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Spat's WebLog (Steve Patrick)

When things go wrong...

ADFS man, it's ADFS...

Just linking up to my friend Jim- gotta keep an eye on folks like him....

Author: Spat-MSFT Date: 02/22/2007

My boss and Steve Jobs...

This should be interesting to see.. NEW...

Author: Spat-MSFT Date: 02/20/2007

Userenv vista

In my last post I discussed an issue with paged pool exhaustion and MUP. One of the pieces of data...

Author: Spat-MSFT Date: 02/07/2007

Bitlocker Recovery Password viewer thingy dealy

Just in case you missed it.. some coolness from the bitlocker team to make your life easier. "The...

Author: Spat-MSFT Date: 01/22/2007

Memory leaks...

I was all set to write up a great post on memory leaks, how to track them down etc.. blah blah...

Author: Spat-MSFT Date: 01/18/2007

Test LiveWriter entry

this is a test..

Author: Spat-MSFT Date: 01/08/2007

Supportability and Vista UAC

Supportability is a topic near and dear to my heart. Vista has made great leaps and bounds in this...

Author: Spat-MSFT Date: 12/20/2006

Don’t do this with Vista GPO's ...

Bad things will happen. In vista there is a GPO called “Display information about previous logons...

Author: Spat-MSFT Date: 12/19/2006

Configuring and Troubleshooting Certificate Services Client–Credential Roaming ( DIMS )

Here it is finally... ( note , I did not write this ) Whitepaper Configuring and Troubleshooting...

Author: Spat-MSFT Date: 12/19/2006

Live for the mobile platform is awesome...

Check it out.

Author: Spat-MSFT Date: 12/01/2006

All that is Bitlocker

Clearly plagiarism by me ... Bitlocker bookmarks to have handy BitLocker Step by Step information...

Author: Spat-MSFT Date: 11/28/2006

Another bookmark for myself and an FYI for readers. You may have missed this post from our excellent...

Author: Spat-MSFT Date: 10/16/2006

Smartcard logon over Terminal Services ( RDP redirection )

In a recent post I outlined a number of ‘challenges’ to implementing smartcards. I also asked about...

Author: Spat-MSFT Date: 10/16/2006

Smart Card Development Article in MSDN Magazine

Since I am on a SC kick lately.... ( and cant seem to get away from it ) Should be an interesting...

Author: Spat-MSFT Date: 10/11/2006

Smartcards and cached logons...

Smartcards and cached credentials. Scenario – large customer using a smartcard client from vendor...

Author: Spat-MSFT Date: 10/06/2006

Download Vista for free (post RC1 build) This page includes information to...

Author: Spat-MSFT Date: 09/25/2006

Real men of Genius ( otherwise known as Neat Vista tools.. part 1 )

I may never find the time to get to #2 ... but I think Ill start a list of all the things I find in...

Author: Spat-MSFT Date: 09/21/2006

Why do we care about the Energy Policy Act of 2005?

From On August 8, 2005, President George W. Bush signed...

Author: Spat-MSFT Date: 09/19/2006

Vista HowTo's online

Kind of a bookmarker for myself:...

Author: Spat-MSFT Date: 09/07/2006

HowTo: Determine if a user has logged on via smart card

Hi All More smartcard related stuff... A somewhat common question for those moving to smartcard...

Author: Spat-MSFT Date: 09/06/2006

Delegate Kerberos Constrained Delegation..

Say "delegate" three times fast... Here is a short post on Kerberos constrained delegation. If you...

Author: Spat-MSFT Date: 08/30/2006

Crypto Challenge..

Something I have followed for a while , but figured some of you may find it interesting as well....

Author: Spat-MSFT Date: 08/30/2006

Want to check out Vista? Download it free here...

Pre RC1 download - , free for anyone with the bandwidth - to the first 100,000...

Author: Spat-MSFT Date: 08/29/2006

Been away for a bit..

I havent posted anything of real interest (IMO ) in a while, mainly because I have been really...

Author: Spat-MSFT Date: 08/26/2006

Manipulate stored credentials

This is more of a note to self so I dont forget the nifty cmd line tool included in 2k3 by default....

Author: Spat-MSFT Date: 07/19/2006

Waiting patiently for the new HTC device...

I'm waiting for this to hit shelves here in the states , but in the meantime - here is a great (...

Author: Spat-MSFT Date: 07/14/2006

WMI is cool - when it's broken WMIDIAG is even cooler...

Summary: "The WMI Diagnosis Utility performs a detailed examination of the WMI service and all its...

Author: Spat-MSFT Date: 06/23/2006

All about the hotfixes...

Not too much to say, except this is a great page detailing many facets of the hotfix process ......

Author: Spat-MSFT Date: 06/11/2006

Straw Poll - When are you planning to get rid of passwords?

You heard " The Man" , Bill Gates at RSA 2006 - "Another weak link, is in authentication. Today we...

Author: Spat-MSFT Date: 06/08/2006

Something is broken..

Here is an article 897721 "You may not be able to connect to a domain controller by using LDAP over...

Author: Spat-MSFT Date: 06/07/2006

"The cryptographic operation failed due to a local security option setting"...Indeed.

Kinda a one off odd one.. but I’ve seen it more than once… so it gets a blog entry. Failure to...

Author: Spat-MSFT Date: 06/05/2006

Digital Identity Management Service (DIMS) releases for XP Clients - cool news..

Article is not available yet - but if you ask PSS for 907247 - that's the ticket in. If you need...

Author: Spat-MSFT Date: 05/24/2006

Setting up Vista for debugging...

More of a reminder\bookmark for myself... and i copy and paste it here because I never know when...

Author: Spat-MSFT Date: 05/20/2006

How fast can you authenticate users (part2) ? .. not very.

Marginally related to my other post.. This could be an important hotfix for you - as it will impact...

Author: Spat-MSFT Date: 05/20/2006

FYI - Changes to null session pipes post 2k3 SP1

Pre Win2k3 SP1 we actually had a hardcoded list of null session pipes + the registry key to come up...

Author: Spat-MSFT Date: 05/15/2006

x64 - pathchguard and other random bookmarks

Interesting x64 link.. patchguard internals

Author: Spat-MSFT Date: 05/14/2006


When you request Key Encipherment and Key Agreement in the key usage - we strip off the Key...

Author: Spat-MSFT Date: 04/27/2006

MaxConcurrentAPI - or, how fast can you authenticate users?

MaxConcurrentAPI.. what is it? It is referenced a few places: Netlogon reg entries IAS Best...

Author: Spat-MSFT Date: 01/05/2006

Crypt* calls failing?

Common crypto issue.. I have seen this more than once so I thought I would mention it here. Calls to...

Author: Spat-MSFT Date: 01/04/2006

Managing the Encrypted File System certs...or "preventing self signed certs."

This is an FYI .. How do you manage your users related to EFS? Do they use EFS? Do you know if they...

Author: Spat-MSFT Date: 01/03/2006

Debugging LSASS ... oh what fun, it is to ride..

I spend a lot of my time debugging LSASS or Winlogon due to what I specialize in ( Active Directory...

Author: Spat-MSFT Date: 12/27/2005

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