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LCS and OCS Product Information

Troubleshooting Convergence in MOC

Forgive the multiple postings, Dennis kindly alerted me that the images were not displaying. As I...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 06/13/2007

New VoIP As You Are Site

The Microsoft UC site has received a new look for our current campaign. The direct link for the VoIP...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 06/11/2007

OCS Deploy Series: Phase 1 (SE) Take 2 - Complete

Ok so this took far too long for something really so simple, really the SE deployment is simple. In...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 06/04/2007

OCS Deploy Series: Phase 1 (SE) Take 2

I did not intend for such a long time to complete this series but I guess the nice thing is that it...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 05/17/2007

VoipWithoutBarriers Marketing site

update May 17. It looks like there were some problems with this effort (not sure of the details)....

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 04/28/2007

OCS Deploy Series - Virtual Machine woes

Last night and early this morning I am faced with a difficult decision - start over again or push...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 04/27/2007

OCS 2007 Strategic Hardware Partners - Gateways for voice

If you are deploying OCS 2007 with the voice technology and mediation server role, here are the...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 04/26/2007

OCS Deploy Series: Phase 1 - Pesky VMs and loopback adapter

I was able to get my DTAP enabled for configuring this setup so that it is available to me on the...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 04/25/2007

OCS Deploy Series: Phase 1 - Standard Edition

Remember in the opening post about this project I mentioned running since Beta 2, well it has been...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 04/23/2007

Microsoft Response Point beta

Are you a small business customer? Are you a partner and provide services to the small business...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 04/17/2007

Deploying Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 Public Beta Series

I have run a version of Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 since beta 2 and have been...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 04/03/2007

PIC: GoDaddy certs... Resolved!

<Update March 3 - (thanks to Jan, Dennis and Jens for pushing to resolve this)> Customer...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 03/26/2007

PIC: Which Entrust Certificate do I purchase?

Andrew from Entrust alerted us to a problem with our documentation around the Entrust Certificates...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 03/23/2007

Microsoft: Breaking VoIP Barriers

I saw the internal email with our new logo and thought, hey that would be a cool banner for the...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 03/20/2007

OCS 2007 Public Beta

Man I cannot wait for the public beta to get here. I have been playing with some of the resource kit...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 03/14/2007

VoiceCon 2007

In my new role I will have my first opportunity to attend an Industry event instead of just a...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 03/01/2007

Tom, do I need a director?

Here is a recent email exchange regarding the use of the director, I hope that you are able to see...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 02/27/2007

Communicator Tab Sample: Maps

One of our customers shared with us their recent solution for the Communicator client TAB...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 02/23/2007

LCS - Determine which users are enabled for PIC

One nice thing about the blog and the IM technology is that I am able to establish contacts with...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 02/23/2007

Microsoft Messenger for Mac 6.0.2 - How to Log (MSN, not SIP)

In my prior post I mentioned that the logging information was misleading and only handled MSN, not...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 02/06/2007

Microsoft Messenger for Mac 6.0.2 release - logging clarification

Microsoft Messenger for Mac 6.0.2, released Jan 30, 2007...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 02/01/2007

Off the LCS Topic: Daylight Savings changes coming

I don't know if you are aware of the upcoming changes to Daylight Savings for the United States but...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 01/29/2007

Creating Certificates for LCS

The information below comes from one of our support staff, handling certificate service issues. Live...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 01/22/2007

UC post for Live Communications Server 2005 Address Book Service FAQ & Troubleshooting

We have posted a FAQ for the Address Book Service to the UC Blog. If you have further questions and...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 01/10/2007

LCS: Carolina IT Professionals Group

Tuesday January 9th, 3 of us (Tom, Matt and Chad) will be presenting to the local Carolina IT...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 01/08/2007

How do I determine what I post?

Determining my posts - The complexity of an issue and how much information can be shared to shed...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 12/29/2006

Error 0x800700005 unable to open server certificate store

The above error was reported by a customer from his Access Proxy. The first thought was locked down...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 12/21/2006

December TAP Summit for OCS 2007

Mu Han has our most recent post on the UC blog regarding the Private Beta for OCS 2007. I was one of...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 12/16/2006

Supportability Meetings

I was invited to join our management team for a 2.5 day visit with the product group regarding the...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 11/01/2006

Off Topic: Ms. Dewey

This is just too good not to share with the folks reading this blog. Some...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 10/31/2006

How do you add a user that doesn't have a Passport domain?

Sometimes you are reminded that you didn't document something you thought you did. Turns out that I...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 10/26/2006

Mac Messenger 6.0 released

Wow, what is the chance that my last two blog entries would be about the Mac client. Install...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 09/28/2006

Mac Messenger 5.1.1 problem with Communicator

After working on this issue I am not sure I can truly say I am a Mac novice but for the purposes of...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 09/11/2006

New Unified Communications blog started

Edit - adding the actual url :) Sometimes a delay is a good thing and...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 08/22/2006

Test Post using Writer beta

I am testing the new Writer beta for the blog. Nice compact window and rather simple options for the...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 08/17/2006

The Vouchers have been claimed

I really appreciate knowing that a lot of folks find the blog useful and am happy to have had...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 08/16/2006

Gaim as a client alternative

I received an email via the blogs from Arun this week about the options he has to connect to LCS...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 08/10/2006

LCS: SQL 2005 and Windows R2 now supported!

Yes we listen to your feedback about lacking support for various topologies or technologies and yes...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 07/27/2006

Test for technical bulletins

This is how I am proposing we push content publicly, specifically the technical bulletins. Can you...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 07/22/2006

Communicator Mobile the silent refresh

The product group released an update to Communicator Mobile on June 23. I believe this was a...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 07/07/2006

Apologies for not monitoring comments better

I would have bet that at one time I received all comments in email so I have just thought folks were...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 06/27/2006

PIC: How one simple underscore can throw everything into a fit

We recently had 2 customers encounter a very painful and labor intesive process working through...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 06/20/2006

Trillian client no longer in Google Pack

This post is not about LCS and Communicator specifically but about IM in general. Due to my unique...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 05/22/2006

LCS: AS35: Introduction to Microsoft Office Live Communications Server 2005

Skills Assessment Title: AS35: Introduction to Microsoft Office Live Communications Server 2005...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 04/28/2006

Microsoft Office Communicator Mobile Product Support Guide

Introduction Installation ISSUE: Installation Prerequisites cause problems when not addressed. In...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 04/25/2006

Microsoft Office Communicator Mobile has RTM'ed!

Office Communicator Mobile just released to web and is now available for download from...

Author: Tom Laciano Date: 04/24/2006

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