




11/13/2006 - Introduction to C#    

Join me in this webcast where I kick off an introduction to Microsoft's Newest Programming language, C#. I will explore the basic language contructs and begin to explore what types of applications we can build. This will be the "front door" to a series of webcasts on C# where we will progressivly get deeper and deeper in to this fantastic language.

11/20/2006 - Visual C# Express    

Join me in this webcast where we will introduce you to Visual C# Express. Visual C# Express is a free download from Microsoft that allows you to develop C# applications. We will learn about the powerful IDE features like Code Editor, Compiler, Intellisense and the Debugger. We will also learn about the project system that allows us to build a collection to keep all the files related to our program together.

11/27/2006 - Class Libraries C# is a very powerful language, however, it doesn't do everything by itself. Instead, it relies on a hiarchical set of prewritten functions that allows developers to gain access to standard functionality provided by the host operating system. These functions are contained in files called "Class Libraries." Join me while we begin to explore some of the basics of class libraries and learn how C# provides basic functionallity through Class Libraries for developers.

12/4/2006 - C# Program Structure C# is the newest programming language from Microsoft. So far, in this series, we've been exploring the basics of C# and Visual C# Express. In this webcast, we will begin to dive deep into just what C# is and how programs written in C# are structured. We'll begin by looking at how the "main" function is defined. We will then look at the basics of the language and how C# assembles the lines of code you write into something meaningful to the runtime.

12/11/2006 - Language Fundamentals Join me in this webcast series where I will teach you the basics of Microsoft's C# Language. In this webcast we will examine specific C# language features. We will learn what Types, Variables, Constants, Statements and more are and how to use them.

12/18/2006 - Branching and Looping Join me in this webcast series where I will teach you the basics of Microsoft's C# Language. In this webcast we will examine specific C# language features. We will learn about iterators, loops and Branching.

1/8/2007 - Classes and Objects Join me in this webcast series where I will teach you the basics of Microsoft's C# Language. In this webcast we will examine specific C# language features. We will learn about classes, objects and how to use them.

1/15/2007 - Operator Basics Join me in this webcast series where I will teach you the basics of Microsoft's C# Language. In this webcast we will examine specific C# language features. We will learn about the different kinds of operators and how to use them.

1/22/2007 - Basic Debugging Join me in this webcast series where I will teach you the basics of Microsoft's C# Language. In this webcast we will examine specific Visual C# Express features. We will learn about debugging and how the IDE allows you to view what is going on inside your application while it is running.

1/29/2007 - Arrays and Collections Join me in this webcast series where I will teach you the basics of Microsoft's C# Language. In this webcast we will examine specific C# language features. We will learn about arrays and collections and how we can use them to store and organize data withing our application.

2/5/2007 - Creating and Manipulating Strings Join me in this webcast series where I will teach you the basics of Microsoft's C# Language. In this webcast we will examine specific C# language features. We will learn about strings and how to create and manipulate them utilizing basic operators as well as the StringBuilder class.

2/12/2007 - Exception Handling Join me in this webcast series where I will teach you the basics of Microsoft's C# Language. In this webcast we will examine specific C# language features. We will learn how handles unexpected problems with our application via the robust Exception Handling system built into the .NET Framework. We will learn about Try-Catch blocks and how to correctly handle the different types of exceptions that your application can experience.

2/19/2007 - Delegates and Events Join me in this webcast series where I will teach you the basics of Microsoft's C# Language. In this webcast we will examine specific C# language features. We will learn about Delegates and Events. Delegates and Events allow us to build applications that can let others know that some type of interesting thing has happened within our application. We will also see how we can even have multiple listeners respond to a single event.

2/26/2007 - Inheritance and Polymorphism Join me in this webcast series where I will teach you the basics of Microsoft's C# Language. In this webcast we will examine the specific C# language features that allow us to create objects that are "like" other objects. We see this type of coorelation in every day objects and often need to model that in our programs. Inheritance and Polymorphism solve various kinds of problem, including reducing the amount of code we write as well as making it much easier to understand.