Do you use blogging software?
Something which cropped up internally over the past couple of days has been a discussion about how many people at Microsoft must have moved on beyond using the standard HTML interface to their blog engine for posting. I kept quiet at this point once discussions got round to all sorts of software I'd never heard of, not wanting to admin that I still use just the basic interface. It works afterall...... On the assumption that my colleagues won't be reading this, for those who blog regularly, do you use any particular software and if so, which one and why? I'm expecially interested to hear from you if the software works with Community Server which is the engine behind and also runs under Windows Server 2003.
- Anonymous
April 21, 2005
I use NewsGator for posting to my Community Serverblog (not Microsoft). I like having it integrated into Outlook for both aggregating feeds and posting back out. However, with the release of CS I had to develop my own plu-in. In the process I also discovered that the web service behind the MS blogs and CS blogs are different. Although I have written support into my plug-in for both, I have yet to test the MS blogs and need to find a NewsGator user with an MS blog.