Megosztás a következőn keresztül:

WSUS Won't Synchronize

Ladies and Gentlemen,

If your WSUS 2.0/3.0 Server synchronized with Windows Update between Sunday November 11th at 5 PM PST and Monday November 12th at 11 AM you may be unable to access your administration console. If your servers did not synchronize during this time, you should be unaffected, if you have access to your WSUS Administration Console you are unaffected, if you do not have access to your WSUS Admin console and you believe the cause was synchronization during this window please continue reading for the fix.


1.       Wait until the next scheduled synchronization time for the fix to apply automatically

2.       If the administration console is operational, perform a manual synchronization in either WSUS 2.0 or 3.0

3.       If the administration console is not operational on WSUS 3.0, force a manual synchronization through the WSUS configuration or “OOBE wizard” following these steps:

a.       Go to Program Files => Update Services =>administrationsnapin=> run microsoft.updateservices.ui.oobewizard

b.      Select next through screens 1-2

c.       Select synchronize from Microsoft update (3rd screen)

d.      Select next through 4th screen

e.      Click “Start Connecting” (5th screen)

f.        After connection and synch are complete – either cancel out of wizard (or complete)

4.       If the administration console is not operational on WSUS 2.0, force a manual synchronization by running a batch file much like this sample from the command prompt:



REM Important: This sample script would work only in a WSUS 2.0 environment

REM This sample script causes the WSUS server to sync from Microsoft Update or its parent WSUS server.

REM This sample script should be run from the machine where the WSUS server is installed.

FOR /F "tokens=3" %%i in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Update Services\Server\Setup" /v SqlServerName ') do SET WSUSSQLSERVER=%%i

SET STARTSYNCOSQLCMD="%programfiles%\Update Services\Tools\osql\osql.exe" -E -S %WSUSSQLSERVER% -Q "USE SUSDB; BEGIN TRAN; EXEC dbo.spStartCatalogSync; COMMIT TRAN"





This situation is developing in real time, folks, please see the WSUS blog for more information.
