Windows 7 RTM
Yesterday saw the much-debated (in the blogosphere at least) milestone of RTM (release to manufacturing) for Windows 7. I like to think of it as a big green button with the word “Go!” on it. More likely it’s a length document requiring sign-off from a dozen different stakeholders. Any-which-ways, what this means is one giant tick in a box on the way to getting Windows 7 onto the streets, into the hands of the likes of you and me, customers, partners and OEMs to get it shipping with new PCs.
So, a logical question might be, what are the timeframes? When will I get access to Windows 7 RTM?
If you want to buy it in a shop, the date is October 22nd. That’s when FPP (full, packaged product) will be available in retail outlets. Same goes if you’ve pre-ordered – you should receive your copy around this time.
For those with MSDN or TechNet subscriptions, you will be able to download the English version from August 6th and other languages by October 1st.
OEMs start receiving Windows 7 RTM images a couple of days after RTM so they can prepare their Win7 images and get new PCs shipping with Windows 7 as soon as possible.
If you’re a partner or volume license customer and want to know when you can get access to Windows 7 RTM, take a look at the very detailed post When will you get Windows 7 RTM? on the Windows 7 blog (also the source of my summary above).
Windows 7 RC expires on 1st June 2010. You can continue to use it until then but practically speaking, most people will want to have moved by 1st March 2010 – that’s when bi-hourly shutdowns kick-in.
Technorati Tags: windows,win7,rtm
July 24, 2009
7 RC 64-bit is the best OS I've used on a PC, and it's not even RTM! It's so stable, and has a rich silky feel, FINALLY. Navigation is the best ever. I was a big Vista user, defended it all the time, but still had some issues (like Windows Explorer quitting at least once a night!). In the two months I've used 7 RC, it's been superb, and flawless. Bring it on!Anonymous
August 04, 2009
Is the RTM still coming to MSDN on August 6th becuase I noticed that this page was published on the 23 July. I really need to start devolping my new software.Anonymous
August 05, 2009
Is 6 august and no Win 7 on technet :( Where is problem...Anonymous
August 05, 2009
I don't believe there is a problem. I said it would be there 6th August. As fas as I know nothing has changed. MikeAnonymous
August 05, 2009
The Windows 7 RTM is not on Technet Plus. So something is a little off. Perhaps it's buried somewhere beyond the normal means of finding it.Anonymous
August 05, 2009
Remember it's still the middle of the night in Redmond. It may still be some hours before Win7 RTM is up there. MikeAnonymous
August 06, 2009
Well, still no 7 rtm avsailable through MSDN. Hmm...Anonymous
August 06, 2009
And it's still August 6th and will be for some time :) MikeAnonymous
August 06, 2009
Just goes to show how many people are looking forward to Windows 7. I know I am. I'll be checking in on MSDN all day so I can start installing it as soon as it's out!Anonymous
August 06, 2009
And it's there now. 5pm GMT as a lot of people were predicting. Mike