Small Basic is FREE!!!
Yeah, it's free. Give yourself a gift. Or give a kid a future in computer software that they might not otherwise have. Just click:
What is Small Basic? Well... Small Basic is Fun, Simple, Social, & Gradual.
And these resources will guide you. Ten year olds have used these resources on their own to learn Small Basic:
Maybe you want to see what people have been doing with it first...
Small Basic Program Gallery (listed by Category)
Small Basic Student Testimonies - 47 students, from age 8-13, explain how easily they learned Small Basic and how great it is.
Maybe you're ready to engage with the community...
Small Basic on TechNet Wiki (all articles)
- Ninja Ed
December 20, 2013
Hasn't SmallBasic been free for more than a year?Anonymous
December 20, 2013
Why is it a pain to install? Why is it looking for some old version of net. framework?Anonymous
December 21, 2013
David, yes. Like all news, this is news if it is news to you. Otherwise, it's olds.Anonymous
December 21, 2013
Blaine, that's a good point. I would expect the Getting Started Guide to start with installation instructions.Anonymous
December 21, 2013
This has an installation section but doesn't mention the framework requirement:
December 30, 2013
Which of net frameworkAnonymous
January 29, 2014
Scratch that. It does mention the Framework requirement here: "After installation and trying to start, you may see an error message that announces Small Basic cannot be started. If this occurs, try downloading and installing the latest version of the Microsoft .NET framework at:"Anonymous
February 09, 2014
Ahmet, so you must have .NET Framework 3.5.1 installed and turned on. That's in addition to any more recent version. We're updating the Wiki pages to make this clearer. Thanks!Anonymous
February 09, 2014
Ahmet and Blaine, I added these instructions about the .NET Framework to these two articles in the "Install Small Basic" section: So I think that would cover new users. Thanks!Anonymous
October 21, 2015
I updated the Download button to go to our Download page, which shows your options: