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A View from Elsewhere

John Montgomery's Weblog

Dumb Idea Nipped in the Bud: Film at 11

Have you ever sat down and thought up some brilliant thing, then realized, “Why bother?” Today...

Author: johnmont Date: 05/23/2006

Things That Wouldn't Pass Through Airport Security

Well, here's one: a PC case modded to look like a Hollywood nuclear device.

Author: johnmont Date: 05/23/2006

“Some Day I Will Rule You All.”

Transcription of the Morse code in Sunday May 21st’s Fox Trot. ... s --- o -- m . e -.. d .- a -.--...

Author: johnmont Date: 05/21/2006

“…At Least There May Be Bacon.”

Today I’m going to be at an offsite with a bunch of other managers from the VS team. When I was...

Author: johnmont Date: 05/17/2006

First Post with Word 2007

I’m checking out Joe Friend’s work to make Word 2007 a good blog post editor. So far what I've...

Author: johnmont Date: 05/15/2006

"Learn those things and Server is just a tame little kitten that happens to randomly vomit on you when you pet it."

From the post of a former Apple support person. This actually describes a lot of software from...

Author: johnmont Date: 05/13/2006

Attack the Critical Plague of Cat Typing

Via Fark: PawSense -- catproof your computer. My favorites: "PawSense analyzes keypress timings and...

Author: johnmont Date: 05/11/2006

Coding in Someone Else's Kitchen

During the renovation on our house we've moved to West Seattle and I've noticed that things take me...

Author: johnmont Date: 05/11/2006

An Express Web Page Editor?

Do we need a complement to Visual Web Developer Express (i.e. a free, simplified Web page editor)...

Author: johnmont Date: 05/10/2006

Multitargeting and Express

When Visual Studio "Orcas" ships, we have a question we need to answer: which version(s) of the .NET...

Author: johnmont Date: 05/09/2006

"Retaking your college women's-studies course and writing a new section for your paper on gender stereotyping and representational imbalance in the mainstream media."

Courtesy bbSpot: 2006 Summer Blockbuster List and why you shouldn't go see them.

Author: johnmont Date: 05/08/2006

Express "Orcas" Principles

Building on my Principles for First-Use Tools, I'm thinking about Principles for Express. Express is...

Author: johnmont Date: 05/08/2006

Funny Watch Reviews

Courtesy bbSpot (again): Watch reviews.

Author: johnmont Date: 05/07/2006

Top Rejected Names for My Team

Getting the right team name is critical to setting the right tone for the kind of team you want to...

Author: johnmont Date: 05/05/2006

...And 24 Hours Later the Cats Come Out of the Basement

We have two cats: Mac and Jack (yes, named after the beer). Yesterday we moved from our house to a...

Author: johnmont Date: 05/04/2006

"V is for Vendetta" Parody Trailer

C is for Cookie. Thanks to bbspot.

Author: johnmont Date: 05/04/2006

How Did You Learn to Program?

How did you learn to program? Especially if you’re not a professional developer and never had been...

Author: johnmont Date: 05/03/2006

Concrete Post Caps OK But Not Usable

Following up from my previous post about creating a cap for our front porch pillars out of concrete:...

Author: johnmont Date: 05/02/2006

Who's the Customer?

Who is the target user for our non-professional tools? In order to make smarter decisions about what...

Author: johnmont Date: 05/02/2006

Forming Concrete

Yesterday, in preparation for the start of a big remodeling project, my wife and I began to create...

Author: johnmont Date: 05/01/2006

Principles for First-Use Tools

Even as we’re working out the potential features for the next version of Visual Studio Express,...

Author: johnmont Date: 05/01/2006

$250,000 VW Bug with Jet Engine

Not street legal, unfortunately.

Author: johnmont Date: 04/30/2006

Do Kids Still Program?

A long thread on /..

Author: johnmont Date: 04/29/2006

"I see spastic animated gifs as the standard medium for illustrating stories in the future"

Quote of the day: I see spastic animated gifs as the standard medium for illustrating stories in the...

Author: johnmont Date: 04/28/2006

Anthony Hopkins Strange Coincidence

Freaky, from 2Spare: "The British actor Anthony Hopkins [who shot to fame as Hannibal Lecter] was...

Author: johnmont Date: 04/28/2006

The Truth About 1080p

With all the hullabaloo about HD-DVD standards, we've missed a conversation about one of those...

Author: johnmont Date: 04/27/2006

Is Enormous Larger than Huge?

Go into Outlook 2003 and sort by size. Look at the sizes: Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Very Large,...

Author: johnmont Date: 04/27/2006

"VB Developers Don't Make Me Buy $800 Aeron Chairs"

A quote I remember from about 6 years ago -- the CEO of CafePress, if I remember right, on one of...

Author: johnmont Date: 04/27/2006

TryRuby for BASIC: I Want One

Have you seen Try Ruby? I want one for BASIC. And maybe for JScript. Except I want the interpreter...

Author: johnmont Date: 04/26/2006

One Billion Words

Cool. And that's only the documented ones.

Author: johnmont Date: 04/26/2006

Software Enthusiast Scenario Fake Demo Script

As a way to get my head around the whole scenario, I wrote up the entire scenario as a kind of very...

Author: johnmont Date: 04/26/2006

Neither Mort Nor Elvis

In a post about the role of the personas that for several years have defined developer division's...

Author: johnmont Date: 04/25/2006

bbSpot's Top 11 Ways to Celebrate Reaching Level 60

One of my favorite satire sites is bbSpot. It's cool that the site creator managed to quite his day...

Author: johnmont Date: 04/25/2006

The Orcas Software Enthusiast Scenario Personas

The scenario I’m working on is for the “software enthusiast” – think of this person as the person...

Author: johnmont Date: 04/25/2006

Will Apple Accept Ads in iTunes?

Hmm. Maybe advertising in desktop software isn't so far fetched.

Author: johnmont Date: 04/25/2006

Awkward Game Quotes

A long time ago, I worked at Imagine Publishing in Brisbane California. It's gone through several...

Author: johnmont Date: 04/24/2006

Scenario-Based Planning

As you may or may not know, for Visual Studio "Orcas" planning we’re using a new process based on...

Author: johnmont Date: 04/24/2006

A Traditional Way to Learn to Program

Allen Downey has created a good traditional book for how to learn to program. What are the good...

Author: johnmont Date: 04/24/2006

How MySpace Is Destroying Language

After my previous posts on language where several commenters pointed out that language is an...

Author: johnmont Date: 04/23/2006

7:04PM PST Friday: Hit ZEB

The definition.

Author: johnmont Date: 04/21/2006

A History of Computers in Print Advertising

Points for every one of these computers you've worked on. Bonus points if you can name every...

Author: johnmont Date: 04/21/2006

Can Advertising in Windows Client Software Work?

MSN Messenger does it. Quicken does it. There’s a fair amount of Windows client software that has...

Author: johnmont Date: 04/20/2006

Visual Studio Express is Free

Up until today, all of the Express products (VB Express, VC# Express, VC++ Express, VJ# Express, and...

Author: johnmont Date: 04/19/2006

Thinkweek Paper Done and Submitted

Thanks to Kunal Mukerjee (my coauthor and the guy who wrote the entire first draft), our Thinkweek...

Author: johnmont Date: 04/19/2006

Entrancing: Der Lauf Der Dinge (Run of Things)

This video on Google makes the "Cog" commercial from Honda seem like a minor hat trick.

Author: johnmont Date: 04/19/2006

Hosted Software Development Tools

When I first thought about Tuscany, this was the first thing that sprang to mind: Hosted Team...

Author: johnmont Date: 04/19/2006

Top 11 Self-Help Books in Middle Earth

You know one of them fits you.

Author: johnmont Date: 04/18/2006

Think Week for a Developer Marketplace

I was lured. Each year, Bill Gates retires with a stack of “think week” papers to get a sense of...

Author: johnmont Date: 04/18/2006

The "Doh!" Moment

Have you ever worked on a problem and kept working on it and working on it until you knew you'd...

Author: johnmont Date: 04/17/2006

Sometimes Life is Embarrassing

It's especially embarrassing when your frustration overflows and you let others know what you really...

Author: johnmont Date: 04/17/2006

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