XPSP2 Resources for IT Pros
A friend of mine that works in the IT industry just stunned me by asking whether there was anything new in SP2 for Windows XP - seems we haven't quite got the message out there enough yet - be prepared for this one, it is not just another Service Pack.
So, for him and you, I've linked the Microsoft.com page that conveniently lists the resources available for SP2 for IT Pros:
Developer-focused info is here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/security/productinfo/xpsp2/default.aspx
I don't care what anyone else tells you - in my opinion, this is Windows XP - The Second Coming. It's a pretty major product upgrade, and you need to have at least a rough idea of what's happening in it if your professional life intersects with it.
- Anonymous
April 07, 2004
Why won't they put in tabbed browsing? - Anonymous
April 22, 2004
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
April 23, 2004
My home machine also rejected XPSP2, though it's not slow. The machine's kinda passive-aggressive about it - the Firewall simply doesn't work when it's installed. I spent a whole four minutes trying to troubleshoot it, but didn't press the issue and rolled back (I've tried it thrice with the same result). My home machine is quite "fresh" in most respects.
On my relatively gunked up work machine, it all works beautifully, natch.
Anyway, I was going to say - I think that given the current threat landscape, it's critical that end-users are protected from doing Harmful Things. I spend the odd weekend cleaning spyware from a relative's PC, then explaining how it got there and how not to get it again, but I think we (as Microsoft) have a responsibility to help ensure that they get it right without needing to be taught.
I think SP2 is the Right Move; we're doing everything we can to get the RTM right.