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jfo's coding

adventures in windows forms and wpf

Intercepting the click event on the ToolStripGrip

Unfortunately, you'll have to override OnMouseDown on the ToolStrip to get the mouse down event for...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 09/29/2005

Creating clonable toolstrip menu items

Here's the code for ToolStripMenuItem.Clone. An alternate solution is to implement...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 09/28/2005

Interested in Windows Forms + WPF (Avalon) interop?

Mike Henderlight seems to have started his very own blog just to cover the subject.

Author: jfoscoding Date: 09/23/2005

Sample for ToolStripManager.Merge

Concepts Before delving into ToolStripManager there are a few concepts to get under your belt Target...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 09/20/2005

Frequently asked Windows Forms questions at the PDC

What's new for Windows Forms 2.0? There is an entire section of the Windows Forms.NET website...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 09/19/2005

Writing custom popup controls

Orangy asks: Hello, thanks for nice articles. Could you please write one about creating...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 09/18/2005

Working with cantankerous controls in VS 8.0

Ben talks about working with custom controls that can crash VS, and how to delete the .suo file to...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 09/18/2005

How NOT to start an application without showing a form =)

The notify icon article started out because I realized, even internally that the best practice for...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 09/18/2005

Hmm, I wonder what Brian is showing off at the PDC?

Brian is blogging again - yeah! And it's all about the PDC. I'm wondering what he's going to show...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 09/09/2005

Tips for Debugging into System.Windows.Forms (and other managed code)

There are just some times when it is super handy to see when function X on the base class has been...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 09/05/2005

What kind of whitepaper are you interested in?

Shawn is real keen on getting the Windows Forms dev team's pencils, uh... keyboards going on writing...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 09/02/2005

Bring your Windows Forms questions to PDC!

Shawn, Ben, Andrew, Mike and I as well as some of the rest of the windows forms team will be there -...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 09/02/2005

Articles as seen on jfo's coding

Here's a summary of the kinds of topics we've trudged through together: Windows Forms 2.0Getting...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 08/31/2005

Keeping yourself out of trouble using SystemEvents

Why do we need both SystemEvents.UserPreferenceChanging and SystemEvents.UserPreferenceChanged? The...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 08/30/2005

ComboBox OwnerDraw in 5 minutes

A question came up the other day about how to add a separator to a ComboBox, and unfortunately the...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 08/26/2005

Full code for ComboBox OwnerDraw

using System;using System.Drawing;using System.Collections;using System.ComponentModel;using...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 08/26/2005

Starting an application without showing a form

There were a lot of good comments/questions about keeping your UI responsive, if you're interested...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 08/24/2005

Shawn on the difficulties of shipping

Quite often, I kid around with my fellow developers when faced with a tough design tradeoff....

Author: jfoscoding Date: 08/16/2005

It's not you, it's me...

Sheesh ever since we've switched over to the new blogging stuff, I haven't really had the time to...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 08/15/2005

Chuck starts blogging...

I've been following Chuck's blog, but I just feel it's not fair to keep it all to myself... [ one |...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 08/13/2005

Painting best practices

Be not afraid…I’m not a very good artist. I remember the first and last time I was recognized for my...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 08/12/2005

Dock layout/Using the Splitter control

Don’t feel bad if you haven’t gotten it yet… it requires a PHd in Dock and Anchor layout to...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 08/12/2005

Overriding Control.Controls

If you're writing a custom control, it's nice to be able to lock off the controls collection from...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 08/12/2005

When, How, Where and Why to use Dispose

Dispose, Part 1What does that pesky Dispose(bool disposing) method do for me?On a blank form, you’ll...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 08/12/2005

So what IS the difference between the Resize and the SizeChanged events?

Believe it or not absolutely nothing. One method calls the other. However because the latter is...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 08/12/2005

Keeping your UI Responsive and the Dangers of Application.DoEvents

What’s the difference between Application.Run and Application.DoEvents? Application.Run continually...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 08/06/2005

More than you want to know about Mouse Input

Someone recently asked for an end-to-end article on mouse handling, just like the keyboard handling...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 07/28/2005

How do I get my control/form to open up in code view by default?

Everyone knows the IDE solution: make the code editor the default editor by right clicking on the...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 07/21/2005

Why don’t my fonts get bigger when I go Large Font?

It all stems back to a rather unfortunate implementation of Control.DefaultFont. Raymond talked a...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 07/12/2005

Changing the behavior of the Help Button

If you're playing around with the Visual Studio 2005 Beta 2, you'll notice the appearance of a help...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 06/21/2005

Updating your RichTextBox safely

I’ve gotten a few more questions about this after the brief mention about the RichTextBox threading...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 05/26/2005

Control.Invoke hangs on multiproc machines

Jack asks: I couldn't find where to post the comment for the cross threading problem. While the...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 05/19/2005

Whidbey help for multithreading woes: CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls

A somewhat common programming error is to directly call back onto a piece of UI when you’re on the...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 05/12/2005

WM_NCHITTEST and Resizable ToolStripDropDowns

Jim asks: Do you know of a way to make the ToolStripDropDown resizable by the user, similar to what...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 04/20/2005

Why is STAThread required?

Over the top of your Main method, you may have noticed this funny decoration: [STAThread]static void...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 04/07/2005

Getting the "blue" themed border color

"What color can I use for borders - InactiveCaption is close, but doesnt work in Silver?"...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 03/31/2005

Handling a layout event

I was asked today the correct way to size a panel with a label in it. The panel is a header for a...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 03/30/2005

Suggestions for making your managed dialogs snappier

Diagnosing Performance Problems with Layout So you’ve built up your complex form, and starting it or...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 03/04/2005

Getting ComboBox to show a TreeView (Whidbey)

I tend to shy away from Whidbey only discussions here, but I've been asked a couple times how to get...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 03/03/2005

Windows Forms FAQ - Embraced and Extended

Mike talks about the new FAQ tab on Windows Forms.NET. This includes most the content from the...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 02/04/2005

Access to Windows Forms 2.0 source code

Shawn asks, is access to comment-free source code enough? Let him know how you feel about the...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 02/03/2005

A class for helping track down GDI leaks

Finding leaks This article describes the various methods for tracking down GDI and User handle...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 02/03/2005

Probably more than you want to know about keyboarding in Windows Forms….

The reason why keyboard handling is so complex, is because, well it’s just complex. Before a control...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 01/24/2005

New features to C# in Whidbey

Came across this older article, while looking up details on the new pragma keyword, covering some of...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 01/20/2005

Custom Controls in Windows Forms - Part 7 Advanced Size Management (SetBoundsCore)

Recap We've been building a very basic windows forms control together through the month of December....

Author: jfoscoding Date: 01/04/2005

History of bools and p/invoke

Raymond has an interesting post on the history of boolean across different APIs. Because each...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 12/24/2004

Creating a custom control in winforms - Part 6: Testing!

Continuing on from last time... Now that we've got Painting, Mouse handling up to speed, it's time...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 12/17/2004

Creating a custom control in Winforms - Part 5 Default Values for interesting datatypes

Specifying interesting datatypes in the DefaultValue attribute Ok so last time we got off easy with...

Author: jfoscoding Date: 12/13/2004

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