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Reed Me

Development schtuff, SQL Server & other random geekness. Now with more [fill in the blank]!

Hello, World! humor

I've been reading UserFriendly for years, and Illiad's usually pretty funny (sometimes even when...

Author: reedme Date: 02/07/2007

What do you call an anti-populist organizational structure?

I enjoy reading Bob Lewis' "Keep the Joint Running" newsletter... because I don't get enough...

Author: reedme Date: 02/06/2007

Not always free or open?

As a once-famous comedian always said (before he slipped into late night news obscurity), "I don't...

Author: reedme Date: 02/05/2007

Putting Unit Tests to Work (for the database)?

Our friends over at put up a great article this morning: Putting Unit Tests to...

Author: reedme Date: 02/01/2007

One good use for molecular chemistry! (Caffeinated doughnuts?!)

I'm usually a fan of "pure" science, but only in an esoteric, mildly-interested sort of way. Oh, we...

Author: reedme Date: 01/26/2007

Writers for The Onion moonlight at PC World?

Although the subject "Apple Monopoly Attacked" might seem to be the stuff of satire written at The...

Author: reedme Date: 01/26/2007

Google takes aim at BN and Amazon?

It might not seem like a direct assault, but it's got to be in the threat matrix for the big...

Author: reedme Date: 01/25/2007

Immortal computing gives new meaning to the phrase long term planning

Is this more life immitating science fiction? E-mail from the grave? Microsoft seeks patent on...

Author: reedme Date: 01/23/2007

New Rules for Old Geeks? Amen.

I'm not Mr. Anderson's age yet, but the next time I turn around, I probably will be. Anyway, I'm...

Author: reedme Date: 01/20/2007

Military to recruit Xbox players in the near future?

Popular Science has an interesting article about RedOwl, a military application robot, built in part...

Author: reedme Date: 01/19/2007

Welcome aboard, Don!

.NET Developer's Journal has a good article about it. Microsoft Snags Don Ferguson, Former IBM Chief...

Author: reedme Date: 01/16/2007

Ubiquitous Quality Culture?

This article (Even Toyota Isn't Perfect) caught my attention, not because I'm a...

Author: reedme Date: 01/16/2007

Congratulations to Donald Farmer & the whole BI crew

Whatever you may think of the validity of "people's choice"-type awards*, it's always nice to know...

Author: reedme Date: 01/15/2007

Is your daylight going to be saved this year?

I was just reading my morning blogs and email, and an internal email on this topic (Preparing for...

Author: reedme Date: 01/10/2007

No Merry Golfmas Today

When my wife decided that I need to do something other than play Gears of War, I don't think she had...

Author: reedme Date: 12/29/2006

Halo 3 cured my Hotmail problem (really!)

Getting invited into the alpha playtest for a certain high profile science fiction save-the-Earth...

Author: reedme Date: 12/25/2006

I'm ambivalent about Exam Insurance

As one of the letter people that has as many of the MCP certifications that I have time to take and...

Author: reedme Date: 11/20/2006

Workaround for error in Configure Distribution Wizard

I don't know if it's me, Windows Vista or what, but the Configure Distribution Wizard fails with the...

Author: reedme Date: 11/16/2006

150 meteors per hour?

New Scientist Space has an interesting article on the Leonid meteor shower. Not as spectacular as...

Author: reedme Date: 11/16/2006

Hey, I resemble that remark. (I have a new theme song!)

I am proud to announce that I have a new theme song! If you don't have one, I strongly recommend...

Author: reedme Date: 10/26/2006

Giving Live Writer a try...

Since the Word 2007 blog features can't seem to connect to my Blogger alter ego in the current...

Author: reedme Date: 10/26/2006

You’ve got to wonder what is so important...

If anybody knows Joe Barton (R, Fort Worth, Texas), please ask him to explain what possible reform...

Author: reedme Date: 10/15/2006

McAfee ASAP collision with old version of Daemon Tools fixed with new version?

This doesn't seem to be clearly documented anywhere, but the new version of Daemon Tools 4.0.6 seems...

Author: reedme Date: 10/15/2006

Possible justification(s) for... toys?

I think my fear of the wife's ire has just been surpassed (finally) by my need to possess Lego...

Author: reedme Date: 10/13/2006

Ask and ye shall (eventually) receive?

It's taken a little while to arrive, but now that it's nigh, I wonder how many *nix users (who have...

Author: reedme Date: 10/10/2006

LoggingMode.UseParentSetting is a good idea, but... beware the connection string!

Because logging starts before configurations are loaded (classic chicken-egg thing, we went with...

Author: reedme Date: 10/04/2006

I can try, but I’d sure like to be able to catch.

Integration Services is a beautiful high-speed engine. If BizTalk were that fast processing flat...

Author: reedme Date: 10/04/2006

Use the OleDbConnection, Luke! (in Integration Services)

I've consulted in more than my fair share of Integration Services (SSIS) engagements over the last...

Author: reedme Date: 09/29/2006

How many of these do you violate?

Of course, I'm talking about bad UI design conventions. In the strictest sense, you should be...

Author: reedme Date: 09/26/2006

How often do YOU press F1 and expect a real answer?

This isn't about the woeful help facilities in most "modern" software. That's another rant for...

Author: reedme Date: 08/31/2006

What year is it? (Or, “what not to do to make your project fail.”)

In the immortal words of senior Microsoft consultant from EMEA who shall remain nameless, "What year...

Author: reedme Date: 08/25/2006

My BI thought for the day.

A conversation with another new addition to the crew of the mothership got me to thinking about how...

Author: reedme Date: 08/07/2006

Do inexpensive SD cards make ReadyBoost more attractive?

I'm planning to coerce the otherwise appendix-like SD card slot on my Tablet PC into being the...

Author: reedme Date: 08/05/2006

Installer, check thy dependencies!

I am starting to get concerned. A whole bunch of ISVs that rely heavily on the Windows platform for...

Author: reedme Date: 08/04/2006

Proofreading as a Smell

The title of this post is dedicated to old high school buddies and a slacker class that they (we)...

Author: reedme Date: 08/04/2006

My Favorite Quote from TR3

I got sidetracked, but I did want to put this someplace where I could find it again later. There...

Author: reedme Date: 08/03/2006

Houston, we have Bluetooth on Vista! And Power ISO works nicely.

As the title might suggest, the very beta and very unsigned Bluetooth stack is excellent. Works like...

Author: reedme Date: 07/31/2006

Thanks, Keith! KPC650 now phones home with Vista.

One more piece of 3rd-party software that I don't need: VZAccess Manager. Keith's excellent post got...

Author: reedme Date: 07/28/2006

Update Your BOL & Samples

If you're not paying attention to the right blogs, newsgroups or email newsletters, you're probably...

Author: reedme Date: 07/27/2006

MDX Expression for TechReady

A large number of customers are probably wondering who beamed up all of the Microsoft consultants...

Author: reedme Date: 07/26/2006

Requirements for Success of BI Projects: The Question

Since I primarily work from remote locations (the client site, the home office, Starbucks,...

Author: reedme Date: 07/20/2006

Note to Self: This means you forgot to check the package out of SourceSafe, again.

I don't know why, but SQL Server 2005 Integration Services (SSIS) can't run a read-only package from...

Author: reedme Date: 07/18/2006

Oooh! When can I buy one? I must have a Hyanide!

Occasionally, people send me cool links that aren't business intelligence or .NET software related....

Author: reedme Date: 07/14/2006

Migrating off of Teradata and Business Objects onto SQL Server 2005

Lately, one of my missions in life has been migrating clients off of Teradata and Business Objects...

Author: reedme Date: 07/06/2006

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