Sharp Things
Jomo Fisher--Over the last few years I've been coding mostly in C#--before that, my day-to-day work...
Author: Jomo Fisher MSFT Date: 03/05/2006
A while back I post a sample that shows you how to target the 1.1 framework with MSBuild. Now,...
Author: Jomo Fisher MSFT Date: 11/15/2005
IanG gives a brilliant explanation of C# 3.0 expression trees and how they enable efficient queries...
Author: Jomo Fisher MSFT Date: 10/07/2005
Jomo Fisher—Adriane asks whether it’s possible to create your own aggregate function like Sum, Avg,...
Author: Jomo Fisher MSFT Date: 09/15/2005
Jomo Fisher—The future of C# was recently unveiled at PDC. Object, XML and relational data will be...
Author: Jomo Fisher MSFT Date: 09/13/2005
Jomo Fisher--A bunch of future C# compiler features (think 3.0 and beyond) will be on display at PDC...
Author: Jomo Fisher MSFT Date: 08/31/2005
Jomo Fisher--Recently, the whole C# product unit took a week off from our regular work to do some...
Author: Jomo Fisher MSFT Date: 07/26/2005
Jomo Fisher— Try lots of things to improve quality. Keep doing what works, stop doing what doesn’t....
Author: Jomo Fisher MSFT Date: 05/25/2005
class Grid : IGrid { int left; int right; int bottom; int top; public int TotalCalls = 0; public...
Author: Jomo Fisher MSFT Date: 05/20/2005
static void Main(string[] args) { int totalCalls = 0; int totalGridsEvaluated = 0; for (int left =...
Author: Jomo Fisher MSFT Date: 05/20/2005
static Shape Recognize(IGrid grid) { int left = Int32.MaxValue; int right = -1; int bottom =...
Author: Jomo Fisher MSFT Date: 05/20/2005
I mentioned in an earlier post that I was moving to the C# team. Well, I’ve moved now and I’ve been...
Author: Jomo Fisher MSFT Date: 05/20/2005
Jomo Fisher--I mentioned a while ago that MSBuild team uses Test Driven Development (TDD)....
Author: Jomo Fisher MSFT Date: 05/16/2005
Mitch Denny gives an excellent introduction to MSBuild: This...
Author: Jomo Fisher MSFT Date: 05/02/2005
Jomo Fisher – Oren pointed out that the wrong resource compilation was being done in the 1.1 targets...
Author: Jomo Fisher MSFT Date: 04/27/2005
Jomo Fisher – A while back, I posted a sample that showed how to target the .NET 1.1 runtime (the...
Author: Jomo Fisher MSFT Date: 04/22/2005
<!--Use of included script samples are subject to the terms specified at...
Author: Jomo Fisher MSFT Date: 04/22/2005
Jomo Fisher – We added a bunch of stuff to MSBuild for Beta2—there’s plenty in there for several...
Author: Jomo Fisher MSFT Date: 04/20/2005
Jomo Fisher -- Here's how you can use the MSBuild Object Model to programmatically access the...
Author: Jomo Fisher MSFT Date: 02/09/2005
Jomo Fisher -- Custom MSBuild projects and targets files that you write typically have ItemGroups to...
Author: Jomo Fisher MSFT Date: 01/25/2005
Jomo Fisher--There are plenty of reasons you might want to programmatically convert projects from VS...
Author: Jomo Fisher MSFT Date: 11/29/2004
/*Use of included script samples are subject to the terms specified at...
Author: Jomo Fisher MSFT Date: 11/29/2004
Jomo Fisher -- Check out the new MSBuild site and MSBuild wiki. Alex Kipman posted a video of our...
Author: Jomo Fisher MSFT Date: 10/27/2004
<!--Use of included script samples are subject to the terms specified at...
Author: Jomo Fisher MSFT Date: 10/01/2004
Note: This article is about targetting CLR version 1.1 with Whidbey Beta1. If you're interested in...
Author: Jomo Fisher MSFT Date: 10/01/2004
Jomo Fisher--John Lam recently mentioned Target Overriding as a useful tool for extending a...
Author: Jomo Fisher MSFT Date: 09/16/2004
Jomo Fisher--I think it would be helpful to take a step back and look at the files that are part of...
Author: Jomo Fisher MSFT Date: 09/10/2004
Jomo Fisher--I like to know how things work. When someone says “Trust me” I get suspicious and more...
Author: Jomo Fisher MSFT Date: 09/09/2004
A lot of people have asked about whether Microsoft will support MSBuild against the VS .NET 2003...
Author: Jomo Fisher MSFT Date: 09/08/2004
Jomo Fisher--I'm a developer on the MSBuild team and I own a big chunk of the build rules that get...
Author: Jomo Fisher MSFT Date: 09/08/2004