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James Manning's blog

Team Foundation Server + PowerShell = Happiness

BatchRunner - using a collection of BackgroundWorker instances for fun

BackgroundWorker is a new class in the .NET 2.0 framework - it's purpose in life is to make it much...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 06/22/2005

It's the little things that help

Adam Singer had pointed out the little helpful "remap" functionality we have in our command-line...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 06/22/2005

gimp / photoshop / acrylic - oh my!

We were chatting about these today in the office, and I have a request for all you out there in tv...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 06/10/2005

"hint palette" for VS?

One idea I had pitched internally awhile back but we didn't have time for in Whidbey was that of a...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 06/10/2005

OneNote powertoy contest I hope someone codes a nice Getting Things Done powertoy - I...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 05/27/2005

What's in a (re)name?

Like several other source control systems, Subversion does rename via branch/delete - of course,...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 04/20/2005

Code Snippet for ArgumentNullException

I got a chance to see BradA give his talk at TriNUG Wednesday night, and in honor of that...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 03/04/2005

IEnumerable is still great for lazy fetching

This isn't really a quiz per se, just a reiteration of how IEnumerable can be great for getting a...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/16/2005

useless benchmarking

This is admittedly, for the most part, useless, but over a lunch last week I had mentioned writing...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/11/2005

VS 2005 code snippet for a typical event

If you follow the guidelines, events have a decent chunk of boilerplate code - they'll typically...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/07/2005

back to basics - three-way file merge

I had planned on writing a medium-sized post about three-way merge, mainly just as a foundation to...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/04/2005

simple TcpClient echo client/server example

I was trying to help a beginner dev that (like many early on) wanted to tackle an irc bot as their...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 12/19/2004

Pretty-printing valid xml snippet

It's proven useful in a couple of places, and it's pretty small and self-documenting. I had written...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 12/11/2004

IEnumerable and interleaving of I/O with CPU

Not all problems lend themselves to this, but as a general suggestion, if you're handling T[] or...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 12/11/2004

starting a process on a remote machine

Uses your existing credentials, of course, but I wanted to pass along in case others could use this:...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 10/30/2004

System.IO api's, temp files, closing, and the right tool for the job

I have a couple of blog posts that are in stewing nicely, but they're not really ready yet and I...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 09/07/2004

pushd - autofs on Windows that i never knew about and other ramblings

It had been on my blog todo list for awhile, but Buck beat me to it :) pushd works nicely for...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 08/01/2004

.NET 2.0 meta-highlights

Junfeng has posted a great list of NET 2.0 highlights that is definitely worth a read. I think I'm...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 08/01/2004

Guess who starts Monday? Jim Hugunin!

Ever since reading JasonZ's post about it, I've been very interested in IronPython. Part of it was...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 07/30/2004

what to call an option to dump to stdout?

I'm working on our “view” command where you can view older versions of files as you want...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 07/16/2004

a few more answers to Stuart's excellent questions

I still owed Stuart a couple more answers from his last set of questions, and he posted a couple...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 07/13/2004

WRT Stuart's excellent questions

Stuart provided some great feedback on his experiences with VS 2002/2003 and SourceSafe. Since I've...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 07/12/2004

random weekend source control babbling

Playing “devil’s advocate” is very much in my nature, so in the absence of...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 07/11/2004

fellow pro or amateur sysadmins, rejoice with the power of Monad!

The latest .NET show is Longhorn Fundamentals. While the initial chunk (in Technobabble) is pretty...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 06/18/2004

Anders talks about C# 2.0 features and other TechEd 2004 (San Diego) presentations

As Duncan mentions, the C# TechEd 2004 page is up. Make sure to catch Anders' presentation on new...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 06/17/2004

James Newkirk weighs in on VS unit testing and starts talking about the real VSTS value

The venerable James Newkirk has a nice post about VSTS integration. It came specifically in response...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 06/15/2004

Hello, World! and a couple of the things I like about C# (2.0)

Who are you? I'm a developer in the Visual Studio group, currently working on Visual Studio 2005...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 06/11/2004
