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TechNet Wiki: Technical Guru Competition - September 2017 Winners!

All the votes are FINALLY in!  


And below are the results for the TechNet Guru Awards, September 2017 !!!!


The TechNet Guru Awards celebrate the technical articles on TechNet, contributed from valued wiki authors like YOU!

Each month, the contributions are scored by a panel of judges (5 per category, 2-3 in each are MS experts), and the winners of each category are showered with love and attention from all corners of TechNet.

See the links at the bottom, to find out more about the competition and how to enter.


We have picked the top three highest scored contributions for each category to bestow our awards upon.

The awards are in gold, silver and bronze, the gold obviously being the top winner of the category.

The last column is just a few of the comments judges made during the judging process.

In some cases, we have not obtained permission to use the judges names, so they have been reduced to initials.


My fellow wiki ninjas will be digging deeper into some of these articles in this blog series, so watch out for those.


A big thank you also to the other authors who did not make the top three of each category.

Some articles only just missed out, so we may be returning to discuss those too, in future blogs.

 ASP.NET Technical Guru - September 2017 
Gold Award Winner  SYED SHANU Getting Started With ASP.NET Core And Angular 4 Using WEB API Gaurav Kumar Arora: "Good article, images visualized the write-up"Sabah Shariq: "Good work! with very details in step by step to get start. Everyone can understand easily."Khanna Gaurav: "Great article"Jeff Fritz: "You're missing some important parts with distributing the Angular application to the wwwroot folder in the ASP.NET Core application. This article doesn't feel like it shows a production scenario or a good development practice for building an Angular app with ASP.NET Core"
Silver Award Winner  M.Vignesh Serve Static files in ASP.NET Core Using Visual Studio 2017 Khanna Gaurav: "Great explanation for use of static files."Jeff Fritz: "Your sample code should make it very easy for the reader to identify the code that has changed."Gaurav Kumar Arora: "Nice write-up to show how static files get rendered. Adding more description will make this write-up best."Sabah Shariq: "Nice. But a something new on this topic would make this great."
Bronze Award Winner  João Sousa ASP.NET CosmoDB Sabah Shariq: "Great article! with explanation step by step for readers to get start on something new."Gaurav Kumar Arora: "One more good article on CosmoDB."Jeff Fritz: "There is a section missing that shows where to store the CosmosDb connection information in web.config"Khanna Gaurav: "Interesting article"

Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:


 BizTalk Technical Guru - September 2017 
Gold Award Winner  Colin Dijkgraaf BizTalk 2013 R2 known bugs, issues & quirks Abhishek Kumar: "Great work Colin .This is very useful information for any BizTalk Developer or Administrator. I can see some the listed item in this TechNet wiki is already in BizTalk User voice . Keep these wonderful article coming !!"
Silver Award Winner  Mandar Dharmadhikari BizTalk: Making BizTalk WCF Publishing Wizard Remember Previously Exposed Operations while Republishing The WCF Service Abhishek Kumar: "Thanks Mandar for this article . Old topic but nicely explained its been used by every developer and nice to be well documented ."


 Microsoft Azure Technical Guru - September 2017 
Gold Award Winner  Mandar Dharmadhikari Logic Apps: Face Verification Using Microsoft Cognitive Services Face Api and Logic Apps Dileepa Kariyawasam: "Excellent article. Nicely written and well structured."Lasse Wedø: "Useful and structured, an interesting read"Eric Berg: "good article. Thanks"Anton Staykov: "Good showcase on how to use Logic Apps"Kia Zhi Tang: "Great knowledge sharing. Thank you for your contribution."
Silver Award Winner  Mahindra Morar Enforcing Ordered Delivery using Azure Logic Apps and Service Bus Eric Berg: "Thank you"Anton Staykov: "Nice article showing a bit more complicated workflows with Azure Logic Apps"Dileepa Kariyawasam: "Nice article and well written."Lasse Wedø: "A summary in the end would improve the post"Kia Zhi Tang: "Thank you for sharing a good walkthrough but external links should be in the Reference section instead of See Also section"
Bronze Award Winner  Bhushan Gawale Essentials of Azure AD Application Roles Anton Staykov: "Good article, showing us how to achieve what we want and not relay on Security Groups in Azure AD."Kia Zhi Tang: "Thank you for sharing and having great reference source links in Reference section"Dileepa Kariyawasam: "Useful Article. Nicely executed."Eric Berg: "great work. Thank you"Lasse Wedø: "A lot of information, could use a better introduction. The structure of the text needs revision."

Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:

  • Mailing Logic App Run History Using Azure PowerShell Module by Mandar Dharmadhikari
    Dileepa Kariyawasam: "Excellent article. Well written."
    Eric Berg: "Well done"
    Lasse Wedø: "Useful and structured"
    Anton Staykov: "Good, but we can also have the OMS integration ;)"
    Kia Zhi Tang: "Thank you for sharing your powershell cmdlet. It will be best to reference non-wiki links in Reference section instead of See Also section."
  • SQL Pagination for bulk data transfer with Logic Apps by Abhishek Kumar
    Lasse Wedø: "Useful and structured"
    Kia Zhi Tang: "Nice walkthrough with explanations on Pagination."
    Eric Berg: "Thank you."
    Dileepa Kariyawasam: "Good Article."
    Anton Staykov: "The essential is missing - how exactly you configure the logic app and manage paging variable."
  • Configure Azure NSG – Network Security Group by Mustafa Toroman
    Kia Zhi Tang: "Good walkthrough with screenshot. It will be good to have some Reference links about Azure NSG and See Also links to other Azure networking Wiki"
    Dileepa Kariyawasam: "Good Article. However, there are a lot of areas for improvement."
    Anton Staykov: "nice and easy - step by step."
    Eric Berg: "Thank you for this article. It would be great if you could add some more content on NSG --> they are not only available at VM Level"
    Lasse Wedø: "I would like to see TN articles bring new content and ideas."
  • How to attach data disk to existing Azure virtual machine using Windows Powershell by  Kapil Kumawat
    Anton Staykov: "Can't we use the AzureRM module for PowerShell?"
    Dileepa Kariyawasam: "Good Article."
    Eric Berg: "Thank you! Would be great of you could add difference for StorageAccount and ManagedDisk"
    Lasse Wedø: "Information was ok, Creating sections and structure would improve the post"
    Kia Zhi Tang: "Thank you for sharing a powershell command snippet to attach additional new Azure VHD Disk on existing VM. It will be good to have some Reference links about the Azure/AzureRM PowerShell Module or Cmdlet"
  • Microsoft Azure Nested Virtualization Hyper-V Replica by Pantelis Apostolidis
    Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "This one is a good topic to cover in VM section."
    Lasse Wedø: "Good information, may I suggest adding sections and reducing the number of images for readability."
    Eric Berg: "Thank you for your work. Please check formatting...headlines are not really visible and code is inline..."
    Anton Staykov: "Although a nice article, it is more about Hyper-V Replica than Azrue. There is nothing specific to Azure, just the fact mentioned in 1 sentence - it works also on Azure with these specific VM Sizes."
    Dileepa Kariyawasam: "Great article. However, there are room for improvements with regards to the article structure."
    Kia Zhi Tang: "Thank you for sharing nested virtualization proof-of-concept."
  • How to check the available extensions for a virtual machine using Windows Powershell by Kapil Kumawat
    Anton Staykov: "short and easy."
    Eric Berg: "Nice article. Would be great to have some link to MSDN for further description"
    Lasse Wedø: "Information was ok, Creating sections and structure would improve the post"
    Kia Zhi Tang: "Thank you for sharing a powershell command snippet to check Azure VM installed extensions. It will be good to have some Reference links about the Azure/AzureRM PowerShell Module or Cmdlet"
    Dileepa Kariyawasam: "Good informative article."


 Miscellaneous Technical Guru - September 2017 
Gold Award Winner  Simple Samples Managed C++ Wrapper For Unmanaged Code Ronen Ariely (aka pituach) : "Great article. A very useful topic, and well written. I see questions regarding this in the forums all the time, and I am sure that I will refer people to read the article in the future. With that being said, there was place to spend a little more on adjusting the format of the article to the wiki system. For example: Clean the HTML/CSS code which came from the original article, Code format, etc'."


 SharePoint Technical Guru - September 2017 

Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:


 Small Basic Technical Guru - September 2017 
Gold Award Winner  Nonki Takahashi SmallBasic.Workbook 1.2.0: Known Issues DEVA: "Wonderful"SYEDSHANU: "One more useful post and thanks for sharing."
Silver Award Winner  Nonki Takahashi Small Basic: Interactive Learning with Xamarin Workbooks SYEDSHANU: "This is great post Nonki and thanks for sharing."DEVA: "Very nice"


 SQL BI and Power BI Technical Guru - September 2017 
Gold Award Winner  M.Qassas Power BI: Determine The Project Status Based on the Project Start & Finish Date Using Calculated Column Visakh16: "Simple illustration of using Project Server as the source for Power BI. Use of GIFs are awesome. Could have been more elaborate had the article contained few other types of reports explaining analysis of few other aspects of Project Server. On the whole a good level 100 article for someone starting on Power BI with Project Server"Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "Images are a bit over, could have been a great writeup."Tomaž Kaštrun: "Nice demo on building calculated columns with defining new states and reusing them for further analysis and visualization."


 SQL Server General and Database Engine Technical Guru - September 2017 
Gold Award Winner  M.Qassas SQL Server 2016: Getting the Current Cumulative Update / Service Pack installed Visakh16: "Different ways to find out cumulative update installed on server explained well. Use of screenshots,GIFs looks good. Would be good read for beginners"Tomaž Kaštrun: "Overview of ways to check the current Cumulative Update and which service pack in installed for SQL Server instance."Ronen Ariely (aka pituach) : "Very nice article. It is well written and very easy to follow. I love the images and the article is well formatted. Well done!"


 System Center Technical Guru - September 2017 
Gold Award Winner  C Sharp Conner SCSM Data Warehouse - Fact Groom Retention - Prevent Relationships Getting Marked As Deleted Eric Berg: "Thank you for this very interesting article. Well done"Joseph Moody: "I appreciate the humour. :)"


 Transact-SQL Technical Guru - September 2017 
Gold Award Winner  M.Qassas T-SQL: Query The Enterprise Custom Fields In Project Server 2016 /2013 Visakh16: "Simple article giving details on catalog objects in Project Server database and getting custom field values from it."Tomaž Kaštrun: "Querying custom fields in Project Server. A quick overview."Diederik Krols: "Very useful, thanks."
Silver Award Winner  M.Qassas T-SQL: Get SQL Server Instance Information Using SERVERPROPERTY Diederik Krols: "Nice reference article."Tomaž Kaštrun: "Wiki type of an article with explanation of SERVERPROPERTY function and usage of the property names."Visakh16: "Article looks like straight lift from MSDN documentation. Just a very simple article explaining various properties returned by SERVERPROPERTY function."Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "A great reference, good job compiling it into one post."


 Visual C# Technical Guru - September 2017 
Gold Award Winner  M.Qassas SSOM C#: Get and Set a SPLookup Field Values Using Diederik Krols: "Well done."Khanna Gaurav: "Nice article"


 Windows PowerShell Technical Guru - September 2017 
Gold Award Winner  Stoyan Chalakov Automating SQL operations with Service Management Automation (SMA) and Invoke-Sqlcmd – challenges and solutions Kia Zhi Tang: "Great share with code examples. It can be even better if you also include those SQL Cmdlet documentation source links into a Reference section for readers."


 Windows Server Technical Guru - September 2017 
Gold Award Winner  Kelly Bush Active Directory Domain Deployment Checklist Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "You can remove the list style and consider section based style with some extra content."Dileepa Kariyawasam: "Good Article and is also very valuable for the sys admins to have."Mark Parris: "Good checklist for DC deployment - now to link an article to every bullet point."Kia Zhi Tang: "Nice Checklist. Thank you for sharing."Eric Berg: "Nice. Thanks"Joseph Moody: "Great list!!"JM: "This is a good article. Suggestion: define all of the acronyms. Lots of readers won't know what they mean."
Silver Award Winner  M.Qassas Windows Server 2012: The Boot Configuration Data for your PC is missing or contains errors Eric Berg: "Well done. Very good advice. Thank you"Joseph Moody: "Great write up! The pictures and media really brought this article together."JM: "This is a very good article, thanks for your contribution."Dileepa Kariyawasam: "Good article."Mark Parris: "Good recovery knowledge."Kia Zhi Tang: "Interesting Fix using Windows RE's tool. Thank you for sharing this Proof-of-Concept. Do you know you can repair by booting into WindowsPE and using BCDboot?"

A huge thank you to EVERYONE who contributed an article to September's competition.

Hopefully we will see you ALL again in October's listings?


If you haven't contributed an article for this month, and you think you can create a more useful, clever and better presented wiki article than the winners above, here's your chance! :D

Best regards,
Pete Laker



More about the TechNet Guru Awards:


  • Anonymous
    October 25, 2017
    Thanks to all gurus that participated? There were some really amazing articles!Maybe few articles which can be improved a bit...Read the judges' ruling and focus on the comments. It's the base to join the winners next month.?‍??‍?Thanks to all the judges for your time and for your their great work ?
  • Anonymous
    October 25, 2017
    No entries for VB in the September contest?
    • Anonymous
      October 25, 2017
      I noticed it about a week after the voting started, and I thought of contact you regarding this point, asking where is your article. But it was too late for this month.This is "your fault" Paul :-) We were waiting for your article about the next game you developed using VB.Net
      • Anonymous
        October 27, 2017
        I can only apologize for not submitting an entry :D:D:D
  • Anonymous
    October 25, 2017
    Thank You judges for the valuable comments and Congrats to all the Winners !
  • Anonymous
    October 25, 2017
    Thanks to all the judges, Congratulations to all winners!
    • Anonymous
      October 25, 2017
      6 awards in different-different categories, Good job M.Qassas :)
      • Anonymous
        October 26, 2017
        Thank you so much [Kamlesh Kumar], Your comment makes me proud and represents the 7th Medal for me :)
  • Anonymous
    October 26, 2017
    Congratulations to all the winners!
  • Anonymous
    October 26, 2017
    Thanks to all judges!!! Congratulations to all winners :)
  • Anonymous
    October 26, 2017
    Congratulations to all the winners !
  • Anonymous
    October 27, 2017
    Congrats to all.
  • Anonymous
    October 28, 2017
    Congratulations to all winners.
  • Anonymous
    November 06, 2017
    It would benefit the competition if contributors could provide versions of their article in as many of the given programming languages as they reasonably can. For example a C# application can be easily rewritten in VB and vice-versa. This would double your target audience. Just a thought...
  • Anonymous
    November 06, 2017
    Wherever possible, when I have some time in my schedule, and when it seems feasible, I try to provide the same example in both VB.Net and C#...
  • Anonymous
    November 08, 2017
    Congratulations to all winners!