Megosztás a következőn keresztül:


Windows Server 2012 Backup to a CIFS share

Windows Server and Client Network Connection

The Windows Server and Client Experiences and Insights Networking team blog.

Windows Server AppFabric Blog

Windows Server AppFabric Customer Advisory Team

Technical guidance & best practices from AppFabric, Azure, BizTalk, WCF, WF, SQL Data Modeling & StreamInsight technology experts

The Windows Server Essentials and Small Business Server Blog

The official blog for Windows Server Essentials and Small Business Server support and product group communications.

Windows Server Essentials 中文博客

本博客来自Windows Server Essentials中国团队,将关注于Windows Server Essentials产品的发布、功能介绍及热点问题。同时也包括Small Business Server系列产品的相关新闻。

Windows Server Performance Team Blog

Windows Server Operating System Performance information, tools and discussion

Windows Server security

Windows Server Technology

Tecnología Microsoft al alcance de todos

Windows Server 中文博客

The Windows Servicing Guy

Tips and tricks from a Windows support engineer on issues related to servicing

Windows Sharepoint Technical Hints and Tips

A technical workspace to publish the tips and hints for configuring / troubleshooting Windows Sharepoint product

Windows SideShow Team Blog

Windows Small Business Server Documentation

Windows Storage Server

News and cool info about the Windows Storage Server product line.

Windows Storage Team

Windows Storage and Filesystems

Windows Store apps development support

Epicenter of creative ideas, common tips, best practice for Windows Store app. This blog has been archived and retired. Please visit to check update.

Windows Store Developer Solutions

Information + Context = Solution

Windows Store for developers

Windows Store 開発者向けブログ

Windows Store-Blog für Entwickler

Windows Subsystem for Linux

The underlying technology enabling the Windows Subsystem for Linux

Windows Time Service

The official blog site for the Windows Time Service

Windows Turkiye

Windows’un Kurumsal Ozellikleri Hakkinda

Windows Update サポート チーム (日本)

Windows Update のサポート エンジニアによるブログです。

Windows Virtual PC

Windows Vista Security

Windows Vista Team Blog

Windows インフラチーム ブログ

マイクロソフト株式会社のプリセールス エンジニア チームのブログです。Core Infra 製品をご紹介しています。

Windows くらいあんと通信

マイクロソフトの Windows Client プリセールス エンジニア チームのBlogです。

Windows ハードウェア認定ブログ

このブログでは、Windows Certification Newsletter に代わって、Windows 認定プログラムに関する最新情報をお届けします。

Windows 하드웨어 인증 블로그

이 블로그(이전 Windows 인증 뉴스레터)에서는 Windows 인증 프로그램에 대한 최신 소식을 제공합니다.

Windows 游戏开发常见问题解答 (Windows Game Dev FAQ )

Windows 硬件认证博客

本博客(以前为 Windows 认证新闻通讯)提供关于 Windows 认证计划



The wire never lies.

Understanding Exchange one packet at a time.

With Great Power comes Great Response.write('Ability')


Messaging development spouts and findings.


Wolf's Witterings

Mike "Wolf" Gilbert expresses his views on Enterprise Architecture

Women In Analytics

Women in Technology

Wondering mind

The thoughts of a Microsoft Premier Field Engineer on anything and everything SharePoint.

Word Entropy

Blog of Shital Shah (shitals) on .Net, machine learning, life at Microsoft, physics, mathematics and such stuff

Words and Software

Technical writing for Windows 10 (old: Intelligent Systems Service, Data Protection Manager, and Operations Manager)

Workflow Team

Workflows for Product Catalogs

Working the Spaces, Sharing the Point

The development team blog of SharePoint Workspace 2010 and Groove 2007

Working with Containers

Patterns and Notes on how to get your Apps Working on Containers

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