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Korby Parnell's Social Software Wunderkammer

A "Wonder Cabinet" of Web 2.0 Curiosities

The Semantic Bliki

My friend Steve has been doing some thinking around and about the convergence of the weblog and...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 01/05/2004

How To: Remove a Project from Source Control in Visual Studio

In a comment to my most recent post, Scott asks, “what is the proper way to remove an item...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 12/17/2003

Error: Visual Studio project or solution appears to be under source control, but isn't...

The following question was raised on an aspadvice (product-vsnet) list this morning: “Hey...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 12/17/2003

Develop a disciplined approach to ASP.NET Web project management: Using Visual SourceSafe for...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 12/16/2003

Cool Feedster Feature

One of the PMs on my team emailed this to me today: “Feedster is a search engine for weblogs,...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 12/16/2003

My New Weblog Address

Check out my new blog at

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 12/11/2003

Response.Write(”Hello Weblogs.ASP.NET”);

Hi there. I'm Korby Parnell, a programmer/writer on the Visual Studio and Visual SourceSafe team at...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 12/11/2003

SCCBridge: Free Remote Access Client for VSS

Need to access your VSS projects when you're not on the company network? Currently, Eric Sink's...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 12/01/2003

Free Online Source Control, Bug Tracking, and Team Development Tools

If you're reading my blog--and believe me, you really are--and you're a software developer or IT...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/25/2003

How To: Copy a File from One VSS Project to Another

To COPY a file in VSS Explorer: Right-click the file in project A and hold. Drag it...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/24/2003

Help Wanted

Okay, Microsoft may not be Joel Spolsky's vision of the perfect software development company...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/20/2003

Getting the Most out of My Blog

Viewing Old Posts by Category By default, this Website only displays seven (7) calendar days of blog...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/18/2003

Martyn Lovell Has a Blog

Martyn Lovell, erstwhile source control guru and charter member of the Visual <name your...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/17/2003

Inexpensive Usability Testing Techniques

We recently completed a round of usability tests for the next version of Visual SourceSafe.  At...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/11/2003

Update to Microsoft Developer Tools Roadmap for 2004-2005

As reported in The Future of Visual SourceSafe...  Under cover of darkness last...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/07/2003

The Future of Visual SourceSafe

A few months ago, I mentioned in Roadmap for SourceSafe and Beyond that the SourceSafe...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 11/03/2003

How To: Diff/Compare Two Labels in Visual SourceSafe

This batch script creates a text file containing the differences between two labels of a...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 10/28/2003

The Canoniczar Says that Canonicalize Ain't an English Word, Foo

The other day, I realized that in English, we don't have a word for: 'a person who canonizes'. The...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 10/27/2003

SharpWiki on the Web

Chris Anderson has opened up a Windows Longhorn WikiWiki to the world. Bravo, Chris! ...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 10/23/2003

Reviews: Integrating Visual Studio, SourceSafe, and SQLServer

DBenson (aka hurcane) reviews two third-party products, SQL Source Control 2003 and...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 10/22/2003

How To: Split a VSS Database into Two or More Databases

[In this post, I provide a previously undocumented method for dividing the contents of one database...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 10/20/2003

an Office Space state of mind

It's 6:13PM on a blustery Friday evening in Redmond. The lights have been flickering all day. My...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 10/17/2003

PDC Preview: the Don Box Talx

Are you going to PDC?  If so, I hope you have tickets and I highly recommend the Indigo...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 10/17/2003

Weblogs: An Asymmetrical Threat to Google Hegemony?

"The humble weblog has finally achieved dominance over Google, the world's most-used search...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 10/15/2003

Whitepaper: Enhanced Source Control for Multi-Project Solutions

Alfredo Mendez, with the help of my incomparable editor (you know who you are:), published...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 10/14/2003

Keyword Expansion in Visual SourceSafe

Keyword expansion is a cool feature that automagically plants metadata from an external source in a...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 10/13/2003

WikiWiki for the .NET docs?

In response to my recent post, Wikis and Accountability, reader Hassan comments, "I think a wiki...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 10/10/2003

C# or MC++

Harry Pierson (DevHawk): "'s much easier to expose a managed interface with MC++ than...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 10/10/2003

SQLTeam Blog

Scott Watermasysk, banner bearer of .Text, announces the appearance of a nascent developer's weblog...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 10/08/2003

How To: Backup a SourceSafe Database

Need some time to catch up on your email or pay some bills?  Wanna read an online article about...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 10/07/2003

IVSS State Management Conundrum

I recently received this C# code snippet from a customer (my question follows):   //remove all...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 10/06/2003

Blogger's Dinner

Conversation was lively and the camaraderie instant at the informal blogger's dinner last night in...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 10/03/2003

Blog Your Cat Day

Today is the First Annual Blog Your Cat Day . Cybil, guardian of the blogsphere Leilu, blogacat

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 10/03/2003

Need Bicycle Recommendations

I need a commuter bike. Any recommendations or bike buying strategies? My needs include: Sub $1,000...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 10/02/2003

Dinner with Geeks

If you're in the Seattle area today, come join Scoble, Jeff Julian and who knows how many other...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 10/02/2003

Wikis and Accountability

I recently created an internal WikiWiki for my feature team.* Initially, it consists of an...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 10/01/2003

SourceSafe Shadow Folders, Maintaining Synchronicity

A SourceSafe shadow folder is a UNC share* in which VSS maintains a current copy of the latest...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 09/29/2003

Microsoft's Blogger Laureate

If you read my weblog on occasion, you may have noticed that I have steadfastly avoided the blogger...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 09/25/2003

Craig Skibo is Blogging

It's true. Craig is now a blogger. Reader Chris Monachan recently asked in a comment to one of my...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 09/23/2003

How To: Safely Rename a Source-Controlled File in Visual Studio .NET

Last Friday, I posted a procedure for renaming source-controlled items in VS.NET that fails to...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 09/22/2003

How To: Rename, Move, and Delete Source-Controlled Items in VS.NET

In response to my recent post, What is a Source Control Binding?, reader Keith Hill writes, "A bit...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 09/19/2003

Powers of Two: Kibibites, Mebimites, and Gibibytes

Raymond comes through again with a description of the difference between gigabytes and gibibytes. I...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 09/19/2003

What is a VSS Shadow Folder?

I played racquetball yesterday against a Web developer who sometimes works as a vendor at Microsoft...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 09/18/2003


MSBuild is the [extensible, scalable, transparent] next generation build engine and platform for...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 09/16/2003

I, blurker do solemnly swear...

I received this incredibly interesting seminar invitation this morning. ABSTRACT: Even in busy...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 09/15/2003

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