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IsInRole Is Slow

Authentication to ASP.NET May be Slow

When using custom authentication modules and/or role based authentication in ASP.NET you may find that the authentication process is slow.

The IsInRole() method of WindowsPrincipal was implemented in 1.0 and 1.1 in such a way that depending on the circumstances you may hit a performance bottleneck. The first time you call IsInRole() each SID from the user's token is resolved back to a friendly name. These names are then cached internally in the WindowsPrincipal object for subsequent calls. The name passed into IsInRole() is then compared to each of the cached names to determine the return value (true/false). The SID to name resolution process requires making a RPC call into LSASS on the local machine, from here the SID is either resolved (because it is owned by the local computer), pulled from SID cache, or forwarded to a higher authority DC. SID caching is only enabled on non DC machines and there is a max number of SID cache entries that can be stored and old entries are dumped to make room for new.

The poor performance can be the result of one or more factors such as 1) the user is a member of many groups, and/or 2) some of the groups that the user is a member are sourced from remote domains, that is, where local Domain Controllers (DC) are not available. Arguably #1 is a bit vague but I have seen customers that have users with 200-800 group memberships and have had just a horrible experience. The explosion in group membership can partly be attributed to the fact with Windows 2000 and Windows 2003 have the notion of nested groups. The Directory Services admin tools (Active Directory Users and Computers) shows the group membership a user is directly associated, however it does not walk the tree for nested groups. During authentication the tree is walked and the SIDs of each of these groups are added to the user's token.Consider a user in Texas that is a member of 200 groups and 30 of which are sourced from a remote domain, that is, a domain where no local Domain Controller exists in his/her site. A call to IsInRole for this user would require about 200 RPC calls to one or more Domain Controllers and 30 of which that would be remote and may be slow to return their results. There is no batch SID to name resolution so each SID results in a call.To mitigate these issues I have written a small class that derives from WindowsPrincipal and overrides IsInRole(). My implementation takes the role or name passed into the method and resolves this to a SID, caches the SID, and then does a call to the system API CheckTokenMembership() to check if the SID is in the user's token. Although the name to SID translation too hits a DC (maybe even a remote DC) the number of calls will be limited to the groups listed in the web.config files. The number is typically less than a dozen groups and once resolved to SIDs, no further calls to the DCs are made to satisfy the lookups. The call to CheckTokenMembership() is handled by Advapi32.dll all in process so not RPC calls are made here either.Care should be taken when adding groups to the web.config files. Ensure they are not misspelled or have not been renamed and use the format domain\groupname to remove any ambiguities. The results are that if you have 10 roles listed in your web.config there will be at most 10 calls to a DC for the life of the application/AppDomain. So 100 users configured as our user in Texas hitting the website with the below implementation will result in 10 calls to a DC whereas with the current implementation the same traffic to the website would result in up to 20,000 ( 100 * 200 ) calls to a DC. Of course if the users are members of many of the same groups and the website is not running on a DC the total count of DC calls will be reduced.Note: Whidbey does not have this problem as the WindowsPrincipal has been totally reworked.

The FastPrincipal

namespace Utility { public class FastPrincipal : System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal { private const int ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER = 122; //from winerror.h private const int SecurityImpersonation = 2; //SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL enum from winnt.h private static SidCache s_sidCache = null; private static object s_cacheLock = new object(); private class SidCache : System.Collections.Hashtable { public SidCache() : base() { //ensure we clean up our native heap memory System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DomainUnload += new EventHandler( DomainUnload ); } private void DomainUnload( Object sender, EventArgs e ) { this.Clear(); } public override void Clear() { foreach( Sid sid in base.Values ) { sid.Dispose(); } base.Clear(); } } private class Sid : IDisposable { IntPtr _sidvalue; int _length; public Sid( IntPtr sid, int length ) { _sidvalue = sid; _length = length; } public int Length { get { return _length; } } public IntPtr Value { get { return _sidvalue; } } public Sid Copy() { Sid newSid = new Sid( IntPtr.Zero, 0 ); byte[] buffer = new byte[this.Length]; newSid._sidvalue = Marshal.AllocHGlobal( this.Length ); newSid._length = this.Length; Marshal.Copy( this.Value, buffer, 0, this.Length ); Marshal.Copy( buffer, 0, newSid._sidvalue, this.Length ); return newSid; } public void Dispose() { if( _sidvalue != IntPtr.Zero ) { Marshal.FreeHGlobal( _sidvalue ); _sidvalue = IntPtr.Zero; } GC.SuppressFinalize( this ); } }//Sid public FastPrincipal( WindowsIdentity ntIdentity ): base( ntIdentity ){} public override bool IsInRole( string role ) { Sid sid = null; bool ret = false; try { sid = GetSid( role ); if( sid != null && sid.Value != IntPtr.Zero ) { ret = IsSidInToken( ( ( WindowsIdentity )base.Identity ).Token, sid ); } } catch {/*Don't allow exceptions to bubble back up*/} finally { if( sid != null ) { sid.Dispose(); } } return ret; } private bool IsSidInToken( IntPtr token, Sid sid ) { IntPtr impersonationToken = IntPtr.Zero; bool inToken = false; try { if( DuplicateToken( token, SecurityImpersonation, ref impersonationToken ) ) { CheckTokenMembership(impersonationToken, sid.Value, out inToken); } } finally { if( impersonationToken != IntPtr.Zero ) { CloseHandle( impersonationToken ); } } return inToken; } private Sid GetSid( string role ) { Sid sid = null; sid = GetSidFromCache( role ); if( sid == null ) { sid = ResolveNameToSid( role ); if( sid != null ) { AddSidToCache( role, sid ); } } return sid; } private Sid GetSidFromCache( string role ) { Sid sid = null; if( s_sidCache != null ) { lock( s_cacheLock ) { Sid cachedsid = ( Sid ) s_sidCache[role.ToUpper()]; if( cachedsid != null ) { sid = cachedsid.Copy(); } } } return sid; } private void AddSidToCache( string role, Sid sid ) { if( s_sidCache == null ) { lock( s_cacheLock ) { if( s_sidCache == null ) { s_sidCache = new SidCache(); } } } lock( s_cacheLock ) { if( !s_sidCache.Contains( role ) ) { s_sidCache.Add( role.ToUpper(), sid.Copy() ); } } } private Sid ResolveNameToSid( string name ) { bool ret = false; Sid sid = null; IntPtr psid = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr domain = IntPtr.Zero; int sidLength = 0; int domainLength = 0; int sidType = 0; try { ret = LookupAccountName( null, name, psid, ref sidLength, domain, ref domainLength, out sidType ); if( ret == false && Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ) { psid = Marshal.AllocHGlobal( sidLength ); //LookupAccountName only works on Unicode systems so to ensure //we allocate a LPWSTR domain = Marshal.AllocHGlobal( domainLength * 2 ); ret = LookupAccountName( null, name, psid, ref sidLength, domain, ref domainLength, out sidType); } if( ret == true ) { sid = new Sid( psid, sidLength ); } } finally { if( domain != IntPtr.Zero ) { Marshal.FreeHGlobal( domain ); } } return sid; } #region /********IMPORTS***********/ //only works on Unicode systems so we ar safe to go with an Auto CharSet [DllImport("advapi32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)] private extern static bool LookupAccountName( string lpSystemName, string lpAccountName, IntPtr Sid, ref int cbSid, IntPtr ReferencedDomainName, ref int cbReferencedDomainName, out int peUse ); [DllImport( "advapi32.dll" )] public extern static bool CheckTokenMembership(IntPtr TokenHandle, IntPtr SidToCheck, out bool IsMember); [DllImport( "advapi32.dll" )] public extern static bool DuplicateToken( IntPtr ExistingTokenHandle, int SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL, ref IntPtr DuplicateTokenHandle); [DllImport( "kernel32.dll" )] public extern static bool CloseHandle( IntPtr Handle ); #endregion }//FastPrincipal}

Example of how to use FastPrincipal in your web application.

private void Global_AuthorizeRequest(object sender, System.EventArgs e){ HttpApplication application = ( HttpApplication ) sender; if( application.Context.User != null && //just to be safe application.Context.User is WindowsPrincipal && //only modify WindowsPrincipals //if not authenticated we don't have a token application.Context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated == true ) { System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal = application.Context.User = new FastPrincipal( ( WindowsIdentity ) application.Context.User.Identity ); }}
