Megosztás a következőn keresztül:

Heavyweight Help in V1

Again, in V1 PSH, this is what I use for nicely formatted help.  If you're on V2, by all means, use the inline help, PLEASE!

function Break-Line {
    # synopsis::
    # [-help]
    # Description::
    # Inserts linefeeds into strings read from STDIN so they wrap nicely
    # for a given PowerShell window's screen geometry
    # Usage::
    # $data | Break-Line
    param (

    if ($help) { return (Get-FunctionHelp -name $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name); }

    $width = $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Width - 1;
    $input | % {
        $_ = $_ -replace "`t", " ";
        foreach ($line in $_.split("`n")) {
            $line = $line -replace "\s*$";
            $indent = $line -replace "(^\s*).*", '$1';
            $line = $line -replace "^\s*";
            while ($line.length -gt ($width - $indent.length)) {
                $splitPoint = $width - $indent.length;
                $buffer = $line.SubString(0, $splitPoint);
                $offset = $buffer.lastIndexOf(" ")
                if (($offset -ne -1) -and ($offet -ne ($buffer.length -1))) {
                    $splitPoint = $offset;
                    $buffer = $line.SubString(0, $splitPoint);   
                $line = $line.SubString($splitPoint, ($line.length - $splitPoint)) -replace "^\s*";

function Get-FunctionHelp {
    # Synopsis::
    # <-name <string>> [-help]
    # Description::
    # Extracts help text from header comments in functions and displays it.
    # Function help is the first comment block in the scriptblock.
    # usage::
    # Get-FunctionHelp -name Get-FunctionHelp
    param (
        [string]$name = $null,
    if ($help) { return (Get-FunctionHelp -name $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name); }

    if (!$name) {
        Write-Warning "Get-FunctionHelp -name not specified.";
    if (!(Test-Path "function:$name")) {
        Write-Warning "Get-FunctionHelp -name $name not found in function: PSProvider.";
    (Get-Content "function:$name").ToString().Split("`n") | Write-Help -name $name;

function Write-Help {
    # Synopsis::
    # [-name <string>] [-indent <n>] [-full] [-help]
    # Description::
    # Format basic help text, treating any string that ends with :: (with optional
    # whitespace) as a header. A header has an extra blank line inserted above
    # it, the :: removed, and is displayed in allcaps.
    # If -indent is specified, the help text is indented by the specified
    # number of spaces. Default is 4 spaces.
    # Usage::
    # $helpText | Write-Help -indent 2;

    param (
        [int]$indent = 4,

    if ($help) { return (Get-FunctionHelp -name $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name); }

    $data = @('');   
    $indents = " " * $indent;
    foreach ($line in $input) {
        if (!$line) { continue; }
        if (($line -match "^\s*$") -or ($line -match "^#region ") -or ($line -match "^#endregion ")) { continue; }
        if ($line -match "^\s*###") {
            if ($full) {
            } else {
        $line = $line -replace "<name>(\.ps1)?", $name;       
        if ($line -match "^\s*#") {
            $line = $line -replace "^\s*#*" -replace "^ " -replace "\s*$", " ";
            if ($line -match "^\s*$") {
                $data += @("", $indents);
            } else {
                if ($line -match "^.*::\s*$") {
                    $line = $line.ToUpper()
                    $data += $line -replace "::\s*$";
                    if ($line -match "Synopsis::") {
                        $data += "$indents$name ";
                    } else {
                        $data += $indents;
                } else {
                    $data[$data.Count - 1] += $line;
        } else {
    $data | Break-Line;
    "NOTES`n${indents}Internal Use Only`n${indents}Copyright (c)$(Get-Date -format yyyy) Microsoft`n";

Here, the magic string is ending a line with "::".  That signifies a section head.