My blog is moving – final post here
My blog is moving to a new home:
This will be my last post here. Most of my previous posts should redirect you to the same content on the new site. Please use the contact form on the new site (or below on this post) to let me know if you have any issues with any content.
Thanks for reading!
- Anonymous
December 30, 2018
There was also some very valuable info in the comments... let's hope we don't need them too often !Anyway, just subscribed to the new RSS feed, and thanks for everything you're doing for the SCOM community as always :)- Anonymous
December 31, 2018
I'm kinda bummed about losing the comments. But it is what it is.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
December 31, 2018
New blog added to my Feedly - Anonymous
December 31, 2018
Kevin, why is the blog moving?- Anonymous
March 04, 2019
How to save disappearing MSDN and TechNet blogs with PowerShell
- Anonymous