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Matt Powell

Web Platform and Tools

Let the tools do it for you?

Tim and Erv seemed to have taken this quote from my last post to task: if you don't understand all...

Author: mattpo Date: 09/22/2004

WS-* Specifications: Are there too many and are they too complex?

Tim Bray and others have questioned the plethora of WS-* specifications. Tim says: I still think the...

Author: mattpo Date: 09/21/2004

VS .NET Beats WebSphere

eWeek reports: Microsoft Wins developer tool competition. -Matt

Author: mattpo Date: 09/21/2004


I agree with Rory. It is so dehumanizing to be referred to as a "resource". Here at Microsoft we...

Author: mattpo Date: 09/17/2004

WS-* Specifications Simply Explained

The Intro to WSA article that we published today is one of my favorite articles that we have...

Author: mattpo Date: 09/16/2004

New Specs: WS-Transfer and WS-Enumeration

WS-Transfer and WS-Enumeration were published today by Microsoft and our partners. WS-Transfer...

Author: mattpo Date: 09/16/2004

Keith Ballinger talks about WSE on TheServerSide.NET

Keith Ballinger talks to Ted Neward about WSE on TheServerSide.NET. -Matt

Author: mattpo Date: 09/14/2004

Mindreef releases SOAPScope 4.0

Simon noted that Mindreef released their next version of their SOAPScope tool for looking at SOAP...

Author: mattpo Date: 09/14/2004

WSE 2.0 UsernameTokens and Hashing Passwords

Hervey posts another great entry in his blog that digs into the whole confusing issue about whether...

Author: mattpo Date: 09/10/2004

One More Step Toward Transport Independence with Web Services

The initial SOAP spec was pretty tightly coupled with HTTP. Shortly thereafter folks realized that...

Author: mattpo Date: 09/08/2004

Don Box: the lost minutes

Did you see Don's earlier Channel 9 tour of the halls of Indigo? Did you get a feeling that there...

Author: mattpo Date: 09/07/2004

The Future of Longhorn and Indigo

In case you didn't see it, Microsoft announced that Longhorn would ship in 2006 and that Indigo...

Author: mattpo Date: 09/07/2004

Ballmer Wild about Web Services

How big are Web services? Ask Steve Ballmer: Ballmer singled out XML and Web services as the "big...

Author: mattpo Date: 09/02/2004

Tell Becky what you are doing with WSE

Becky, a Product Manager here at Microsoft on advanced Web services, wants to know what you are...

Author: mattpo Date: 09/01/2004

Next Workshop Scheduled on WS-Trust and WS-SecureConversation

We just posted the details on the next Web services protocol Workshop. This is an interop workshop...

Author: mattpo Date: 09/01/2004


My oldest daughter got her driver's permit yesterday...AAAHHH! Today is her first day of high...

Author: mattpo Date: 09/01/2004

WS-Eventing Update Published

Microsoft and others published an update to the WS-Eventing specification. The bigger news is that...

Author: mattpo Date: 08/31/2004

Awesome Training on Web Services and other Server Technologies

The pluralsight folks have put together what looks like an awesome week of training from some of the...

Author: mattpo Date: 08/27/2004

MTOM at W3C Candiate Recommendation

The XOP and MTOM specs are well on their way. These are the specs that fix the problem of SOAP with...

Author: mattpo Date: 08/26/2004

Don't mess with the term "SOA"

Richard Turner warns us about the danger of calling everything SOA. We ran into this same sort of...

Author: mattpo Date: 08/24/2004

WSE Trace Tool

Simon Guest, Mr. Web Service Interoperability, put together a tool to trace WSE messages using the...

Author: mattpo Date: 08/24/2004

Channel9 - The Halls of Indigo

What could be more interesting than a 36 minute walk through the halls of building 42 where Indigo...

Author: mattpo Date: 08/19/2004

Simon Guest: Top Ten Interop Tips

Okay...I'm through most of my email from vacation...starting to catch up on blog posts. Mr. Interop,...

Author: mattpo Date: 08/13/2004

WS-Addressing goes to W3C

I'm back from vacation and a lot of things have happened during my absence, for instance, SP1 for...

Author: mattpo Date: 08/11/2004

The Don, Doug and Ted Show

Check out The Server Side .NET's Ted Neward interview Don Box and Doug Purdy on their roles on the...

Author: mattpo Date: 07/23/2004

Clemens on .NET Rocks

Clemens Vasters from Newtelligence speaks on service-orientation on the latest .NET Rocks episode....

Author: mattpo Date: 07/21/2004

Speaking at Win-Dev in October

I'll be speaking at Win-Dev in Boston (Oct. 25 - 29th) on Reliability and Transactions with Web...

Author: mattpo Date: 07/19/2004

WSE 2.0 SP1 Plans

Hervey posts information on the changes in SP1 of WSE 2.0. WSE users will want to check it out....

Author: mattpo Date: 07/16/2004

J2EE vs .NET Web Service Performance

As a technical writer, performance is always a scary thing to write about. You can do it, but you...

Author: mattpo Date: 07/15/2004

Royalty-free! Royalty-free! Royalty-free!

I suppose it was due to the fact that in the early drafts of WS-Security, we made you sign a license...

Author: mattpo Date: 07/14/2004

The Approach Microsoft and our Partners are Using Toward Creating Web Services Specifications

Jorgen has just published an article that lays out the approach we are taking toward getting Web...

Author: mattpo Date: 07/14/2004

WSE 2.0 Webcast

There is a Microsoft Webcasts coming up on WSE 2.0 tomorrow that you might want to check out:...

Author: mattpo Date: 07/08/2004

Wired Hoax

Scott linked to this Wired article on the old chain email about Bill Gates sending money to anyone...

Author: mattpo Date: 07/07/2004

Free Visual Studio for Web Service Development

You might not have noticed but the recently announced Visual Studio 2005 Express Beta allows for...

Author: mattpo Date: 07/07/2004

Dave Mendlen Again

I should have known that these things always come in threes. Adding to my previous post of Channel 9...

Author: mattpo Date: 07/06/2004

Dave Mendlen talks Web Services

For your multimedia pleasure, on Channel 9, Dave Mendlen, Director of Web Service Marketing at...

Author: mattpo Date: 07/06/2004

TechEd Europe

I won't be there but there will be plenty of others who will have some great things to say about Web...

Author: mattpo Date: 06/28/2004

John and Benjamin are at it again

John Bristowe and Benjamin Mitchell, Microsoft Regional Directors from opposite sides of the British...

Author: mattpo Date: 06/23/2004

WSE 2.0 Documentation is Now Online

We finally got the WSE 2.0 documentation up in the online MSDN library. If you haven't noticed, this...

Author: mattpo Date: 06/21/2004

MSDN TV: WSE 2.0 Security

Instead of listening to the same ol' Microsoft heads talking about Web service technology, we...

Author: mattpo Date: 06/18/2004

Many Things of Note

I have a variety of links I wanted to point people at, so here they are: Updated the WSDC blogroll....

Author: mattpo Date: 06/15/2004

SOAP Toolkit Support Extended

In case you missed the news, Microsoft SOAP Toolkit support has been extended past the originally...

Author: mattpo Date: 06/09/2004

Test Drive VS .NET to build a Web Service

Kent just posted a Visual Studio .NET simulator to walk viewers through three common tasks including...

Author: mattpo Date: 06/07/2004

Encrypting only 1 parameter of a WebMethod with WSE

You don't have to encrypt the entire body of a message with WSE. You can encrypt just certain...

Author: mattpo Date: 05/28/2004

Encrypting one parameter on a WebMethod with WSE

One of the attendees here at TechEd asked me how to encrypt only one of the parameters on a...

Author: mattpo Date: 05/28/2004

There is only one program...and it is still being written

I'm currently sitting in Doug Purdy's Web services versioning talk here at TechEd. The fact that we...

Author: mattpo Date: 05/27/2004


There's a lot of excitement here at TechEd about the WSE release. I got to watch Keith Ballinger's...

Author: mattpo Date: 05/27/2004

Interop with Federated Browser Authentication

[Update: Adding the link - thanks Dumky] A great write-up of the WS-Federation Passive Requestor...

Author: mattpo Date: 05/25/2004

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