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Wysyp webcastów na temat wirtualizacji

RC0 zagoscilo juz na dobre u beta testerów Windows Server 2008, a wraz z nim viriadian czyli calkiem nowe podejscie do wirtualizacji. W poprzednim poscie pisal o nim nexor. Microsoft nie pozwoli zapomniec o wirtualizacji poniewaz w najblizszym czasie mozna bedzie dolaczyc az do 13 webcastów na ten temat, oraz 5 on-demand.


Live webcasts:
TechNet Webcast: A 360 View Inside the Virtual World (Level 200) 07-10-15
TechNet Webcast: Windows Server Virtualization Under the Hood (Level 200) 07-10-17
TechNet Webcast: The Virtues of Virtualization (Level 200) 07-10-18
TechNet Webcast: Virtualization of Test and Development Environments, and Their Impact on Existing Applications (Level 200) 07-10-22
TechNet Webcast: Why Customers Are Virtualizing Their Applications and How You Can Make a Success of It (Level 300) 07-10-23
TechNet Webcast: Virtualization of Production Workloads Including Active Directory, SQL Server, and Others (Level 200) 07-10-24
TechNet Webcast: Using Melio Cluster File System with Virtual Server 2005 R2 to Enable Virtual Machine Migration and Availability (Level 300) 07-10-25
TechNet Webcast: Optimized and Dynamic Branch Offices with Virtualized Branch Office Servers (Level 200) 07-10-29
TechNet Webcast: Managing a Virtual Solution with System Center (Level 200) 07-10-31
TechNet Webcast: Optimize Your Data Center Using PlateSpin Solutions, Dell Servers, and Microsoft Virtual Server (Level 200) 07-11-01
TechNet Webcast: Creating Business Continuity Solutions Using Windows Virtualization (Level 200) 07-11-05
TechNet Webcast: Storage Best Practices for Virtual Server (Level 200) 07-11-06
TechNet Webcast: Introducing SoftGrid to the World (Level 200) 07-11-07


On-demand webcasts:
TechNet Webcast: AMD-V and Microsoft Virtual Server (Level 300)
TechNet Webcast: Examining Virtualization with Windows Server 2008 (Level 300)
TechNet Webcast: Increase IT Flexibility and Responsiveness Through Hardware-Assisted Virtualization (Level 300)
TechNet Webcast: Virtualization and Windows Server 2008 (Level 300)
TechNet Webcast: Windows Server 2008: Server Virtualization Solution Scenario (Level 300)


Serdecznie zapraszam: https://www.microsoft.com/events/series/windowsserver2008.aspx?tab=webcasts&id=42531