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OneNote Testing

What it is like to be a tester on the Microsoft OneNote team and day to day life as an SDET in Office. Plus a few tips for using OneNote and an occasional powertoy.

Looking at design types of “bugs” is a challenge

One of the types of "bugs" I tend to report now and then tend to stretch the definition of...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 06/18/2009

How you can give feedback or report a bug with OneNote

Update - as of October 2012, the web site below is offline. You can email me feedback, criticisms or...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 06/15/2009

Looking at a bug we fixed in OneNote 2007 SP2

We changed the way the OneNote system tray process works a little bit in SP2. I want to explain the...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 06/11/2009

Using OneNote as an email creator lesson learned

If you've been reading this for awhile, you know I spent some time using OneNote to compose all my...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 06/08/2009

Some OneNote follow up items while my tablet is gone

So my tablet PC is still being used for debugging and it is taking longer than anyone expected. No...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 06/04/2009

Looking at the XML schema for page width and height in OneNote

I received an email a short time ago which had a request for a particular page size format. In...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 06/02/2009

The Scientific Method and testing OneNote performance

We finished one of our performance rounds of testing a few weeks ago (one of many) and were looking...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 05/26/2009

The downside of living in the cache

Way back when my server was up, then down, then back and such I was "living in the cache."...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 05/18/2009

I should have mentioned OneNote 2010 will be in ProPlus yesterday

In addition to the link I posted yesterday to sign up for the technical preview, I should have...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 05/14/2009

Here's how to sign up for the Office 2010 Technical Preview (including OneNote!)

Just a quick note that we now have a web page to let you take a shot at getting the technical...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 05/13/2009

Duplicate bugs – a simple example

An email came through my inbox last week which was asking the question: "What does 'Duplicate'...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 04/27/2009

64 bit printer for OneNote solution available

David Rasmussen released a solution for the Send To OneNote printer not working on 64 bit...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 04/22/2009

Using OneNote on four different machines: a simple case study from the test team

So I was sitting in my office and thinking about what to write about life in the OneNote Testing...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 04/20/2009 just outdid OneNote in napkin math – they solve for variables now

This is great - did you notice that now supports variables in its napkin math...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 04/14/2009

Investigating a highly intermittent automation failure

One of our developers here ran my napkin math automation script the other day and reported it had a...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 04/13/2009

A low key, low stress “hardware week” in OneNote test

"Hardware week," my own term, is usually pretty fun. I define hardware week as any week in...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 04/09/2009

Testing the AutoHotKey script for sending data to OneNote

I spent the last week showing everyone I could how slick Jordan's AutoHotKey script for OneNote is....

Author: JohnGuin Date: 04/06/2009

A really great tip to make getting information into OneNote much easier

While I greatly prefer to create content for my blog rather than linking to other blogs, this tip...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 04/02/2009

Testing and using OneNote without a monitor

As another part of our recent accessibility push, we tested OneNote without monitors. It's hard to...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 03/30/2009

You can always identify a OneNote tester by the pages in the notebook

Our test team has a meeting every Monday to go over general status, tasks for the week and all the...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 03/26/2009

Another round of accessibility testing

Last fall I wrote about one of our Accessibility testing tasks. We just finished another round and...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 03/23/2009

OneNote is in your tweets (and reading them, too!)

So I’m reading my email when Mike Tholfsen (of the OneNote and Education blog fame) sent this email...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 03/19/2009

Troubleshooting differences between section groups and notebooks in OneNote 2007

One of the things that is different about OneNote is that we are a folder based editor - not an...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 03/16/2009

Explaining an easy hurdle to overcome with the Page Expander Powertoy for OneNote

One of the reasons it took me too long to finish the Page Expander powertoy (I haven’t used the...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 03/12/2009

A powertoy to make using Adapx pens for OneNote a little easier for me

I managed to get my hands on a Capturx pen a while back from AdapX. If you haven't seen these pens,...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 03/09/2009

A new OneNote Community site!

I saw this today and had to pass it on: there is a new OneNote community site at...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 03/03/2009

The server I had been using ( got migrated over the weekend to a new topology. At this...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 03/02/2009

Updating the OneNote Text File Importer

I received an email which pointed out a limitation and a design problem with the OneNote Text File...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 02/23/2009

A tip to help with using OneNote to send email

I don't know if it was due to my efforts trying to use OneNote to create all my email, but I got...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 02/20/2009

HyperV made a recent OneNote test very easy

I wrote the information below over the weekend, and realize today that it may only make sense if you...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 02/16/2009

A new way of using OneNote to keep myself from looking silly

As I've mentioned before, one of the techniques I employ with Outlook is a rule to delay all my...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 02/12/2009

Now that I've changed my OneNote dogfood configuration, it's time to test a little with it

Last week I tangentially mentioned the affect one of the drivers in OneNote had on my dogfood...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 02/09/2009

A quick "what to do" about dropping a phone with OneNote Mobile installed

I got this email from a OneNote user in Australia last week about a problem he was having with...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 02/05/2009

I made some changes to my dogfood machine

  I’ve made some changes with my dogfood machine.  I’m still using the Windows...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 01/29/2009

How I judge the "OneNote Testing" blog

One of my commitments which I added to my list here at work is maintaining this blog. It's been...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 01/26/2009

I love test tools - they make testing OneNote much easier

Earlier this week I opened up my list of bugs assigned to me and noticed I had one that was asking...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 01/22/2009

Living in the cache, part 4

I saw this question over on the discussion groups: "Some time back you posted that you lost...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 01/19/2009

My current OneNote dogfood configuration

I got an email asking for more details about how I have OneNote "set up" for my daily work here at...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 01/15/2009

List of powertoys from the test team for 2008

The end of the year means it is time to recap the powertoys the test team created during 2008. While...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 01/13/2009

Source code for the OneNote Merge Pages powertoy and a tedious test task

Reader Mark Jordan made a request last week for the source code for the Merge Pages powertoy at...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 01/08/2009

A small update to the OneNote Table of Contents Powertoy

Over the in the OneNote Discussion Group, Mike made this request for a change to the Table of...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 01/05/2009

It's kind of a slow week for most people, so here's what I'm doing in OneNote

This time of year is usually pretty quiet here at work and this particular year is no exception. In...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 12/29/2008

A new powertoy (nee test tool) used to find OneNote pages with embedded files

FDO stands for "File Data Object." This probably only means anything to us, but I wanted to point it...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 12/22/2008

Always verify priority when test is asked to complete a task

I was looking around for a "classic case" of a typical assignment the test team gets to...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 12/15/2008

Testing my calendar agenda table, and an alternative calendar/planner addin for 2009

Once I made my change to my calendar/planner addin to get the columns to size correctly, I needed to...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 12/11/2008

Doing a OneNote demo: lessons remembered and thankfully not learned

I was fortunate enough last week to get to demonstrate OneNote to a large group of people. The demo...

Author: JohnGuin Date: 12/08/2008

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